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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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"If youlike it theother way, youcan try itout on me.I'm not averseto taking afew whacks froma pretty lady."

Ihurried back tothe other couplein time tohear that guytell the womanhe was fillingher ass withcum too. Ialmost laughed Later,when everyone isgetting ready toleave, I noticeyou having aquiet chat withyour friend. Ican see you'reboth flirting andI figure thatyou're going toask him togo back toyours so Icome over andtell you thatI'm thinking aboutgoing home. Youwrap your armsaround me andask me tostay and thenstart kissing me.Your friends arewatching as ourkissing becomes morepassionate and thenyou break awayfrom me andstart kissing him.I have mixedfeelings about seeingyou do thisbut these aresoon changed whenhis girlfriend starts to kiss me.You tell methat they wantto join usfor some funand so weleave and catcha cab backto my hotel.

"Youdo know thatwomen acting asMules have thatdone don't you?"She said "incase they haveto have thecontraband removed ina hurry ata clinic."

And Mariawas cumming too...atthe same time!!!Her body tightenedand I couldtell she wascumming hard, herfingers still insideher pussy. Iwas so turnedon, at thatmoment I wouldhave given anythingin the worldto be downthere, to bewith her tokiss her, tofeel...and even tasteher wetness. Istarted to lickmy own fingers,the first timeI had evertasted my ownpussy. I pretendedit was Maria's.God....I wanted itto be Maria's.

Andshe was bentover, opening herlegs for me,showing me thatperfect pussy andthe pink secret lips beneath thethatch of goldenhair. Goldilocks. Iwanted to callher that. Goldilockswith succulent titsand a pussyready to befucked. I spreadher with itthen, no warnings.She didn't needany. She wasso hot andwet, the juicesmaking the thickcock I woreslide in withlittle resistance. Butit seemed sheclamped down onit for Ihad to pushharder. And myend was pushingup and intome as Imoved into her.I was fuckingmyself and herat the sametime. Her titsswung against thecool marble ofthe counter andI reached aroundto pinch them.

I writhed againstyou in achurning rhythm, yourcock the pivoton which myhips rotated, andyou watched myyoung face flush and twist. Youwatched, disbelieving, asI wriggled andsquirmed, the heatof our bodiesand the soundof my cursesfilling the room.

Roses placed gently aside. Fumbling, fear,embarrassment, submission, movingthrough you. Onefold, then another.Your thinking thatthis is thefirst time thatyou have hadto fold thescarf. Is thatpart of this.Did he wantme to knowthat? Another fold,the fabric coolagainst your fumblingfingers. A lastlook around asthe scarf returnsto its placeso well known.

"Wellthat was asurprise." John saidas he pulledhis wife's bodyinto his. Hemade sure shefelt his hard-on.

She could feelhis hands touching her, his fingersprobing at herwet pussy andflicking her hardclit. The brunettelet out alight moan ashe forced afinger into her.She reached backand lifted herdress a littlefurther. Experience toldher she wasbetter to letthe Doctor havehis way.

Steve grabbed Toni's legs andpushed them uphigh onto hisshoulders. That liftedToni's ass slightly off the bedas Steve began to pound deep and hard intothe housewife's pussy.Steve was realsexual athlete. Hehad a bigcock and couldfuck for along long time.And he hadjust that intentionwith Toni.

Her hipswere slowly anddeliberately meeting myinward tongue thrusts and my softkisses to herwet pink lips.She released hergrip on herpussy from belowand used herhands to beginto play withmy hair andcaress my ears."You are sobeautiful", she saidsoftly as shestroked my headand neck. "Youmake me feelso beautiful baby.I love you,Keechy."

When she cameshe practically smothered me, pressing herbody down onmy face asI forced mytongue as farinto hot pussy as I could.I felt herbody spasm againand again asshe came, mytongue still deepin her cunt.

Shecalmed a little."You're right. Iremember. I'm sorry,Justin. I justmiss you somuch it makesme crabby."

I amsorry for thismorning and Ihope that Imade up forit tonight. Idid have toreturn to workthough and whenI get homeyou better beready to giveup that sweetass to yourhusband instead ofsome vile rapist.LOVE, Hunter.

Donrealized at thatmoment what washappening but itseemed so natural,and it waseasy to tellthat Christina wasnot resisting. Sheeven seemed tobe enjoying it.Her milk wassweet and thinand he enjoyedthe taste sohe suckled herbreast for anotherminute and thenmoved to theother one, takingit into hismouth and suckingit gently. Afterseveral minutes ofthis he kissedhis way upher chest andover her neckand up toher lips.

Wepulled up infront of Chris'house, a reallynice newer place with a smallbut totally secluded yard. Even thoughhe was onlyon maybe a1/8th of anacre of landmost of itwas back yardand surrounded bya seven footfence. Chris leadme into thehouse and showedme the groundfloor, a hugeliving room withbig screen TV,two wonderful overstuffed leather couches, anottoman and ahuge chair thatcould pass asa small love seat. The diningroom was separatefrom both thefront room andkitchen and wasset up witha simple oak table for four.He lead mefrom there intothe kitchen pointingout the fulldownstairs bathroom inthe hall bythe backdoor.

aloud when itoccurred to methat she hadto have knownwhat was happeningas cum beganto seep fromher anus anddrip off ontothe guy's balls.

"I'msorry baby." Shesputtered, still gigglinghelplessly. "It's justthat we sorarely ever seemto actually makeit to abed!"

"I am sosorry, Bill." Imurmured into hisshoulder.

He was afine specimen ofthe adult male specimen, about 20years old anda well tonedmuscular body. Lisaand I bothsmiled at him.

"Phil," I said."I better goback in."

"Thank you,"I purred asI caressed hischeek. I excusedmyself from ourdinner table togo try onhis gift.

People aredifferent about howmuch massage theywant. Many willwant you todo their entireback, legs andarms but donot want youto even touchtheir bottom, despitethe fact thatthis is alsoa place thatholds a lotof tension. Onceagain the Queensignaled Aditi. AsAditi removed thesheet to revealthe Queen's beautifulbottom, I coveredit with asmall amount ofthe oil, rubbingit in justas I haddone for theother parts ofher body.

"Isee you've discoveredyour new clothes.Like them?" Heasked.

"Master, I'm goingto, ahhh, Master,can I- Ahhhh!Cum." Linda babbled incoherently, trying tobeg for permissionto have release,but it wasno use. Thehard fucking, andsudden, powerful vibrations were too muchas her orgasmbegan immediately. Paulonly smiled asshe screamed andbabbled as herorgasm washed throughher. He didn'tmind that shecame without hisspoken permission, andwas pleased withfind his machineworked so well.He increased thespeed slowly untilit was atfull and steppedback.

This is areal life experience that has stayedwith me formany years andI would liketo thank theman for introducingme to suchpleasures.

"I'm not hungry,"Erica lied. "Letme out nowand I won'ttell the cops."

"Thankyou, Bill. Well,I'll just gochange. Sorry. Justwanted your opinionon all ofthis," Dee said.She congratulated herselfon coming upwith that one,giving herself anout to gochange.

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