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Saturday, November 17, 2007

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She didas he askedand started toturn to faceaway from him,but he turnedher back around.He had towatch her face,this face thathe had watched,cleaned, kissed for19 years. Theface that heloved so much.The face thathe had watchedas a baby,his baby, asa small girl,and now abeautiful, sexy youngwoman, a womanof his making,his daughter, whowas about toplace herself onceagain on hisrigid shaft sothat they couldshare We soongot pretty tired,though. We hadgotten used togoing to bedat ten everynight, so byone am, wewere ready forbed. After tellingmy sister thatI was goingto sleep, Igot up andwent to bed.A few minuteslater, I heardAmy go inher own bedroom.Dentists rest assured:we brushed ourteeth before!

Simone said nothing, but asmile filled withcontentment was plasteredon her lovelyface.

I lower mylips to yourear sucking thelobe into mymouth, enjoying theaffect it hason your body.

Ilet her decidewhen she wasready. She startedrocking up anddown, finding arhythm she liked.Her body glistened in the sun.Her head fellback. Sweat dripped from her nipples.She made onlysmall noises. Grunts,moans, never words.

Jasonsat on thebed, a lovelyqueen-size mattress witha pillow-top, runninghis hands overmy tight ass.I quivered ashe slid hishands up underneathmy minidress, feelingmy ass contractunder his touch,moaned as heslid to hisknees and beganto lap atthe crotch ofmy panties. Thisis what I'vebeen waiting for,I told myself,a masterful man.

Alternatingnow between herarse & cuntwith my tongueit felt likeI was beginningto drown inher love juices & the humidatmosphere; struggling forbreath I pushedon her righthip, but thehorny bitch onlypushed back downto trap mytongue deep inside her pussy asshe poured herselfdown my throat,trapping my headtightly between herthighs to smotherme completely inher gushing crack.Left with noalternative but todrink or drown,I naturally optedfor the former& began tofuck her steamingcunt with mytongue as Irubbed her cliton my chin.A squirt oflove cream filled my mouth &her body writhedupon mine toforce my nosedeeper within herstreaming crease, inhalingher juices asI drank herdown while sheworked over mycock in afrenzied rhythm toget at thespunk seething forrelease in myballs which bouncedon her chinwith each downstroke of hermouth, possessing mewith no

"Well,it wasn't totallydry. There wereabout six orseven guys thatI jerked offat various times during those years.In fact, Idid it forJamie later thatsummer – inthe bathroom whereI had firstseen him. Andthere were others."

Shelaughed, "Mrs. McCloudmake you watch'Fatal Attraction' beforeshe let youon the road?"

Hervoice was softthis time.

"Get yourfingers out ofthe way," Ihissed.

Michael, that's exactlywhat's on mymind. I wasso scared Ihad waited yearsMichael, years foryou to dothat. When youdid I panicked,the next thingI knew Iwas removing yourarm and theentire time saying to myself,' Whatare you doingLiz are younuts?' You know",Liz continued, "Thereare not manythings in mylife I regret,mistakes I madeI think ofmostly as necessarylearning mistakes. Youknow the thingsthat shape usinto who weare today. Regrets,well that isanother story, whenI think backthat night hereon that picnictable, well, thatis something Istill regret tothis day. Ihad the biggestcrush on you,ever since thefirst time Isaw you. Iwas beginning firstgrade and youwere going intofourth."

Father took astep back andwatched mother intently.She clung tothe railing withboth hands wiggling her red assand moving herfeet wider apart.Father took aquick step forward and spreads herass cheeks withhis hands. Whenhis cock foundher entrance hefroze. We hada perfect viewfrom the side.

"Mom! Dad! Wegotta talk uphere," Barry yelledfrom his roomto his parents.


"Jake, you thinkthere's any way,any way atall we canbe friends again?I know thedamage to whatwe had isbig, bigger thenI probably evenrealize, but isthere a shot?"


Justthen, my penisswelled and filledwith cum asI shot mysemen deep intoRoxanne's waiting pussy.She crooned withdelight as Ifilled her withmy hot manhood and she thendismounted me.

"Then Icould feel howwet my pussywas, Max. Ididn't even touchit or anything,I could justfeel how hotand moist mypanties were. Ihad to startclenching my musclesand moving myhips around...all fromthinking about youand your hardcock. So, doyou know whatI did? Doyou want toknow, Max? Max,put your handswhere I cansee them. No,Max, I saidwhere I cansee them, noton me andnot on you...outsidethe covers. Thankyou. Where wasI? Oh yes,my panties weremoist and I'mgyrating my hipsand I desperatelyneed release, Steve.I couldn't driveanymore in thestate I wasin, but therest areas wereso crowded withfamilies and such.I tried tohold out, Max,really I did,but my pussyhad another agenda.I tried topush these thoughtsout of mymind, but themore I didthat the morevivid they became.It was clearas day; you,sitting in yourcomputer chair, scrollingdown my story,your cock strainingagainst your pants.Oh, God, Ican hardly standto think ofit now, Max,you undressing forbed with yourrock hard cock,sensitive and untouched,swollen and responsiveeven to theair. Oh, Max,it made mefeel so naughtyto be drivingand fooling aroundwith myself. Doyou want toknow what Idid next, Max?"

Virginiasqueezed her otherhand under hisbelly, reached thestiff muscle andheld it lengthwaysin her palm.She gave anexaggerated gasp.

She openedthe screen doorand stepped backinside the house.It was anolder home, builtin the early1900's, but shehad it remodeledto add allthe conveniences shehad enjoyed inher city high-risecondominium. Still, shekept much ofthe original woodworkand basic design,appreciating the fineworkmanship and hand-craftingthat had beenput into it.

"Later,baby. I've gota good run going."

She could onlyreply with anothermoan as thesucking and fuckingcontinued. Finally shebegan to begfor more. "Fuckme Sanchez, fuckme you damnplant, I wantohhhhh I wantmore ahhhhh moreeeee!"

I could seemy distended nipples,the bright flushon my cheeks,the light glistenon the wetnessof my thighs,I knew theanswer he wanted,and he wasright.

Elsie shook her head dumbly,unable to eventhink of forcingthe words out.It was justtoo embarrassing. Connorleant forward tograb the wineand topped upher glass aswell as pouringone for himself."Is it aboutthe spanking thing?"he asked.

"Oh, yeah,keep pushing Ted,"Pete moaned.

Hearing myname brought meout of mydaze. "Hmmm? What?"I said.

"Umhumh," Imoaned as Isucked. My handreached for herswampy cunt. Damn!She sure wasright about thatproblem. It reallyturned me onto think thatI had beenat least partiallyresponsible for hercondition. My hopesfor the weekendsoared.

I stopped andlooked at her."You know, youwere a greatfuck."

I asked her,"So how? How?"

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