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Friday, November 30, 2007

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"It iswith some trepidationthat we allanticipate reconsolidating ourfamilies at ourwinter homes forthe season. Weunderstand that itis your practiceto migrate tothe south anyway.However we all(the three ofus and I'msure all fourof the ladies)look forward toseeing you atthe start ofnext summer's seasonhere on thecape. Please plan "Daddy I playedhooky. I wentto Martha's houseand we playedrecords and danced,"she blurts out.John takes adeep sniff ather mouth. "Youhave been drinkinghaven't you? Ican smell iton your breath,even though youtried to hideit with mouthwash."Knowing she wasin real trouble now, Janice beginsto cry.

"I...Ihave!" hegroaned, pushing heron her back,kissing her nipples,feeling her warmbody moving sinuously against his ashe slid ontop of her.

"Giveme the openingI desire,

"Not nowBitch! When Isay it!" Iyelled, slapping herback. I couldn'twait much longerso I forcedher onto thebed.

"Are you talkingabout me?" thewoman accused Mr.Gerber in athreatening tone ofvoice.

"Care for aprivate dance?" Emmawas whispering inmy ear, herwarm sweet breath caressing my earlobe.I leaned towardsher slightly, enjoyingthe rush ofmoisture to mypussy lips ather nearness.

You'll justhave to believeme when Isay, I swear,I really hadn'tthought about ituntil that veryinstant. But inthat instant Iknew that Iwas going tohave to breakthe uneasy détentethat hovered overus. Not withwords. Or ajoke. Or asigh followed bya pathetic comment about how lovelyit had beento spend time with them. Seeyou tomorrow atthe pool. No,what I sawwas dark andmurky, yet socompelling that everyfiber in mybody screamed atme in alanguage I hadnever even heardbefore, to divein.

"Hear thatdid you?" heasked. "Sounds likeyou're going tobe a busygirl doesn't itTina?" When herbody stiffened atthe sudden, unexpecteduse of hername, he leanteven closer. "That'sright Tina, weeven know yourfuckin' name. We'vebeen watching youfor weeks, justwaiting for theright moment toget hold ofyou and don'tyou forget it."


"He won't giveme the tapes,mom."

A man inthe infantry uniformof red tunic and white trousersstrode across thedusty courtyard. Hewas tall andgrey-bearded and carrieda sergeant's baton.

Marshasat naked onthe sofa andRonald joined her,wearing only hispants. As usual,he started bylicking her nipples,switching from oneto the otherand back. Sheenjoyed the attentionsbeing paid toher and aftera few minutes,her upper bodywas squirming onthe sofa, offeringher breasts toRonald to belicked and nuzzled.

Imust have noddedor grunted orsomehow indicated thatI wanted herto go on.Meredith reached upand gently ranthe back oftwo fingers downthe side ofmy face, lightlytracing the contoursof my cheek.I felt herfingers slip undermy chin andlift it slightly,as if toposition me fora kiss. Myeyes closed inanticipation and Igently trembled. Myknees weak. Mybody flushed withdesire.

"You're sick!"she cried, yetshe didn't removemy finger.

She gavethe three mena dazzling smileand the shestrutted into thebedroom and spreadherself out onthe king sizedbed and waitedto see whatthe three menwould do.

"Only afew minutes more,then I'm free.You?"

"Then you've nevertouched a realman before, onlythose white littleones." Damon said.

to continuebooking the dailycruises for ourwives at thattime."

I spread theblanket out andlay down withmy ass atthe edge ofthe bail ofhay and pulledmy legs upspreading them inanticipation of Logansliding his hardcock in mysopping cum soaked pussy.

She turned toGiorgio. "How didyou..."

"I-I don't wantto," Jesse begged."I can stayin your lap;I promise thatI won't fightit!"

"Man, don't worryabout that. We'vediscussed it andI know ya'llaren't going tofall in loveor anything likethat." Mark said,"You need somesex and Sandyneeds more sexthan I cangive her rightnow, so itlooks like awin-win situation. Justsome good olddown and dirtysex between thetwo of you.Sandy is themost fantastic fuckyou've ever had.Her pussy isso tight sometimes I haveto really work to get mydick in herand she getsso wet, sometimesshe has towear a sanitarypad." Mark saidas he turnedtoward the backseat.

I'd belying if Isaid I hadn'tthought about shavinga woman before.Ann's suggestion ofthis bath andshaving was excitingfor me. Quitea few yearsago I wasin touch witha girl whowas just abit younger thanme, and wegot to talkingabout shaving herlegs. She commentedabout how whenshe finally gotmarried that shewanted her husbandto shave herlegs for herin the bath.That's when theseed of thiswhole thing wasplanted.

"Well, maybe there'ssomething I coulddo," Sophie saidtentatively.

Sitting on theedge of thebed I heldeach of herhands and askedwhat was botheringher.

She staredat me sayingnothing. Then, "No,I can't." "Notthis," she answeredwith uncertainty.

We hadbeen in theshower cleaning upafter our greatfuck session whilewe had beenhaving this discussionand after allthis talk, Iwas sporting anotherhard-on.

"I assume thatyou go toschool here?" Shesaid.

I gazed intoher eyes, "Youare the onlyone that Ihave ever beenin love with."

Histongue continued itsassault and thenslowly slid upto my nowengorged clit. Ifelt his tonguegently bathing mewith soft licksin little circlesuntil I wasfully aroused. Istarted to tryto buck myhips with thepleasure but thecuffs held mybody from movingvery much. Ithen felt himplace his hungrymouth over myentrance and lickingand sucking untilhe managed toslide the objectout my warmwet pussy.

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