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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

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"Where arethe rest ofthem?" she inquired,stowing the phonein her jacket.

Whatdo you mean?"

Then,my husband finally came home. Atfirst he couldnot believe whathe was seeing,but then hestarted to becomeintrigued and evenaroused. He reacheddown and startedmasturbating his penis.Soon he toowas "Yes Master,right away"

I amtoo excited totalk nice. Ithought 'Shut upand suck onyour mothers tits you mother lover!'

"Ihope you likechardonnay, that wasall I had."

Thishappened when Ijust finished mygraduation and washeading for mymasters. We (mysister and I)are extremely goodlooking. My sistergot married toJaved (a muslimguy) who isvery handsome. Actuallyit was alove marriage. Initiallymy parent wasagainst of thismarriage but laterthey accept it.They stay inDelhi. My M.Sentrance was inDelhi so Ireached the placea few daysbefore. Javed stayhere with hisyounger brother Tariq.That night, Iwas preparing formy exam andI was studying.It was about10:30 pm andquite & calmoutside. After awhile, I heardsome creaking noise from their bedroom. I switchedoff the TVand sat quietly on the sofanext to theirbedroom door. MyBrother-in-law was makinglove to mysister (34-32-36 herstats). I quicklyunderstood what wasgoing on andthought of gettingout of theirprivacy range. But,it was nightand it wasa small apartment there wasn't anychoice left. Islowly walked upto the woodenpartition that wasseparating the bedroomfrom the halland their lovemaking sounds becamequite clear now.Their bedroom wasdark but thedim blue night lamp was goodenough to seethem.

"No one, Mistress."


"For thiscourse, be sureto feed someoneelse. No eatinganything unless it'sfed to you,"I instruct. Ihope to setthe mood formore intimate sharinglater.

Finally after hewas done cummingBeth was stillsucking on hiscock. Jon pulledout of hermouth, much toher displeasure.

"And whatdoes that makeyou?"

Still she stoodwith her handsat her sideswatching his handas it nowslid over thehead of hiscock and easilyglided back downeased by hisprecum lubrication. Hiscock appeared shiny and slick eachtime his handpassed over thehead, spreading moreprecum on it.She felt herpanties begin togrow damp asher pussy beganto pulse withher own arousal.

"Derrick,"she whispered ashe leaned downto kiss heragain. Her handswent to hisback, softly caressing up and downbefore slipping themunder his shirtand feeling hismuscles contract withhis movements. Hishead moved down,kissing the curveof her chin,licking and nibblingthe tender fleshof her neck.

You could havecut the tensionwith a knifefor the nextfew days, asClaire and Ibecame more awareof our attractionto each other.I hoped thatSusan wouldn't notice.

Hewas positioned betweenher legs andhe moved forward and over her.For a momentshe was ata loss asto what hewas about todo next, buthe took herhand in hisand she felthim put herhand on hiscock. She grippedhim and felthow hard andwarm he was.When she realizedthat what shewas holding wassoon to beinside her, shelet out aloud moan.

Maybe Ican drag him,she thought, asshe approached. Hedoesn't look thatheavy. As itturned out, hewas a bitheavier than helooked, and tryingto get himoff the bedonly landed heron it. Mirandagrowled in frustration,but the sounddied on herlips. Her chargewas awake, aware,and reaching forher. For someoneso drunk, hemoved faster thanshe would haveexpected. Suddenly shefound herself halfpinned beneath him.She pushed athim, but hedidn't budge soeasily. I shouldhave known better,Miranda thought, startingto panic. God,this was so,so stupid!

"MMM... daddy,I want more"He began humming and licking it,teasing it untilhe began tonguefucking it.

naked andlooking to geta good fuck.

Cindy was notsure what camenext, she hadsupposed the razor.She rarely shaved her legs becausethe light coloredhair wasn't visibleagainst her skin.She had alwaysbeen too selfconscious to weara swimsuit thatwas very revealing,so she didn'tneed to shaveat the bikiniline either.

My eyesdrifted shut asI stood overhim, and hishands slowly peeled the skirt offof me. Hishands drifted overevery curve andvalley from mywaist to myankles, and asI stepped outof the skirt,he leaned forwardto kiss mycrotch.

Jean could seehow easy thiswas going tobe. For thepast year shehad been slowlychanging their lovemaking habits andnow it waspaying off.

Camisa wantedto scream themoment his tongueslid between herlips. She couldn'tbelieve that thiswas happening, thatshe was beingravaged like this.She squirmed andhis tongue sank deeper into her,sending a chillthrough her bodythat made herwhimper softly. Hesucked one lipin and ranhis tongue overit, then theother and afine sheen ofsweat broke outover her bodyas her pussymuscles responded tohis ministrations. Shewanted to keepfighting but pleasurewas quickly winning her over. Shearched her backand pressed hermound into hisface, ignoring hislaughter as shehumped her wayto an orgasm.

"Turnaround", Judy commanded.

Then he lookedup. He wasvery handsome, darkhair and eyes.About six footand muscular. Ashleywas blonde, slender,about five footseven and hadvery large breasts,that seemed tohang all sonaturally.

"You wantthis very badly,don't you Laura?"

Ileft the pictureswith my friendand told himto call meThursday when hehad the others.I went homeand packed abag and waitedfor Mavis toget home. Whenshe came andsaw the bagsitting by thedoor she gotan ashen lookon her faceand asked, "Whereare you going?"

Instinctively,my hand cameup and beganto stroke hergash. I insertedone finger slightly inside her fannyand it didn'ttake me longto locate herclit, which seemedto be searchingfor my finger.I wasn't contentwith this, though;I needed totaste her sweetjuices. So, leaningforward, I ranmy finger upand down herfanny, flicking itover her cliteach time.


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