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Saturday, November 24, 2007

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I tightenedmy arms aroundher. "Firstly, I'mnot leaving permanently.Secondly, I've hada horn onfor you sinceyou opened thedoor. What doyou think thatis pressing againstyour tummy?"

Upon leaving,in passing Isaid, "see youtomorrow morning."

Ben Sanders,looking haggard, wasbrought in bysheriff's deputies andtook a seatat the defensetable next toDennis Milligan.

"Now, don'tbe that way!Remember, you arethe boss. Anytimeyou feel uncomfortable,let me know,and we willchange things. Allthe guys arehere to helpme set upthe equipment. Theywill leave right before the Julie'svisit that nightwas a learningexperience for Mike.He had neverseen a girl'spussy lips beingspread and afinger inserted. Thenext day, Susancommented it wasa new experiencefor her, too.

Thisstory is inspiredby the realperson character, "Mark".Mark is oftencalled "The HeatSeeking Missile". Women:If your pussyis radiating heat he will findyou. I havepretty good informationon this experience,but some ofthe details aremade up. (Editedto Protect Identities.)

Holyshit, her pussywas like avelvet glove. Molly'swas nice, butthis was amazing.She began tothrust her hips,rolling my cockin and outof her. Igroaned with pleasureinto her mouth,and she brokethe kiss. Shesmiled at me,and then pushedme back, somy head hitthe bed. Imoved to getback up, butshe pushed meback down.

"What areyou doing?" sheheard Todd say,in a completelystartled tone ofvoice. Silly man,she thought, herfingers nimbly undoing his pants andreleasing his dickfrom its confines.Sighing happily sheflicked out hertongue, licking thedrop of precumfrom its tip.Todd moaned aboveher. It waslike her ownsecret little cave of pleasure underneaththe table, shewrapped her handfirmly around thebase of hisdick and openedher mouth, clampingher lips tightly around his shaftjust under thehead. As hissensitive head waspleasured with hertongue, the tipof it invadinghis pee-slit, Toddshuddered and grippedthe sides ofthe table.

The mandropped to hisknees and pushedhis stubbly face against my tenderyoung cunt. Helicked and suckedat me, growlingwith lust ashe did so.

Iclosed my eyes,savoring the sensationof her tightpussy wrapped aroundmy cock likea wet fist,keeping me prisonerin her wettunnel. When Iopened my eyesagain, I moanedat the sightof my daughtersucking on herown breasts, firmlypinching one nipplewhile she suckedon the otherone feverishly. Iraised myself upinside of her,bucking with herand continued tocaress her ass.

Bobmerely began tolaugh heartily, enjoyingher pleasurable distress.Her lips lefther breasts, muchto her disappointment,and made theirway lower, downto her stomach,finally reaching herlovely vagina.

Charmagne arched her back, pressingher breasts tohim as hemoved his mouthto them, lettinghis tongue circle the sensitive nubs.The faint lightfrom the smokealarm sparkled overher where Jacob'ssaliva glistened herskin. He stoodback and gazedat her ashe removed therest of hisclothes. She removedher pants andthen climbed intobed, only removingher panties aftershe was underneaththe covers.

Marie wasnow snuggled nextto Mac basking in the afterglow.

"Ride's free ofcharge," she saidas I bentdown to herwindow. "I gotmore than Ifigured I would,"she said, pointingat her dark-stainedpants. I lickedmy lips andsmiled. "Judge saidyour license issuspended?" she askedas I startedto walk away.I nodded andturned to faceher.

He took meoff his cockat this request,and swung meback around, facingRaven again Iassumed. I moanedmy disappointment.

Sheslowly slid hertongue from myballs to myshaft, over andaround my ridgeand kissed thetip. Within secondsshe completely engulfed the top halfof my cockwith her mouth.One hand stroked the base andher mouth slid up and downover the top.She was herefor me. Icame.

I was dumbfounded…notto mention morethan a littleturned on. Likemost red-blooded males,the thought oftwo women togetheris the ultimatefantasy. This wouldprobably explain howCourtney knew Iwould be awilling participant inthe hot tubparty she hadcoordinated up atthe cabin nottoo long ago.

Annamoans and gyratesher hips aroundapprovingly. She placesher right legon Simon's backas he bendsdown to takea few licksat the sculptor'sclitoris, then turnsto do thesame to her.

Thefollowing morning, Abdul,their guide, waswaiting for themin the hotelreception. Alice haddecided to weara colourful wrap-arounddress that waslight enough forher to beable to standthe high temperature of the market.Her dark suntan accentuated by herlong blonde hair.Danny wore asimple tee-shirt withlight, summer trousers.Both were nowlooking forward totheir expedition. Abduldrove them inhis battered old car through thenarrow, crowded streets.It was hisresponsibility to lookafter the touristsand to haggleon their behalfwith the localtraders. However, inreality, he hadalready planned whichshops and stallsto take themto and knewthat he wouldreceive a handsomecommission from thetraders on topof his standardfee for theguided tour. Asthe car continuedto rattle throughthe cobbled andmud streets, Alicewas becoming moreand more excited.The heady aromas of exotic foods and spices filledthe car throughthe open windows as they drove.She watched thelocals dressed incolourful Kaftans asthey went abouttheir daily business and heard thechanting from themany Mosques. Shemarvelled at thedifferences between hereand her hometown.

shoot,or stay ifyou want them.Your choice. Wewill start offREAL slow. Takeyour bra off,and just put your t-shirt backon. We willget a coupleof shots likethat to loosenyou up, thenmove on fromthere when youare ready! I'llleave you alonefor a minutewhile you getready, and Iwill knock onthe door whenwe are ready."He said thatlike he's donethis before!

Now Ibetter get thecar out andgo before I'mlate. I hopenone of theneighbors are outas I'm backingout of here.I'll have toget use tothese heels, Ibetter slid themoff for nowuntil I getover to Cindy'sbefore I getinto an accidentwith them on.OK, now forthe garage dooropener. Here wego, easy now.All right nobodyis around. I'min the streetand ready togo. First stopsign, yes I'vemade it pastour block. Now,until the mainhighway.

"My name isWilliam," I answered.

Itook them intomy living roomand pointed tothe phone. Ashe went tothe phone, whichwas still antiquatedenough to requirea cord, Itook the opportunityof studying bothof them. Eachwere dark hairedand had thetype of perpetualnatural tan thatonly youngsters seemto manage. Bothwere slim anddressed for thesun, which hadgreeted the day,rather than thecurrent downpour. Iwasn't sure butI guessed theywere brother andsister. I decidedthat my initialguess at theirages was prettyclose. It wasonly then thatI realised thatthe girls face was not normal,but seemed slightlydeformed. Her longhair, parted centrally,hid much ofher face, probablya deliberate ploy.I tried notto stare ather but couldnot help butfeel pity forthe child. Iwent over tothe fireplace andpressed the buttonsto ignite thegas fire there;so much easierthan a coalfire though Ihad to concedea real fire,once the hassleof lighting itwas over wasmuch more preferable.I asked herif she wantedto stand bythe fire toget some warmthinto her fragileframe. She ignoredme and whenI repeated thequestion her brotherlooked up andsaid.


Mom says,"Well, I supposethat Ajax willhelp you, atleast for awhile. Eventually, Brendawill have someproblems, but shecan't complain tooquickly, since whatyou are planninghas been donein the past."

Istop and tryto hold mybreath over mypanting. . .Sounds like he'swaking up .. . silence. . .then the snoringcontinued. I pullmy shirt andtrousers completely offand went backto it. Myleft hand tried to mimic Melissa:stroking my hair,caressing my neck,my chest, movingdown my stomach,massaging my quiveringthighs and, UNGH!,my balls asmy right hand squeezed and tuggedat my 10"prick. I closemy eyes andbegin fisting fiercely.I want, sobadly, to cuminside her. Myarm is startingto ache asI repeatedly gasp and say hername,

"Well," Isaid, "I thoughtyou might liketo dance," Igave her mykiller smile, andshe accepted. Nowsome dude thatwas really conceited probably would haveflipped and figuredthat he hadit made, I'mcool, so Ifigured I did(have it made).Funny, turns outI did. Ikept her onthe floor forwhat must havebeen three quartersof an hourand would havebeen out therelonger but sheasks to geta drink. Upto the barwe moved, smilingall the way,at least Iwas. I gavethe amazon behindthe bar allthirty-two and couldn'thave cared lessabout her friendbecause I wasdefinitely in myworld. Her namewas Sharon andshe was married,too. Oh yeah,I been theretwice if Ihadn't mentioned italready. She hadone little girl and a husbandwho wouldn't stayhome.

'I couldget used tothis,' I thought,watching the growingquantity of pre-cumbegin to forminto the perfectdrop. 'If Ididn't want himinside, filling meso bad.'


I couldn't believehow excited Iwas becoming frombeing dominated bymy wife. AsI let outa moan offrustration, I felther reach overto the counterand pick somethingup. My eyeswere closed andmy heart pounded as I wonderedwhat she wasgoing to donext.

Brandon wasn't surehow to proceednext. Finally, hesaid, "Are youall right?"
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