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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

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SLAP!! Myhead was knockedback down tothe bed byanother blow.

"I wantto tell yousomething, something thati'm sure youhad no ideaabout. But youhave to promisenot to laughat me."

Theywere nerds. Thus,they were smartand became millionaires.Nope. Gil made35,000 a yearas an accountant.* * ** *

Stern andmenacing, my lover,my Master, risesabove me, strippinghis clothing quickly and kneeling betweenmy trembling thighs.


Myerection amused allthe girls. Itwas huge, andnot helped whenTitian's Mother knelt in front ofme, to inspectit all. Shetook the hoodinto her mouth,and nibbled itdivinely.

On this nightI had decidedto let Heather'sDad fuck her.He is inhis mid 70'sand kept tellingme how hehasn't had sexin 6 years.He and Ioften discussed mywife's sexual prowessand I hadon several occasionsshared pictures ofher naked bodywith him throughemail. He isvery open sexuallyand talked abouthis daughter often.I had takena few picturesof Heather andI having sex before and sharedthem with himalso. They alwaysseemed to turnhim on.

Now,mind you, thiswas not tasteful,erotic footage. No,this was deepinto raunchy, andpoorly produced, atthat. You know,where the overdubbedaudio moaning isout of syncwith lip movements,the same clipis repeated overand over, andyou can seethe camera's reflectionin mirrors andwindows. I findsuch films humorousmore than anythingelse.

"Nice, Susan,I just warnedyou about attackingme and that'sthe first thingyou do! ButI'll answer youanyway... Hell no,Susan. I wasterribly wrong, andwas going throughall kinds ofhell before Igot home. I'ddecided confessing mysin wouldn't helpyou. It wasa one-time thingand while itmight cure meof the guiltsif I toldyou it wouldjust upset you.Since it wasnever going tohappen again Ifigured it wasbest that Iwas the onlyone that suffered."Pete sat slouched forward on theedge of thecouch, elbows onhis knees withhis hands danglingdown between them."I was hopingyou would neverfind out aboutit, but ifyou did Iknew you wouldrake me throughthe coals. Youaren't a screamerbut I expectedyou to breakthat habit ifyou found out.Truthfully, I wassure you wouldn'tfind out. Iwas planning tospend the restof my lifemaking it upto you. Iwas right aboutyou not beinga screamer. Younever said anotherword about whatI had doneafter telling meyou knew aboutit."

"Patti! Patti Cielo.She's in yourshow. She's afriend of mine."she explained, dribblinga little milk.

"You...youmean'd takea...a lover?" Marywas startled. "I...Icould never...ever dothat."

At the sametime I hadbecome apprehensive, Iwanted him topunish me, butI wanted toplease him also,I had steppedover the linewith my blatantteasing, but now,despite his wordsto the contraryI felt thatI had madehim angry.

"O.K.," Ihung up.

"Besides theobvious…" he kissedher softly. "Iwant you tokill someone elsefor me."

"Please, Master,"I begged, tearsblurring my eyes,"This just isn'tturning me onanymore." I wasn'tin the moodfor this kindof thing andI wanted togo home.

She continuedmoaning and pantingas I fuckedher deep andhard and alittle too fast,as I camesooner than Iplanned to. Katecertainly didn't complainas I spurtedrope after ropedeep inside hercunt as shecame again ina shattering orgasm that racked herbeautiful body. Ilay there ontop of heruntil my cocksoftened and slippedout of hercum filled cunt.

Iheaded for theirplace before twoo'clock in theafternoon. All Iwore was ashirt and apair of shorts.I carried anovernight bag withsome toiletries, acouple of bottlesof wine anda half ounce of a Jamaicanred blend thatboasted a swiftand long rush.

WhenMrs. Kitazawa returned,she wore apale blue robe,white socks andsandals identical tohis own. "You'vedone your kimonowrong," she said."Always the leftpart over theright part."

Gabriel suddenlygave the raga good pulland it wasbeing lifted, andwith nothing moreto do aboutit Clara slippedher arms outof the sleevesand quickly crossedher arms overthe perky round breasts on herchest. She stoodthere stupidly withher frail figuretrebling before himand she couldn'thelp but jumpwhen he pokedat her visibleribs, the skinof his handsfeeling soft.

Leroy was ajanitor. The nerdsall had hugecocks like inall my... thatis other writer'sstupid stories onthe web? Wrongagain. Gil's peniswas 6.25" andsomewhat thin likehim. Gene was6" even. Leroydid approach 7",but his obesitynegated 2" ofit. Did thesegenius nerds develop a mind controldevice? Not! Thisis the realworld.

While shesucked, someone wasalways at herholes slurping allthe juices whichwere pouring profusely out of herpussy as shecame in waveafter wave oforgasm. Tank walkedover to meand pulled outhis cock. Itwas enormous, abouteleven inches long and two incheswide with ared heart tattooed on the head."I want youto get agood look atthe cock thatis going togive your sweetslut the bestfucking she's everhad!" I struggledto escape butit was nouse.

Leaning down Iwhisper: "Glad tosee you aren'twearing good clothes!"

Shewas chewing theinside of hercheek and Aidanrealized how nervousshe was. Wasit him thatmade her souncomfortable? He'd neverexperienced anyone asunsure of themselvesas she wasand he couldn'tunderstand it.

The twogirls were layingin bed, chatting,a common thing for all ofus to do.Carla, who canbe forceful attime, grabbed meand yanked meinto bed, causingme to fallover both girls.They were definitelyin a goodmood. I saidsorry to Melissa,but she justlaughed a reply.

Aftera few minutesshe lifted atit to hermouth and begansucking on hernipple.

"Yes, fool!The key!"

Laura stoodup, turned Candy so she wasfacing a largeseamstress' table andeased her towardsit. Reaching thetable, she slowlypushed her faceand chest downto the table,leaving her sweetfanny extended back towards her. Laurabegan massaging thewoman's back gently.She moved slowly,tenderly, making certainto cover everyinch of herback, all thewhile pressing hernaked pussy intoCandy's scantily covered ass.


Snow White wasreassured by thedwarf's kindness, althoughhe looked somonstrous behind thethick lenses ofhis spectacles, andshe gushed forthin a torrentof tears ofgratitude which servedboth to cleanher face andto make herlook more wretched."Thank you, kindsir. You're generosityand kindness issurely more thanI truly deserve.I have beenwrongfully used, butI am surethat you willnot be somonstrous as totreat me socriminally."
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