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Monday, December 3, 2007

Photo nude boy pictures

Luckily, Janewho is notusually open toexperiments thought itwould be goodto send themessage for alaugh, so shetyped in themessage and clickedupon the sendbutton, but noreply came back.

Hismovements were frenzied:he pressed hislips to hermoist ones, forcinghis tongue roughlyinto her mouthas he carriedher to thebed, bringing theirbodies crashing downonto the mattress.Before she couldeven sigh, he'dmanaged to unlatchhis belt buckle and begin tuggingit from hispants.

I couldfeel My erectiongrowing as shecupped her breasts,and I wishedthose hands wereMine. On theother hand, Iwould be herefor a longfour-day weekend -longer than usual- so therewould be plentyof time forMy hands tocaress and fondleher sexy form.As I watched,her hands graduallymoved down herbody, eventually grabbingthe base ofher powder-blue floweryt-shirt and liftingthe garment slowly,deliberately, revealing alacy black front-hookbra which instantlyattracted My eyesand practically caused My mouth towater in anticipation.

Her pussy wasaching for someaction, and allthe smokes inthe world couldn'tfuck her. Shetossed the button the sidewalkand headed backinside.

What hadbeen a greatvacation turned intosomething very bad.Yes, we weredrunk and probablyout of ourminds for abit but whathappened was morethan a productof bad judgment.My sister andI finished outthe week insilence and whenwe got back,went our separateways. It wasn'tuntil much laterthat we talkedagain but thatis, of course,a story foranother day.

"Goodidea," I replied.

Withtwo of hisfingers inside hisbeautiful wife, hebegan to slowlywork them inand out ofher fucking herwith the rhythmshe loved somuch. Her bodyresponded immediately, andhe could feelher heat againsthis hand asher wetness drippingon his handas he pumpedhis fingers inand out ofher pussy. Shelicked his neckand moaned inhis ear ashe continued toplease her.

Iwithdrew slightly, andher face wentalmost panicky. "NODON"T STOP!" sheshouted again andpressed herself downon my throbbingdick. "I didn'tmean stop, just..."Her breath came in ragged gasps and she explodedin another orgasm.Her breasts heavedand her headwas thrown back,making her neckmuscles stand outin relief. Istarted caressing herlower belly withmy fingers andher skin contracted involuntarily. I slidmy hands upher hips andstomach until Iheld her breasts,with her nipplescaught in agentle grip inmy fingers. Shewas contracting hervaginal muscles andheld me asin a vice.She was tightfrom before, butthis was onthe edge ofreal pain. Isqueezed her nippleshard and herface went blank.

Jessicawas wearing sweatpants and a lightT-shirt, she hadn'tyet showered forthe day andwasn't wearing abra, but shefigured she wouldjust confirm theleak and calla plumber. Sheknocked on thedoor and theguy answered thedoor.

She had tocome down though,especially after Iknocked her feetfrom under her.As soon asher body descendeddown, I descendedon her. Itdidn't take toomuch effort formy cock toget into thathole as mylong arms andmy upper bodykept her undermy total control.She still gyratedher butt aroundand bucked hereand there toget me outof her, butI was strongand firm, soI stayed in.She finally gave up and wentback on allfours, only thistime I wasdeep in herpussy.

Tim wanted tomake a productionof lubing herup but intentionallydid it ineffectively.The friction wouldwear off hissaliva quickly andthen it wouldburn. And hewanted it toburn. The headof Tim' dickrested on herlittle brown asshole.He slipped hiscock down andslid into Suzanne'sdripping pussy. Suzannemoaned and heheard her makingsoft satisfied sounds as he slippedin and outof her. Heplunged into herpussy once, twice,a third time before he pulledout and positionedat her assholeagain.

I tried onthe last suit,decided to buythe third onethat she helpedme with, putmy clothes backon and walkedout to payfor it. Shewas waiting onother people andas I exitedthe store wemade eye contact and smiled ateach other again.I looked atmy watch andit was nowa little after9:00 so Ikilled some timein the malluntil it closedat 9:30 andwalked out tomy car.

The strangerbegan to chucklesoftly, then laughout loud. Alybegan to getthe tiniest bit irritated, her mouthformed into apout below herhands. As shebegan to speakthe man calmly placed his handover her mouth.And, still grinning,spoke. "All right all right. Calmdown. I'll tellyou what Iknow. " "I have a tailbecause I wasborn with it,you're not deadbecause you lived,I have noidea why youcan breathe water,you are currentlyresiding in thesea, you're herebecause I sawyou drowning andtried to saveyou, as towhat happened toyou I canonly assume thatyou decided togo to deepand couldn't makeit back up,my name isLoh, and you'renaked because Iwas checking forinjuries and thendidn't feel theneed to putthat thing back on you."

Einrebpoked his headinto Yrral's cube,"Didn't Gerg sayhe was goingto a GratefulDead concert overthe weekend?"

I passedout.

The grinning caricaturelooked her upand down, beforelingering on herexposed breasts. "I'mafraid you havethe advantage overme, young lady,"he replied. "Whomight you be?"

"Rach,don't be gross."Katey was disgusted,"£50, £100, howmuch?"

All day Abby replays the morning'sevents in hermind, alternately withher own vividscene of humansex. Mid afternoon she returns tothe barn inhopes of witnessinganother breeding. Shedoesn't know allbreeding is donein the relativecool of themorning hours.

"Mom,what are youdoing to me?"he groaned inanguish. "I needto..."

"Well, justbe careful," Bradsaid, "John Payne,the starting linebackerfor the footballteam has athing for her.I don't thinkthey're officially dating,but I thinkJohn is definitelythe jealous type."

Neither the episodenor her pantieswere ever mentionedagain but Tomused to wearthem and playwith himself inthem on manyoccasions. He wouldwash them witha bar ofsoap in thebathroom and hidethem behind theradiator in hisbedroom until theywere dry. Thenhe'd put themon again. Theybecame his guiltysecret and thecentre of hissexual world.

"I'm notupset," Jess replied."I loved it.You are sucha sensual personSusan."

"Get up andremoved your clothes."

"Yes,Nurse, Come in."

Jackentered the roomcalling the girls."Sluts! Line up!"The girls knelt down in themiddle of theroom side byside awaiting Master'sorders. Jack enteredthe room witha small petite Latina girl. "Ihave something herefor you. Thisis Mia. Miasay hello tothe girls." Mialooked at Jackconfused. He laughed.Jessica and Angelalooked at oneanother then lookedthe girl over.She was about5 foot 2--aboutfour inches shorterthan the bothof them. Shehad long straight black hair andfair skin. Shewas Indian lookingphysically with thetan skin anddarker features. Shehad a curvyfigure but itwas hard totell through therags she waswearing.

May bell'svoice was hoarseas she shouted,I'm cumming, I'mcumming, daddy! shootyour load inmy face."

The Asianbeauty excused herselfand took thephone from Angela'shand. "Hello?"

The othersleft us aloneto dress. Wekissed a fewtimes as Jimput on hisjeans and atee shirt. Iput my skirton and toldJim to keepmy panties ashis "Trophy" forbest stud. Mybra and sweaterwere still inthe living room,so I wasstill bare breasted as we walkedout of thebedroom. The otherswere waiting forus with adrink, so Isat on thecouch with Debbieand Scott. Theywere all dressedand Scott's eyeswere glued tomy tits. Debbielooked and meand then Scottand smiling shesaid, "Take apicture Scott, sothe poor girlcan finish getting dressed!" Everybody laughedand I pulledScott's face tomy breasts, rubbingthem hard againsthim. I pulledhis head back a little andwith the otherhand put myright breast tohis lips andhe sucked mynipple in andshook his headback and forth."Go Scott, Go,"chanted the restof the group.After a fewseconds, I pushedhim back toDebbie and askedJim to getmy bra andsweater for me.Everybody was ina great moodand we allfelt very closeto each other.Jim helped mewith my sweater.I skipped thebra. Like atypical bunch ofcollege kids wetalked about ourselvesand our friendshipand how greatit was tobe able toshare ourselves withoutjealousy or guilt.My secret ofbeing a marriedmother didn't evengive a twingeof guilt. Ifelt a freeas the restof them.

They spentthe rest ofthe day mostlyjust lying around.Several times thetalk turned back to the cluband ideas forwhat they coulddo and whatequipment they wouldneed. Finally, aftera day ofthinking mostly aboutsex and fillingthemselves with crab,they headed back home. The nextday the menreturned and, notsurprisingly, they wereas enthusiastic aboutthe idea aswere the girls.

"No.Actually," I breathedin deeply. "Actually,a sales rep'strying to sellsomething to thecompany I workfor . .." She lookedat me blankly.Right, this reallyconcerned her. "Itwas a friend'sidea," I finishedand she noddedand we stopped.

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