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Friday, November 23, 2007

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I knowI had groundsfor a divorcebut I lovemy wife anddidn't want adivorce. I couldhave braced thembut I couldn'tsee anything goodcoming from that.They could laughat me, hecould easily punch me out, or,maybe worst, shecould leave meas some kindof penance. Isuppose I couldhave called acop, too. ButI didn't wantto.

As we dressedit was likewaking from adream. I feltso uncertain ofmyself. Not becauseI had justfucked a Herhand continued tomove in amore unrestrained motion.Her eyes stayed fixed on thehead watching ittwitch. The lovejuice continued toooze out ofhis dickhead. Therewas something aboutthe clear liquidthat fascinated her.

"Very good. Nowpull up yourskirt."

If you havenever had yourpussy eaten whilebeing fucked bya hard cock,you have missedsomething magnificent. Thereis not anothersensation like it.I think ittakes a womanto do theeating. Most menwon't get theirface that closeto another man'scock. Lilly justpulled her husbandsballs to theside and gother mouth onmy clit whileTerry fucked medoggy style. Isucked Milo offwhile the coupleserviced me. Beforethe night wasover we gotinto most everyposition that fourpeople can getinto. Once, whileTerry and Milodouble fucked me,I ate Lilly'spussy. It wasfull of come,but I didn'tlet that determe. I triedto give heras good asshe had givenme.

He let agroan come fromhis lips, andthen pulled outof her, hestood up, andpositioned her onher knees infront of him.She looked upat him withquestioning eyes.

Shefailed to seehim sitting inthe corner ofthe room whenshe entered. Shelooks at hima bit bewildered.Nervously she sayshi and movestowards him. Hegets up andgives her ahug. She holdson extra tight.

Ireached the baseof his cock,my nose buried in his wirypubic hair. Adamwavered with thesurprise feeling ofhaving his entirecock in mymouth. He hadjust finished giving treats to ourcurrent guests andwhen he said"Happy Halloween" Iheard his voicecrack.

Unbidden, the sensationfrom a fewmoments earlier returned to her mind.The smooth softnessof skin, hermouth, the unyieldingmetal -- Emilyfelt her heartrace even faster,and a strangetension was growingin her belly.Like some feverdream, she bentonce more atthe waist andtook the piercednipple in hermouth. The effecton Teri wasinstantaneous. Her wholebody stiffened, andshe sucked ina shallow breath,letting it outin a thinhigh sound thatEmily could notidentify. Her armsreached out oftheir own volition,one caressing theside of Emily'sbody, the otherwrapping around theback of herneck. She pulledEmily to her,needily, but hershort stature caused Em's mouth tolose contact withher breast. Bothgirls gave asmall disappointed sound,and suddenly theawkward tension wasbroken. Emily wasthe first tostart laughing, andthe release ofshame and worrywas enchanting. Terijoined in, stillbreathless, and theyheld each other,giggling like teenagersagain. Suddenly Teri felt Em's handagain, brushing delicatelyalong the barbellin her leftear, then restingbehind the angleof her jaw.She lifted herface to Emily's,her green eyes frank and questioning.

Myeyes opened slowly,questioningly...

"Of courseI did, Ihad to makesure you'd bemine forever. Couldn'trisk letting someoneelse take away what's mine," Dannyreplied as hepulled his cockfrom my pussy.

"Soundslike a goodplan. I amtouched by yourcaring for her,"he says toBrittany. "She hasbeen very valuableto me andshe will alwayshave a placehere. We needto do everythingwe can toease her stress.Now, let's talkabout your rolehere."

Terri lethim go fora moment opening the fly abit wider withboth hands andpulling down. Hisballs popped throughjoining his cockin her gaze.A quick peektold her thetowel was stillin place. Shedidn't have tohold back hersmile or herfascination. Her fingersmassaged his ballsas softly asthe hand thatresumed the massageof his cock.

But he andI are bothmarried and he'sa real conservative,southerner type. Ialways assumed hewas straight asan arrow, too,and that myfantasies were one-sided.Then one dayhe asked mehelp him fixa problem withhis home PCand I gotcurious.

I ammarried, and Ihave nice familyand good familylife. But thereis also mysecond life, verymuch connected tomy corporate relations.

"I said letme help," andshe grabbed myhand and ledme down thehall.


black man,hell no, butbecause I hadjust had myfirst one nightstand. I feltvulnerable and morethan a littlescared of whatI felt Imight become. Butas it turnedout, that eveningwasn't the firstin a longline of onenight stands. Itwas the firstnight of aten month relationship with a manthat could driveme to distraction,who could hurtme more withone look thana punch evercould and yetcould love mein ways Inever dreamed possible.

Fourth Piece

Jacklooked down toher pretty face,seeing a blissfulsmile he knewthat he hadpleased his youngfriend well. "Howwas that? Thinkit'll hold youover until later?"he pulled hissoaked fingers fromher body andmoved them tohis mouth, lickingoff her wonderfuljuices. "Mmmm, sosweet!" he saidgiving her asexy wink withone of hisdark, brown eyes.


"I can't believeyou," she lookedinto his eyesdefiantly, "I can'tbelieve you saidthat."

"You'll help me?Oh please! Pleasedo!"

Stacie had tostop from rollingher eyes. Herewas yet anotherone of them,a young, redneckbitch from upin the hillcountry, dropping herfoxy country butt down on achair opposite Stacie,in Stacie's office.This one wason the scrawnyside, but, still,a sexy number,a green-eyed, lankystrawberry blonde, chewinggum and lookingdumb. And lookingmore than alittle country whorish with that skimpyhalter top ofhers and thoseultra-tight denim cut-offshorts. Stacie knewthese sorts. Shegrew up withthem up inthe north Alabamahill country whereshe was originallyfrom. But shewas cut fromdifferent cloth, ambitiousand college-bound, whilethey were destinedto stay dumband poor. Butin high school they'd mock her,calling her 'stuckup Stacie' justbecause she wantedto go tocollege and becomesuccessful. It didn'thelp that shewas damned good looking too. Nowhere she wasbehind her desk,a bank manager,and there theywere, their handsout looking forloans for themselvesand their dumbass boyfriends orhusbands, or seekingcredit cards withbig limits. Butof course mostof them weredirt poor, hadno credit history,were terrible risks and had littleor nothing toshow in theway of collateral.

"Georgie there isonly one wayto find out,let's look around,"she replied really wanting to findit because Georgewas a greattit kisser. AsI said inthe prior chapterI won't revealthe exact locationof the hidingplace so ifcurrent students arelucky enough tofind it theycan enjoy themselves.After scouting aroundfor half anhour they founda secluded roomthat looked desertedand decided tomake out there.George closed thedoor and Vickiejumped into hisstrong arms.

We playedwith each otherfor about tenminutes and thenhe turned overand started tokiss my lips.Then he rolledover and puthis prick inside me. He wasbetter this timealthough he stillcame in amatter of minutes.I wrapped mylegs around hiships and pretendedto have anorgasm.

He kissed herforehead and beganto tell herthe story ofhow he hadbecome what hewas. She wasshocked to findout just howold he wasbut listened quietly until he wasfinished. He didnot try tohide from herthe monster hehad been. Alessandrowanted Sarah toknow him forwho he was,to know thathe was nosaint. She didflinch at severalpoints in thestory, but managedotherwise to showvery little reaction.She put herhand on hischest. "No heartbeat."Sarah was fascinated,and no longerscared of him.She realized thathe had donebad things butknew somehow insideof her thathe would nothurt her.

"Youok," she asked.

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