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Thursday, November 29, 2007

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Not ableto fight it,she allowed herselfa lingering pinchon the plumpof his leftcheek, causing himto expel achestful of airhe had keptinside himself. Beforehe finished, sheresumed her assaulton his backside,landing several quickcracks to hispained bottom thatbrought the firstsigns of tearsto his eyes.He hid themfrom her butwasn't able toslow the burnspreading across hischeeks and kickedhis legs tofight off thepain.

The sound ofthe mountain infront of hermansion of inheritancepenetrated every partof her being.

The atmosphere overdinner was lightAfter teasing her,I start toflick my tongueover moist clit.I gently puta finger inside of her asshe moans inecstasy. She isso wet, thatmy finger slidesin easily, andI start tofinger her veryslowly.

"Anita can Isee your pussy?"

Idecide to leaveit, and justrub my cockthrough my pants.As expected, youwalk in theroom.

"You will betaken any wayI please" washis response ashe started topush. I feltmy tight sphinctergive way ashis engorged head mercilessly forced itsway into myasshole. As soonas the headwas in, mymaster gave asurge, and Ifelt something tearas fully half of his monsterdick embedded itselfin my ass.Screaming with thepain, I felthim withdraw, thenplunge in anotherthree inches. Thefriction on mynewly pierced clit was agony, andI shook myhead from sideto side asmy asshole wasplundered. After abouta dozen thrusts,his entire 14 inches was engulfedby my tighthole. He thencommenced pulling almostout, then forcingit back in.Faster and fasterhe thrusted, untilhe was slamminginto me sohard, the tablewas shaking. Icould feel hisballs slaping myass with everyblow, and thevibration of thetable sent thechains attached tomy nipples shaking.My tits werebeing jerked harderand harder. Finally,when I feltI was goingto be fuckedto death, Ifelt his cockexpand, and ahuge load ofcum gushed frommy asshole. Aftera few morethrusts, he withdrew,and I laythere as cumand blood seepedout of myass. He cleanedhimself with atowel, then releasedmy ankles fromtheir cuffs. Ashe undid thepincers from mynipples, he pinchedone, and anothersurge of agonywashed over mybody. After heundid the strapsholding my bodydown, he placeda collar aroundmy neck, andattached a chainto it. Anotherchain he connectedto the ringin my clit.With these inhand, he forcedme to astanding position. Icould hardly standfrom the painof my rapes,but at anysign of resistance,he would tugat the chainattached to myclit ring. Ihad no choicebut to walkbehind him ashe led meout of theroom and downthe corridor.

"Mmmmm, yeah,"said Beth. Shetook his shirtoff of himand then unbuttonedhis pants. Shepulled them down,leaving him inonly his boxers.They tented grotesquelyfrom his hugecock. "Oh my,"Beth giggled, "Whathave we here?"Beth pulled hisboxers down andhis huge blackcock sprang free.It almost hither in theface. The bigpurple head bobbed in front ofher before Bethopened her mouthand began tosuck on it.She sucked thehead and downthe shaft, gettingit nice andwet. She begansliding both handsup and downthe huge shaft.After a whileshe stopped suckingand looked atme.

Help! I wantedan excuse!

Karen isa divorced woman in her forties.She has twosons, one grownup and onea teenager. Sometimeswhen the youngerone is inschool she comesover to seeme. The lasttime she cameover, she waswearing a jerseydress. Karen istall and voluptuousand the dressshowed off hersexy figure. Shehas beautiful shoulder-lengthreddish-brown hair thatnicely frames herface, which ispleasantly pretty, andher smile makesher face allthe prettier. Onthis day, shehad her hairpulled back behindher cute ears,which are twoof the placesI like tokiss her. Weembraced and kissedat the doorand after sheremoved her shoes,we kissed somemore because wehadn't seen eachother for along time andwe were reallyglad to gettogether again. Stillhugging each other,we walked tothe living room sofa and satdown and resumedkissing, with ourtongues also hugging.The sofa isstrategically placed witha large mirroron the wallat one endso people usingthe sofa canlook in itand watch themselves.The Venetian blindsgave us privacybut plenty oflight for usto see everything.

"You'regoing to lovethis Christine."

GraduallyPeter felt hisdaughter's body relaxas he suckedon one breastand fondled theother. Long yearsof experience withwomen told himshe would offerno further resistanceand be compliantwith his wishes.Moments later hereleased Kate fromher restraints whileshe lay still,looking at himshyly.

I went bymy old watering hole and hada few beerswith the gang.

"Whatthe fuck isthis?" he demanded.

"What?"came the questionfrom inside herroom. "Can Icome in?" Iasked. "OK" camethe reply.

"Youwill be forgiven,"he started, hismouth felt dry and he couldfeel sweat beginningto form onhis brow, "Butyou must makeit up tome."

'The Ambition ofSandy Hill' wasa trash novel.No one wouldever try todoubt that. Thevoluptuous title character dominated the darkcover dressed inlittle more thana white transparentgown and anineffectual shawl chosen for the accentas opposed towarmth.

"I found somemagazines with picturesand letters"

Our tourrepresentative had organiseda bar crawl which started early,so by thetime we gotto 'Frogs bothAlison and Iwere pretty wasted as we hadbeen drinking bythe pool allafternoon. We wereboth dancing downnear the frontas the D.J.began choosing people to join himon stage. Iguess the waymy pert 36b-cupbreasts were jigglingin my bikinitop must havecaught his eye,as he calledme up. Ilooked back atAlison but shewas already busygrinding her arseinto the luckyguy stood behindher.

"Wait..." she commandedme; suddenly Ifelt a delicioussqueezing sensation asshe began rotating her hips. Istared down ather, watching enthralled as she tookher bottom lipbetween her teeth,her eyes closed,still squirming beneath me.

andinformal. The threetalked about theboy's college andtheir studies. Butwhen Pat enquiredon the subjectof girlfriends, thetwo boys looked slyly at eachother and changedthe subject. Afterthe meal, Billand Jim clearedthe table andloaded the dishwasherwhile Pat madeherself comfortable inthe lounge andloaded the movieshe had rented.When the boysreturned, Jim opened a bottle ofbrandy and theyall settled infront of theTV. The moviewas not asgood as theyhad believed, andas the threeconsumed more andmore brandy, theyignored the TVand began talking again. They hadall become quiteintoxicated by thebrandy when theconversation again returnedto the subjectof girlfriends.

It wasgetting dark bythe time Lottehad made herselflook vaguely presentable and stepped gingerly down the ladder.Her backside wassore- her buttocksglowing from thespanking, her anusfelt swollen andtender. She washedher face andrinsed her hairin the coolwater of thecattle trough, wonderingwhat excuse shewould make thistime if hermother asked. Sheclosed the doorof the barnbehind her andmade her wayback along thepath, picking herway carefully round the cowpats andthistles in thedim light.

"Yes, Shane.Fuck me inthe ass!" sheteased. Shane took his hard cock and shoved itthrough the tinyasshole. Trish letout a yelp.Oh god hiscock is sobig! she thought,her mind notthinking straight. Shanewas taking herin doggystyle. Thewater made iteasier to fuckTrish's ass. Trishmoaned, jerking herhead around. "Ah!Oh god, yesShane! Fuck me!"

I'm pulling offthe interstate intothe city properwith my ballsresting comfortably belowmy nice hardseven inches. Nowthere are biggerguys out therebut I'm sportinga reasonably thick,bigheaded pre-cum oozingcock as Ipull into thedrive thru toorder a burger.My shirt isunbuttoned all theway of courseleaving me bare-chestedand my shortsare down someplacebetween my ballsand my knees.I'm basically allhanging out andI love it!

"Well,well," I said."This is asurprise. What's goingon?"

With her criesof affection forhis cock, Milesstarted giving itto her good.Becky was stillloving it. Heremembered every sneer,and every timeshe got himin trouble forsomething she did.Faster and harder,he kept pumping his strong hipsagainst her plumpwhite ass.

Dianethen walked overto me, flankedby Suzie andRachel and startedto unbutton myshirt, before pullingit off mybody as bestshe could consideringI was stillhandcuffed to thechair. Then sheran her fingersdown my chest,saying:

"Thanks stud" shewhispered sexily, stillclose to me.I leaned downto kiss heragain and felther leg pushing outwards against mineas she spreadthem further. Igot the ideaand lifted myselfover her slenderpin and slidin between herthighs. I kissedher again andthen kissed downonto her neck,gently sucking andkissing it asI pushed thehead of myraging erection againsther tight, wetpussy lips. Sheran her handsup my backas I pushedforwards, the headof my cocksliding into herhot haven withease, her pussyjust sucking mein. I easedforwards, firmly butslowly sliding mylength into her,enjoying the feelingover her hot,tight pussy. Sheclamped down onme every inchor so feltgreat, her musclesgripping me fora moment thenreleasing me tolet me sliddeeper.

"Oh, can Isee it please?That would begrand."


His eyes lingereda moment onthe front ofher sundress, whichseemed to bestraining the clothcovering her amplebosom. Teresa smiled to herself andlooked up atthe porch ofthe farmhouse.

"Ohmy god." Thegirl said.

I laythere for awhile,catching my breath,eyes closed, savoringmy dream aslong as Icould before facingstark reality. Ifinally gave upand went tothe bathroom, withthe familiar longing still in mybelly and theache in myheart, to cleansethe feel ofSam from mybody, hoping Icould also cleansethe whole episodefrom my mind.The entire incident had came aboutdue to whatI thought weregood intentions, butwhen I realizedthat I hadmade a mistakeit was toolate to backout. As Iheaded back tobed, I waswondering how toget rid ofSam gracefully. AsI got back to the bed,he pulled meinto his armsand kissed me.I thought Iwas going togag.

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