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Thursday, November 29, 2007

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"You didvery well whore.We got bothcars at dealercost along withseveral upgrades forfree. I hopeyou can appreciatewhat I amdoing for you,"she says reaching under my dressand fingering mypussy. "By theway, tomorrow wego looking formy new house.The one whereI "Are youokay?"

Lord Hillenbroke stood and slammed afist on thedesk. "I saidSILENCE! When Igive you acommand you willobey. Rafe isbeing punished. Youneed not concernyourself with himfurther."

Her pulse quickened and palms grewsweaty. There wasa small stack of photographs atthe bottom ofthe drawer. Sarahknew that therehad to bea reason theywere buried whereno one shouldbe looking, andthat knowledge madeher both nervousand incredibly curious.She'd always consideredBryce to bea "nice guy,"forever caught inthe limbo betweengeek and cool.Tonight's encounter withhim had alreadygone a longway toward changingthat image, andshe instinctively knew this stash ofphotos would pushthe boundaries evenfurther.

May tonight beas full ofexcitement, as youhave made mylife! With allmy Love, Roy

Shehad a small,crooked smile andhot, devilish eyes as she loweredher head tomy crotch. Herhair tickled myleg as shebobbed for mycock and suckedit into hermouth. When Ifelt a twitchin my cock,I realized Ihadn't had anerection since Elainemade her announcementin the garage,but Speedy's vigoroussucking made itrise like aballoon. In seconds,I was sohard it hurt.

Sam then pushedhis hard erectionagainst her body,showing her whatthis was doingto him. Hernipples became stiffupon this boldmove and hebent down, chewingon them lightly,biting and tuggingat the rubberytissue.

"Suck themDev please."

"Liquor." Hesmiled a littleand produced abottle of champagnefrom a bucketof ice nearby.Our eyes fell away from eachother as werealized that wassupposed to bea celebratory toastto our finallymeeting, and finallyacting on allthese wild impulses we were feeling.It broke myheart to realizenow that thenight was goingto yield muchdifferent results.

Shewas not surewhat started tochange, was itfear, was itthe desire toget out ofthis situation alive?What ever itwas, she stoppedthrashing against thechains that bindher, and beganmoving with hishands.

"Dinner is atsix thirty," Karensaid. "And tonightis a togaparty," she addedwith a grin.

Isaw her eyesclosed, teeth gritted and I strokedher quickly, littleshort flicks acrossher clit.

The boi'sbody tightened underneath Her, T/their eyesstill locked, aflash of fearin the depthsof hys. Shedropped Her lipsto hys fora brief kiss before responding. "Wasit?" She slidoff the boi'sbody, maintaining skin-to-skincontact with hymas She glancedover her shoulderat the Boileaning against thedoor frame.

Mel leta small laughand smiled, "Whatsay we getthis night started,I just hope I can keepthe guys offmy asian princesslong enough toget through dinner."

"So, you probablyhaven't heard anythingelse about thatprogram everyone wastalking about sinceschool got outhave you?" shesaid discreetly whilewe stood tothe side ofthe service counter.

"Loveya Tom"

The Wolfpulled his faceaway; it wasdrenched. He roseon his knees,his cock onceagain hard, andhe pressed himselfon her. Helet the lengthof his shaftglide though theslickness of herpussy, over herclit and towardher naval ashe lowered hismouth to hers.Lorie tasted herown juice onhis face, andtheir mouths atehungrily at eachother.

*** Arriving atHome ***

am in chargeand control everyoneand everything. I'msure you willdo your partto make surewe get agood price."

(c) 2003by Jennifer O'Donnell

"Fuckme. I wantyour big cock in my cunt.Please."

"No Rainie, itcertainly wasn't. It'sjust... nice tothink about. Totalk about. Ireally appreciated it.I wouldn't wantto be outof line insuch matters. But...I don't wantto go homeyet. The night'sgoing really well,and I thoughtwe could justdrive around somemore."

"You ruinedmy life."

"You, me,everything."

"What do youthink those twocousins are cookingup?" she asked."They're both sexy,and maybe......maybe it'llturn out tobe an extrahot party," sheadded. "Which onedo you thinkis the sexiest,Cindy or Julia?"

Thatwas the arrangement.Her name wasClaudia.

"Hey," came asoft call, instantlystirring me frommy listlessness. Iopened my eyesto see Cindy peeking over thefence.

Vicky curled upbeside me andlaid her headagainst my chest,both of uspanting.

"Yes, what dormdo you livein?"

Things changed whenRon was dischargedfrom the Armyand came tostay with them.He was lookingfor a joband then hewould find aplace of hisown. What wassuppose to bea two weeksstay had turnedinto a monthwithout a jobin sight. Hewas a hardworker and hadreally helped Joe out with thefarm work.

"Nothing,"she replied, asshe smelt hercome on herfingers.

She triedthe smallest cobfirst but itwas too smalland she couldn'tfeel it whenshe slipped itin. The secondone was slightlylarger but stilldid nothing, thefourth largest shetried fitted muchbetter even ifit didn't stretchher. Finally thesixth one slippedit with alittle difficulty andmade her gaspand sigh. Thatwas much better.She left itin, and witheyes closed, playedwith her tits.

"Don't be sillyBeth. Get uphere and putthat sweet pussyof yours overmy face. Iwant to tasteit before Mikefills it withcum."

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