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Saturday, November 24, 2007

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B: Yeahbut one morething...

"We'd better scoot,"I said, andtook her hand.I didn't wantthe onlookers followingus around allday. "You okay?"We walked brisklyacross to anotheraisle of booths,trying to loseourselves in thecrowd.

"Cool... In themiddle of theroom, on ametal stand, stooda dress formmannequin to whichAuntie had pinnedher latest effort,a cream-colored cottondress. I wasjust about tomove the mannequinout of theway to vacuumbeneath it whenit suddenly struckme, like ajolt of electricity,that this mannequin'storso was, undoubtedly,the exact size and proportions asmy Auntie's body.I literally gasped as a plethoraof licentious thoughtsbegan to chipaway at mymoral resolve. Withmy interest sourgently piqued, Iexamined the mannequincloser. Headless andwithout arms, itwas composed ofa heavy rubberizedsubstance and coveredwith a cottonmaterial. Seeing thatthere appeared tobe no wayto adjust thesize, it wasapparent that myAuntie must havehad it custommade specifically forher.

Both heads werethrobbing as Ipulled into theWinding Hills Mall.Even with myhormones raging andtrying to banrational thought frommy brain, Iwas still ableto think almostnormally. I drovearound the mallto the Eastentrance - wherethe outside doorto Broughton's islocated - andparked way inthe rear ofthe parking area....evermindful of damageto "Betsy" frominconsiderate shoppers parking too close toher and dingingher pristine finishwith their cardoors or thepackages they werecarrying. Broughton's seemedto be lightyears away, butI got outof my babyand took thelong trek witha bounce inmy step. Imight not enjoyshopping overmuch, butI knew damn well that shoppingwith Cinda wouldNOT be yourordinary day atthe mall. Besides,the idea ofwatching Cinda try on shoes intight pants anda halter top with her nippleswinking at meand her behindever so temptingto grope andfondle...well, there wasno way Iwas going tomiss that. Hell...forthat, I'd comeback from thegrave!

"Look its growingholy shit." Iheard Mary say.My face wasturning beet red,but my cockwas growing. Idon't think Mary ever seen aman's cock before.Being in highschool and overweight I guessshe didn't gettoo many offers.

"Howshould we addressher, Sir. AsMadam or simplyas 'T'?"

"Hi, I'mZoe," She said,as she setdown a couplecases of beerand shut thedoor. "And youare?"

Cecile falls ontothe floor, un-cushioned,and unconsciously curls up like ababy.

I startedspending time invarious chat rooms and although ittook several monthseventually found acouple in theSt. Louis areawho were lookingfor either abi-male or bi-coupleto join them.Their names wereDennis and Janeand we chattedon-line on severaloccasions, traded photos and eventually thecouple and Ispoke on thephone. We agreedon my nextvisit we wouldhave dinner anddrinks to getto know eachother.

She went onto explain toher about themedicine and thereaction she hadgotten from takingit. Telling herthe only comfortshe got isif she kepton a wetshirt and rubbedthem.

This isa shared collaboration between Clohi andIrish Moss.

She turnedanother page andplaced her handon my shoulder.Then I noticedher perfume. Thearoma had beenthere before, butmy senses hadbeen overpowered bythe view. Thescent was adelicate blend ofjasmine and somethingelse I couldn'tidentify, but itinflamed my urgeto mate. Mymind was cloudedby the scent,and the stillexposed breast; Iresponded to herquestions automatically.

Philwas grinning nowas Sheila said "I know whatyou two areup to" stilljoking I said"I'll take thatas a yesthen" Sheila briefly looked at thefloor then tossedher head playfully"if you want"she said. Iwas getting quiteexcited now, andthe drink hadloosened my inhibitions"ok Phil" Isaid jokingly "letsdo it" Phillaughed. and weboth pretended tounzip thinking thatSheila would screamin mock fearand leave theroom. Sheila didn'tdo anything however,and now itbecame obvious thatshe was gettingintrigued by thesituation as well,as she stillwore a knowingsmile. "Go onPhil" I said,"I dare you."Phil had assessedthe situation too,and realized thiswas a chancenot to bemissed, he knewI was soexcited that Iwouldn't stop him,and he couldtell that Sheilawas going alongwith the flowas well, nowwas the timeto act.

It didhowever look everybit as goodnow as whenI first gotto see itjust an houror so ago.

Aswe were justabout to leaveour friends andthe guys whowere hanging aroundNiki, yelled, "Hey!Where are youguys goin?"

I strokedhis cock morevigorously and flickedmy tongue inand out ofhis ass acouple of moretimes. His attemptat refusing myadvances was interruptedby another seriousmoan. I releasedhis cock, placedmy hands onhis hips andspun him around.There it was.Right in frontof my nose.His loveable cock.I wrapped bothmy little hands around it. Ismiled. I kissedits pink head and ran mytongue along itslittle slit.

As soonas I gotinto the house,I called Janet,"Hi Janet, itsJay."

"Oh fuck….ahh fuckDavid…fuck I canfeel your cumfilling my cunt….ohfuck me….ahh shit,"Stephanie groaned asshe clasped ontoher bed withher brother's cockstill buried deep within her.

The olderone flipped herover and ranhis hands downher breasts, reachinginto through theneck of hertop and intoher bra, goingfor the leftcup first. Hollywas startled andtried to jerkaway.

do a guysome damage withthem wrapped roundhim."

"Mmmm.... You tasteso sweet, Iwant to eatyour pussy." Johnmurmured.

But again, Iwas just twenty-one,and not readyto hang itup yet. Kneelingdown beside her,I tentatively caressed her tits throughher shirt, rubbingthe nipples withmy thumbs untilthey were erectand sticking outlike hard candies.I could seethat this reallyturned her on.

"Youare my student."

"Sowhen do Iget to readsome of thesestories?" Rhonda asked."How about now?"he answered. "Areyou trying toget me overto your place?"she asked. "Yes"came the response."Good" she said,"just be careful.Didn't your mamatell you? Neverdance with thedevil. It maybe what you'recraving for". Sothey came tobe sitting inhis comfortable den,listening to smoothjazz, sipping wine,while she readsome of hislatest work onthe computer andhe watched her.

Ifeel a handon my ass,and realize thatMaster is standingbehind me. Hereaches between mylegs, feeling mywetness, forcing mylegs open wider.I feel hiscock slide inside me. I cryout a littlebecause it feelsso good tohave him withinme. He movesin and out,gently and first,then a bitharder. It takesme a fewmoments to getused to thenew movement, butthe situation isall the morepleasurable once Ido.

"Teach you?"

Using theinternet, we foundthe drugs andthe dosage toget me femlooks without losingthe hard cock.I changed mygender and myname, and founda nice, womanlyjob.

"Kari", she repliedas she shookmy hand, lookinga little uncomfortable.

"Oh Daddy, soare you."

I laughed,"Well actually youcould if youworked at it,but I don'twant to seeboth of youin her cunt.I want onein her pussyand one inher ass."

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