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Monday, December 3, 2007

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It wasthis project thatEmma was toplay such apart in bringingto fruition. Onenight in lateMay she wason her wayhome after aphoto shoot. Workhad been followedby a bingedrinking session withfriends. She wasmore than alittle tipsy andfeeling very happy,as she alwayswas after aheavy drinking session.

"You jumped intobed with me.You asked ifI was hornyand I toldyou what Iwanted," I snarled."Keep the fuckout of mybed until youare ready tosuck my Aftera few minutes,she looked atthe clock near their bed. Thetime was 4:15.She glanced athim. He startedto speak, abit sleepily, now.

Lyingin the hotelbed, naked underthe clean, softsheets, I watchedher model thegarment, turn andspin, let mesee her nearlytransparent nakedness fromevery angle. Usingher index andmiddle finger, sheprobed the juncturebetween her legs,a native familiar with her owngeography. My fingersslid up anddown my cock,showing an easyfamiliarity with myown.

Kristi, onthe other hand,shows no signsof being surprise.The sexy young nymph gives animpish look. Iimmediately felt mydaughter knew theyhad an audience.

Bethpouted. "I blame you, for makinglove so well."

"Well,get busy andtear it up.I may want to try itout. This onehere is sweetbut she's gonelimp on me."The first guyresponded.

Next thingMisty and Brockknew, Ash hadthrown a vinedown so thatthey could climbout. As theyclimbed out ofthe pit, firstthey thanked Ashfor getting themout of thehole.

"I askedwhat you aredoing now," Terrirepeated, briefly wonderingabout the dreamylook on hisface.

I wanted tofuck her rightthere. God knewI was hornyenough and hardenough. I lookedaround and therewas no onein sight andwe were ina dark portion at the rearof the parkinglot so itfelt relatively safe.I unzipped myfly and pulledout my cock.

Hepulled her legsapart again, thistime it waseasier because ofher hurt leg,and he gotbetween them. Therewasn't as muchblood as hethought there wouldbe, just alittle trickle ontothe cement. Heplaced his throbbingprick right betweenher thighs, thetip just barely touching her littlewet cunny. Shesquirmed a littleas he didso and heheld the knifein front ofher face. Shestopped moving.

Theway her livingroom furniture wasplaced gave mean advantage, aswe ended upsitting kitty-corner fromeach other, butonly a fewfeet apart. Aswe sat down,she sat almostsideways in thechair, so asto be ableto look atme as wetalked. With hervery short skirt,she was alreadygiving me anexcellent shot ofher lace panties.Her eyes neverleft mine, andlike every othertime this hashappened in thepast, she neveracted any differently.A game? Ididn't know.

Iwasn't sure whatthat meant, andI wasn't sureI wanted tofind out. Justthen, Lisa withdrew the dildo frommy ass andtold the dyketo remove thebat. I wassore as hellbut felt anvoid when theywere gone. "Idon't have anythingbigger than thebat" Lisa said "But I knowthe bitch hasnever been doublefisted or assfisted so letsgive it atry. I startedgoing crazy, tryingto get outof my bondsbut it wasno use.

The menmoved into akind of semi-circlearound her andshe began todance around them.She moved upto one ofthe men andasked him totake off hertop. The mancomplied and shedanced back intothe centre ofthe room. Shethen moved overto another manand rubbed herpert ass upagainst his thighand as shedid so shepeeled off herskirt.

I had avery distinct feeling that Julie wasinterested in me.Oh, I hadall the usualclues - thetouching of thearm, the battingof the eyes,the laughing atthe jokes, thesucking of thedick ...(kidding)...and Iwas definitely interested right back ather. But shewas hesitant aroundme, always eyeingme suspiciously, tryingto decipher somethingin my eyes.She liked me,but I don'tthink she trustedme. Maybe shedidn't trust anyman.

As apoet who alsowrites haiku, thiswas one ofthe most difficultthings to adaptto. I hadto suppress mydesire to painta grandiose picturewith flowing metaphor,insightful similes, andother poetic devices.I basically hadto swallow someego and merelypresent the imageor event. Itis tough todo, but ah…when you doit well, yourealize you neverneeded those devicesto begin with.The simple andplain language allows the reader toexperience the eventor image andexplore it intheir own mind.

"Yeah.You feel lessguilty about stayingout until threeand four inthe morning ifyour mother's inanother city."

I pondered."Er, that's she'sa true submissive,Miss Ebony," Iresponded, using Nikki'sform of addressfor the dominatrix.

cock. Youwon't just suck it. You willworship it andswallow. And youwill do itwhenever I tellyou to, andmost of all,you will likeit!"

Steve changed trains at Penn Station in New YorkCity. He hadboarded the trainto Atlantic City two hours ago,and was nowstepping off thetrain at thatdestination. Emily hadsaid in herlast e-mail tohim that shewould be waitingfor him onthe platform.

"ThatI shall myLord. Tomorrow themen will fightbravely behind youand Kara. Ourfreedom is guaranteed."

Ididn't know whatshe meant atthe time butdecided to dropit. They finishedtheir breakfast andannounced that thewere going toget some sunout by thepool and wentto change whichleft me inthe kitchen witha huge erection I turned backto the newspaper to getmy mind offmy sister whichseemed to beworking for mydick was backto its normalstate of sleepiness.

equally as aroused,and if Barbaraplaced her trembling

"Mr. Masterson," Irepeat once theelevator is gone,"why are youdoing this?" Weget to hisapartment and hemotions me inside.

S-H-A-R-I-N-G.Gretta thought aboutHans and thesexual power theyhad with oneanother back inthe early stages of their career.How could sheforget about thegangbang she receivedat the oldcastle or thesex in thetrain? She exploredthe boundaries ofher sexual appetitewith the oneman she lovedmore dearly thananything else inthe world. Thewine was nowstarting to kickin and herdevious mind starting to play theirlittle games inside her head again.Gretta felt therewould be noharm in hercalling the numberto find answersto a coupleof her questions.She called anda woman witha sultry voicenamed Allie began her sales spiel.After listening forabout 1 minuteGretta was notimpressed and almostput the phonedown. "Is yourlover with you?"asked the voice.Gretta answered negatively.

I excused myself,headed for thebathroom. After takinga leak, Igrabbed my limpnoodle and triedeverything I couldto make itwork, nothing.

Bethany stoodand carried hernotes toward thedoor. One ofthe folders shewas holding dropped and we bothbent down topick it up.I got toit first andlooked up tosee her onlyinches away fromme. Her softbrown eyes met mine and itfelt almost likean electric bolt traveled up myspine, only thisbolt carried pleasure,not pain.

"OkaySlick, I'll tryto save yousome hot water."Julie turned onthe light inthe shower room.Little did sheknow the lightswitch activated asmall video camera hidden in theexhaust vent. Sheturned the wateron and stoodunder the stream.It felt sorelaxing as shesoaped up herbreasts. For somereason her breastswere always thefirst thing shewashed.

Tommie was alreadyreclining on thehuge fuck-lounge inthe centre ofthe chapel whenAbigail arrived. Tommiewas idly tracing the dragon's tailthat coiled acrossher tits, andchatting with theguests. Abigail appeared like a radiantvision in thedoorway, and wasled towards thecouch by meby a leatherlead attached toher collar. Iwas wearing myleather trousers andjerkin with thecut outs fortits, ass andcunt. As weapproached the fuck-lounge,she dipped herhead and ina last actof possession Ipulled her mouthonto my nippleswhich I pushedtogether and rammedinto her red-lipstickedmouth, at thesame time friggingmy clit andpumping my fingersin and outmy own cunt.She sucked andkissed and nibbledmy nips, leavingred marks allaround. I threwback my headand experienced mylast cum withher in thisrelationship of Mistressand Slave. Nexttime, if therewas one, shewould be aPartner. I thenreapplied her lipstickand finally unfastened the collar, thussymbolically releasing herfrom her servitudetowards me.

Thepizza man replied,"Not a problem."

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