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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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About thistime Kelly arrived at the cluband made herway inside. Shehad been tothe club manytimes and knewher way around.In no timeshe had foundJames.

Mrs. Cain,Mrs. Cain, Ijust kept running it over inmy mind. Apparentlyshe was married,although I hadto know forsure. I supposedit would beeasiest if Ijust followed herhome one day.Then I'd knowwhere she lived,His mind raced.What a question.What can Isay? I can'tsay she issupposed to beeasy and Icame looking fora fuck. "Theytold me sheliked winners," hestammered as hedropped his eyesto the floor,embarrassed at thequestion and hisanswer.

"I promise," wasall she said,but I knewI could trustthose words better than sworn oaths.

Immediately, Michael's alreadystiffening shaft increased from seven andone eighth inchesto at leastten, in hisown mind. Juliewatched him outof the cornerof her eyeand noticed theglaze of lustcome over him.She knew wellthat his wasseven and oneeighth inches butindeed wondered howbig it hadgrown in hispersonal fantasy.

Hishand found hercunt warm andwet. Christine whimpered,still unfamiliar withbeing touched there.His gentle fingers explored her softpussy lips andglided into herhole with slipperyease. She moanedand spread herlegs as wideas the barwould allow.

Our anniversarywas coming upand Rita andI decided togo out forclubbing on aFriday night. Ritawas wearing avery nice black dress that isquite revealing, witha very lowcut front thatshows off hercleavage nicely. Totop it off,she wore avery lacy sheerbra that ifone look closely,one could seea faint ofher dark nipples and a matchingg string lacepanties that mademy hormones work overtime and immediatelygave the attentionthat my cockhad desired.

I felther cunt clenchingdown on meas she reachedthis point inthe story andknew she wasimagining it inher mind. Iwas too. "Sothat's where yougot the idea..."I murmured, tryingnot to moanas her slitrocked up anddown my shaft."Well, kind of,but also whenwe were inthe bathroom atone point, Melissamade a commentto me aboutyour dick."

"Findinginspiration." He wasleaning against thedoorjamb, just likeI had earlier.His hand drifteddown to hisboxers, where Isaw a bulge.I licked mylips and staredfirst at it,then his face."How long haveyou been standingthere?"

She turned and,with hips swayingprovocatively, strode fromthe room asher high heels clicked on thefloor tiles. I'dalways associated thesound of clickingheels on ahard floor withsex, ever sinceAbigail had teasedand tormented meone evening earlyon in ourcourtship all thoseyears ago. Shehad tied meto a chairin the oldkitchen in herparents' cottage andhad spent theentire evening posing and strutting aroundin front ofme dressed almostexactly as shewas now. She'dexacerbated the tortureby using firsther fingers andthen a largegirthed candle onher increasingly sodden sex. By thetime she'd untiedme I wasas randy asa dog withtwo cocks andI'd cum hugely inside her aftera frantic, short-lived,but very hotfuck.

"A friend onmine at theoffice mentioned thathe had seenLisa with aguy he didn'tknow in Applebee'son the Mondayafter your accident."

ThenKaren did somethingthat sent herpassion soaring. Sheleaned over andher ruby lipsparted and shetook her Mother'shard nipple andsucked it. God,it felt sowonderful.

Jill whimpered asshe gnawed analready-sore fingertip. Butterfliesgalloped in hertummy and madeit ache evenmore. In theback of hermind, she knewit wasn't theflu. She knewwhy she feltthe way shedid, and she'dread enough ofDevlin's stories tosuspect how heplanned to makeher feel better.The thought ofhim 'helping' herfeel better wasrepellent, yet atthe same timestrangely attractive.

Richard beganplaying with himself,watching as hisbrother's dick started to swell inhis niece's hungrymouth. Bobbing herhead, the insatiablegirl reached herfingers down tobegin playing withher pussy whileshe sucked.

Youarrived at 6and we satdown for ourhome cooked meal.I had takenspecial pains tomake everything perfect.We ate andthen went outto the stables.The moon wasfull and theground was blanketedwith snow. Isaddled up mymare and offwe went. Youwere behind meand had yourarms around me.The whole ridewas everything Idreamed. We bothwere feeling theheat from ourbodies the motionof the ridekept you rubbingup against myback side. Iwas totally turnedon. We rodefor what seemedlike hours.

"What's this?"She touched thepaper gingerly, almostafraid to lookinside.

With a conspiratorialwink and whisperhe leaned inand said "Besidesshe's had thehots for yousince we werein college together."

"Okay, then here'smy idea," saidCindy. The planwas simple. Eachwife would takea turn enjoyingthe unrestricted servicesof the otherthree husbands foran entire day,while her ownspouse would bedoing as hewished with theremaining three wives."We'll just rotate around until everyonehas had achance to havethe services ofthree guys atonce." The fourfriends smiled.

Bobbi seemedlike she wasin a worldof her ownas she reachedone hand downto her clitand began torub her littlelove button. Icould feel herwhole body stiffenas her vaginaland anal musclescontracted in orgasmaround my probingfingers. From somewheredeep in herthroat, a cat-likepurring moan began to flow frombetween her clenchedteeth. "Ooooohhh youdo that sowell. I feelso weak Icould almost faint."

"Myhusband enjoys watching me with othermen," Darla continued."Don't get thewrong idea, oursex life isgreat and weare deeply inlove with eachother, he justenjoys watching meplease other men,and enjoying myselfas well."

and could watchthe place tosee if infact there wasa Mr. Cain.It had tobe easier thanbreaking into theschool files that'sfor sure. Ialso figured thisearly in theschool season shewouldn't have aclue as towhether or notI should betraveling in thesame direction andlocation as she,and thus mymind was madeup.

"It doesn't haveto be. Youare welcome touse the privacyof my gardenif you want.Just let meknow and Iwill keep awayif you wish.Just be whoyou want tobe these twoweeks and dowhatever you wantto do."


Releasing yourhands at last,he withdraws histongue and mouthand lifts himselffrom you, takingthe opportunity togently squeeze anexposed breast. Throughhalf-open eyes, youwatch as heshifts to asitting position, hishands on yourhips to pullyou into position,yet his sexnever disengages fromyours. Carefully, youtuck your legsunderneath you, kneelingas you straddlehis thighs, andrise up withyour hands flaton the grassbeneath you tosupport yourself asyou gaze deeply,mesmerized, into hisstormy eyes.

Buthe wasn't jealous.Every once ina while, hecould get apiece of thepie. The Lakersnot only broughta lot ofmoney to thecity, but alsoa lot ofsex.

I had topull myself awayand get tothe boat. Quickly,I untied theropes and pushedthe boat outinto the water.I reached campand had allof our gearpacked when Susiecame bounding outof the trees.I will neverforget the glowon her faceas she smiledsmugly and said,"See, I toldyou I'd beable to distractthem."

But assexy ideas wereracing through hermind she foundher whole bodybecoming more andmore aroused andknew she hadto make loveto her husbandnow, as shehad parked hercar on thedrive she hadnoticed that herhusband was inthe garage. Quicklyshe went upstairsand removed herwork clothes andslipped into oneof her favouritesexy outfits whichconsisted of awhite lace basque,matching white thong and shiny stockings.She went backdown stairs put her long workcoat on andwent into thegarage.

Once I wasback in myroom I rangroom service andleft a requestfor an earlywake up call,then packed ready for an earlydeparture next morning.

The further theygo up thehill, the wetterit becomes andtheir footing becomesslippery. A fewsteps further, Coreyslips and fallsdown, his clothesa muddy mess.

"Anything else?" askedMike.

"It is possiblethat Doctor Jacksonis suffering fromschizophrenia," Doctor Mackenzie announces. "The symptomsthat he isdisplaying match alltoo well."

Later thatafternoon Marla foundthe missing file and called theDistrict Attorney's officeto inform Rick.His secretary took the call. "Sorry,he's still incourt. I'll leavea message onhis desk."

I watchhim over myshoulder trying tocatch his eye,but he deliberatelyavoids my gaze.His eyes areon my boundarms, watching hisown fingers glide up and downthe puffy little mounds created wherethe tie issinking into myflesh.

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