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Friday, November 23, 2007

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I putmy hands nowon her heatedarse and fromthere started liftingher lungi veryslowly. I deliberatelydid this withsuch slowness thatshe was whiningin desperation. Bynow her bodywas secreting fromalmost all possibleparts. Her mouthwas dripping, sweatfrom all thelimbs, and alsoher pussy Isuppose which Ihad not reachedto as yet.Once the lungiwas fully raisedI was pleasedto with hercolour combinations. Underthe lungi washer fiery red panty the materialof which waslike "Loni, Isaw what youdid for thatjeep." It wasWoman Breaker! Aglance in myrearview showed hisrig right onmy back bumper!

Yourbasic vibrator willbe made ofhard plastic. Itwill run onone or twodouble AA batteries.It will probablylook like anelongated bullet orlike a smallone with acord and controllercoming out ofit. The longones tend tohave their controlat the bottom,something you twistto control theintensity of vibrations.The ones withcontrols have up/downswitches, generally speaking.They get thedesired results. However,keep in mindthat this isa basic vibe.It will probablylast anywhere between3 months anda year, dependingon how muchyou use itand what kindof care yougive it.

"Uhhhhgggggggg…" camefrom deep withSarah as mycock sank intoher ass.

"Yes," sherepeated. "Prove it!"

The fucking wassoon too intensefor Michelle andshe arched up,head back, handson her thighs.Hot cum sprang from her slendercock, the motionsand pressure ofthe dildo causing her to ejaculatewithout any touchingof her cock.She fell backinto my armsas I easedthe dildo fromher abused young hole. I heldher there, softlykissing this amazingyoung girl.

My momthen whispered "Sweetie,lick it offthe head withyour tongue."


"No,not as longas you easeup some" shesaid softly.

"Yes,please fuck me."I groaned. Hebegan to enterme, slowly butfirmly. He pushedhis way intome until Icould feel hisballs on myskin. He wasentirely inside ofme. I hadnever done anythingeven close tothis, but itwas wonderful. "Fuckme." I continued.He began tolengthen his strokes,fucking me deeply.

"OK,what do youto drink?" Bethasked while wecontinued to embrace.

The event continued;Layla would notleave Barbara's side.She held Barbara'shand and wouldnot let go,as if shewere claiming ownership.For her part,Barbara merely felt complimented by thebeautiful woman's attentions.Although she detectedthat Layla's interestin her wasmore than merefriendship, Barbara naivelyassumed that Ludlow'spresence indicated herpresent status regarding sexual orientation andavailability.

She tooka few moresips from herdrink and laidher head backin order tolet the sunfully cover hershinny slippery body.Kim was amazedat how difficultit had becometo empty hermind of thethoughts and visionsshe and Rachelin the supplyroom at work.Flashes of thescene would appearbriefly at firstand then itwas as ifthe whole scenewas new allover again. Shecould almost thefeel the handscaressing her breastsas she recalledthe emotion asshe approached theedge. As theimages replayed inher mind sheimpulsively began togently roll hernipples between herfingers and thenshe would graspthem even morefirmly and givethem a firmsqueeze. This manipulationof her nipplesnever failed tosend a nearlyelectric sensation right straight to hercore. She couldfeel herself gettingeven wetter downthere as shecontinued to lavishin the sensationof her handson her breastsas she visualizedthe scene withRachel. She letone hand trailoff down belowas the otherstayed busy withher slippery tits.She recalled howshe and Rachelhad been nearlywithout restraint inthe supply room,how they hadkissed and embracedand how fantasticthey both hadmade each otherfeel.

Cock sizehas never beenimportant to me.What I havehas always satisfiedme and noneof the girlsI managed tobed ever laughedat me orrefused to goout with meagain. Based onwhat I haveseen in lockerrooms I believethat while braggingrights are outof the questionI've no reasonto develop acomplex. My guessis that Iam about average.Why this littlediscourse on cocksize? It isbecause my wifehas recently becomeaware that thereare much largercocks out therein the worldand the subjectseemed to fascinateher. I foundthis out onenight when wewere getting readyfor bed andshe was rollinga condom onme.

"I will,"I said. "I'llstay in youas long asI can. Yourass feels sogood around mycock."
Istood, holding myselfinside him fora long time.Finally, my cockhad softened tothe point thatit wouldn't stayinside him. Itpopped out ofhis ass witha slight plop and my comestarted running downhis legs. Istepped back tolet him standand when hedid, without closinghis legs, hereached down andscooped some ofmy come offhis leg, puttingit in hismouth.

Max turned bright red. While hecouldn't deny hisnervousness, he wasacutely uncomfortable thatmy wife hadvoiced it. "I'llstart, how's that?"he said. Angiepassed the bowlto him, andMax grabbed thefirst two slipsof paper fromthe bowl. "OK,"he said, depositingone slip back into the bowl."What's your favoritething your spousedoes?" he read."Tracy does thisthing where shelicks my—" hetrailed off, andquickly took anothersip of wine.

Pennywas her bestfriend. She hadbeen for sincethey were inElementary School together.If she couldtrust anyone tohelp her, Pennywould. At firstit seemed thatPenny wouldn't sayanything. Finally sheasked", what areyou going todo."

They stoppedat the edgeof the crowdand two girlsremoved her shoesand sox, whiletwo more heldher arms. Onegirl lifted herskirt high, whilethe head cheerleaderslowly slid herpanties off, exposingher charms tothe cheering teams.Then the restof her clotheswere removed, andthey then ledher to thepommel horse tomore cheers andwhistles.

a net, exceptin the pussyarea. I snappedoff the lungiin an instantto get anadorable view ofher gorgeous image.This fresh youngvirgin teenage girl,with her remarkablyfair complexion, standingin her mostexquisite black bra and fire red panty! What asight. "Thank youSatan for creatingsuch a criminal"I thought tomyself. I helpedher undo myshirt buttons withher own handsand then alsomy pyjamas. Iwas not wearingany underwear soshe saw mydick for thefirst time alreadyturned sticky withall the cummingcaused by herseduction. I turnedher around withher back facing me and undidthe hooks ofher bra, brushingthe straps ofit off hershoulders.

" Where thefuck do youthink you're goingbitch." I screamedat her.

Taylorreached over andgrabbed the emptyrum bottle fromthe nightstand. Hehad fantasized aboutputting the largeglass phallus inside Kendra for weeksnow, but shehad always laughedoff the propositionwhen he mentionedit to her.He loved theidea of fuckingKendra without losingcontrol in themidst of hisown sensations thatshe gave himwhile they werehaving sex. Plus,he wanted tosee how shewould respond tothe bumpy contoursof the glass,and just howfar he couldpush the lengthof the bottleinto her pussy.

Wesat down, Jakeand Emma onthe couch, meon one ofthose chairs thatwomen seem toaccumulate but mencan hardly getcomfortable in. Iwasn't sure howto do this.

Movingslowly downwards, Ikissed the tipof his swollenhead, flicking mytongue over it,I could tastea bit ofsoap and knewthat he hadshowered not longbefore I hadcome out ofthe Jacuzzi.

His kissesbegan to coverher neck, touchingnerves she hadpreviously been unawareof. His handsraced his mouth,moving from hershoulders to herhips and backto her breasts.A fleeting moment of lucidity left Linda uttering asilent prayer ofgratitude to theVictoria's Secret Catalog(specifically the royalblue bra andpanties set onpage 5). Hisface was buryingitself in thedeep vee ofher neckline now,his hands caressing and kneading theglobes positioned sonicely within Victoria'sfinest satin. Astestament to theflexibility and giveof things, hisfingers had littletrouble finding hernipples, growing morefirm and attentiveby the moment.With the firstpinch, a moanbegan from deepwithin her; escapingwith her breath,loud enough togenerate notice byanyone on thethird floor.

"Why's theyscared? I ain'tgonna do nothin'to 'em lessenthey wants meto."

"Did you andhe ever..."

When ourbreakfast was finishedand we beganto drink ourjuice, I sawmom look atme out ofthe corner ofmy eyes. Eventhough sitting atthe far endof the tablefrom me, Icould see theoutline of hernipples through herthin robe, teasingme with somethingI seemed tonot have permissionto touch, ortaste. My heartwas racing amile a minutejust as mythoughts raced.

Kim triedto relax -but terror grippedher. Then thepain, the burningpain, the searingpain as hebroke the skin.The cut wasvery small, notmore than aquarter of aninch in length,and not verydeep. But inthat sensitive place it burned ashot as thefires of hell.

Thisstory may notbe reproduced inany form forprofit without thewritten permission ofthe author.

Her ex?husbandhad been veryfond of analsex and Saimahad grown usedto it inthe thirteen months of her marriage.The first interestshown by Anwarin her butthole had seenher expertly getinto the bestposition, for assfucking; much toAnwar's pleasant surprise.

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