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Thursday, November 22, 2007

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Denny came down smiling fromear to ear.Lacy stood looking at him andhe smiled ather while hetold me "YoungRandy is screwingLinda and Lindais licking apretty little girl'spussy." Lacy puckerup her lipsto day somethingbut it chockedin her throat.Maybe Lacy wasnot use tosuch language ormaybe she didnot like hergrandson screwing ourother adult guest.Denny noticed herstammering and wenton as ifA look passed between them beforeDrew answered. "Wewant to playa game."

"Fuck you,"I ground outthrough a rawdry throat. "Letme loose," Idemanded.

The float called"A County Christmas"looked as ifsomeone had openedthe attic windowand tipped thehouse over, spillingits contents ontoa hay wagon.There was everymanner of gaudylawn ornament known to man stuffedhaphazardly into greatpiles of cottonbatting. Plastic snowmenleaned on plywoodSantas. Plaster reindeer stood in drunkenlyreeling lines, andgarden gnomes trying desperately to passthemselves off aselves hunched besidehastily decorated shrubs that looked asif they hadbeen pulled atrandom from people'syards as thefloat made itsway over tothe parade grounds.In fact, theentire float looked that way. Perhapsthere were someirate neighborhoods thathad been ransackedand pillaged bythis parade-route pirateship.

Seth leanedforward. The firsttouch of hislips and tongueon my arousedcunt sent ajolt of pleasurethrough my body.He found myhard little clitty with the tipof his tongueand lapped againstit with quicklittle jabs. Igrabbed his headwith both hands.His tongue wasjust too much,too fast. Ipushed his headback and lookeddown into hiseyes and said,"Slowly, baby, lickme all overand take itslow."

"You're most welcome.Anytime, Gail, anytime."Beverly looked atmy rock hard erection and backat my faceand smiled broadly."I don't thinkJoe minds either."

Shescooted a chairback from thetable and setit next tothe bag. Shesat down andcrossed her legs."Okay then." shesaid with asmile that senta quiver throughmy rock-hard cock."Strip." Her eyesmoved over mychest and shouldersas I unbuttonedthe shirt, lettingit fall tothe ground. Ikicked off myshoes and socks,and then unbuttonedthe jeans. Hereyes rested onmy crotch asI worked myway down thefly and pushedthe jeans off.stepping out ofthem, I stoodbefore her completelynaked. Her eyeswere glued tomy erect penis,and her facewas flushed, lipsslightly parted. Withouttaking her eyesoff me, shereached down intoher bag andpulled out abottle of lubeand tossed itto me. Icaught it, andsat down ina chair acrossfrom her, squirtinga little ofthe lube intomy hand. Adrop of precumhad already appearedat the tipof my dick.

"What's so funny?"I asked him.

"That'sit little slut,cum for me,be my littleslut," Teddy whisperedsoftly, his fingersworking carefully yetfaster still. Mirandacried out, gaspingfor air asher mind andbody exploded withsuch intense orgasmicrelease. As thetremors subsided Teddy held her close."That's my girl,I want yourbody all niceand loose now.Just lay downhere quietly,' hesaid softly laying her face downonto the bed.

Listeningto them Lilahad to stiflea gasp. Nowit was herturn to bethrilled at theidea of seeingforbidden flesh. Shehad enjoyed showingher tits andpussy to herbrother, now shewanted to seehis body, especiallyhis cock. Andshe had thefeeling that ifhe agreed toplay the Chambers'version of thekissing game, shemight be doinga lot morethan looking athim.

"No, notuntil I getto see youdance."

"What are yougoing to do?"

"Howdo you wantto… you know…"

"Iguess you'd beover my kneeon a regularbasis."

"You'll take everythingI have togive you...."

"You mustbe going outof your mindby now, butisn't it agood feeling tobe absolutely filled with an orgasmbefore you haveeven ejaculated? Cumfor me baby,I'm waiting foryou, let's cumtogether. You andme baby. Iwant to tasteyour cum, giveit all tome."

"Open youmouth," said Webster,his voice littlemore than awhisper as heplaced his handson either sideof Anna's mouth.Ever since yesterdaywhen Kelvin hadtold him whathad happened withMiss Smith hehad wanted thesame, he hadwanted to feelhis dick inher mouth. Webstershuffled closer, theswollen head ofhis cock pressingagainst Anna's lips.Anna immediately complied,her mouth openingwide and acceptingWebster's twitching cockbetween her lipswithout protest. Webstergroaned loudly ashis hard cockwas encased inher wet mouth and she immediatelybegan to gentlysuck.

Edward groaned andtwined his fingersin Sera's hair.His grip tightening on the backof her head,his hips thrusting his cock deeperdown her virginthroat. Sera moaned as Edward's hipsthrust forward, hishands still onher head, allthe better tofuck her facewith. Her moanreverberated down throughthe Captain's cockand he beganto quicken thepace and deepenhis strokes downher throat. Herarms curved aroundhis legs, cuppinghis ass inher hands andhelping to pullhim down herthroat.

nothingwas wrong. Godhe is atease some times."I think Iwill get achance to fuckher later. Shesure has anice ass." Heleaned close andsaid "But notas nice anass as youmy dear." Isaid "Now rememberI want towatch." Lacy gulpedher drink andpoured herself another.The other kidswere all righthere in frontof us dancingand drinking slowly.

He watched mestruggle with itfor a moment.I wanted tosay yes, butthe images ofthat last nightkept flooding mymind. Curiously, therage inside Laura that had burstforth that momentin Las Vegashad also broughther out ofthe trancelike fogshe'd been infor so long.I'd gleaned atleast that muchfrom listening toDoctor Jamison.

He beganto push deeperinto my hole.In and out,In and out.Deeper and harder.I wrapped mylegs around hisback. He slidin deeper. Itwas amazing. "Ohyes that feelsgood. I can'tbelieve how goodit feels tohave you insideme. Yes, more.Please more." Hepounded in andout. Deeper andharder. Fucking hisdaughter for allhe was worth.

Lynda'sass feels splendid.It moves inconjunction with thebangings. It isthe best bum fuck he haddone in years.

Sheintroduced herself nervouslythen started tospeak falteringly tomy voicemail service like it wasa behaviour counsellor:

Letme tell youabout my firstintroduction to mywilder sexual side.

"Letme go firstbecause it willtake you longer."I said asI opened mybeer.

Don't get mewrong. Ed andTammy would havegotten married right after graduation anyway.It was justthe timing thatwas the problem.Matt and Igave Ed agreat bachelor party and set aboutfinding someone elsefor the thirdbedroom. We placedan ad inthe school paper and sure enoughthe calls camein the nextday. We hadassumed that ourundiscovered friend wouldbe male, butas things turned out the firstperson who showedup with actualmoney was ashe. And whata she. Hername was Barbaraand she movedin the nextmorning.

At first Marcusobviously was unsurehow I wouldreact to thesituation but wasrelieved when Ireassured him Itold him Idid not mindthat he hadbeen phoning mywife and infact I wouldbe happy forthem to carryon seeing eachother. Without lookinghim in theeye, I alsomade it plainto him thatI enjoyed knowing they were havingsex together.

"Hey,glad to haveyou, Jasmine. Myfather is anxiousto see youagain." I startedto laugh andcovered my mouthwith my hand.

"HiJessica...I'm Darrell...Darrell Sweeney...You'llplayed a greatgame tonight!" Thetowering black kid answered with ahint of slyshyness. "Don't worryabout a phone...that one getsbusted up everynow and thenwhen kids tryto rob it...ithasn't worked allyear...they even stealthe out oforder sign. CoachEvans has aphone though inhis office...I'm surehe wouldn't holda grudge againstone of theMercy cheerleaders...he'll letyou use his,"Darrell continued, smilingas he elicitedJessica's trust.

"Where's thetowel?" She asked,eyes still closed.

Shehad summarized thesituation well.
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