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Monday, December 3, 2007

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"You soundmuch like Ido. To seewhat is not,to know whathas been, andto accept itfor what itreally is. MichaelI do notthink you insane.I think youare different isall."

"I-" Terrell felthis legs giveout from underneathhim. His visionbecame blurred andhe could barelyhear what wasgoing on aroundhim.

At this Iflexed my cockthree I hadn'tliked him atfirst, at 5'8"and 135 pounds;he was bothshorter and lighterthan Sam andI had thebig, athletic man'saversion to smallmen who werecute rather thanhandsome. I hadwondered how hewould ever satisfymy girl butslowly he hadwon me over,first tolerating himand then actuallyliking the brightguy whose bubblingpersonality clearly hadwon over Sam.

Thecab grew silent for a fewmoments. I couldn'thelp but feela stirring inmy loins asI digested allthat had beensaid. As thesilence grew, Iturned my headto find boththe women regarding me with questioninglooks.

She did soand said, "Pleasedo not dothis. No onehas ever seenme this waybut my husband.Please stop. Iwill do anythingyou want, butplease do notmake me doanything else, please."

Michaelknew what wasexpected of him,and being carefulof the plugin his assand its hangingcontrols he didas instructed. Withspread knees heknelt a footfrom the endof the bed,in the sameplace he hadstood earlier inthe evening. Hisrigid cock thrust forward from hisgroin, tight inits latex sheath,the tip noticeablyfull of hisdripping precum fromthe evening.

"I thoughtJamie was goingto have toeat both ourloads." I remindedMaria.

The next morningI came downto breakfast andas usually Mom was fixing meeggs and toast.I poured myselfa cup ofcoffee and Inoticed Mom wasmoving kind slow and easy. Iasked her aboutit. She saidshe was justgetting old. Ilaughed because Iknew she wasonly forty-eight. Iam twenty-four andshe was twenty-fourwhen she hadme. I playfullyswatted her onthe rump andsaid she wasnot old atall. She seemedto wince andtighten up. Idid not sayanything but Ithought maybe shehad piles andher ass wassore. I letthe subject drop.I looked atMom as shemoved around thekitchen. She wasonly a littleover five feetand a sweetplump little lady.She had largeround breasts thatfilled out thefront of herterry cloth rob.She had asmall waist, whichhad her fatlittle hips seemeven larger thanthey were. Ismiled at myself as Ithought she lookeda lot likethe plump little lady I hadfucked last night.

As Karen seemedto get moreexcited Jack increased the tempo, withan occasional dipping of his middlefinger into hermoist vagina. Heknew that whenKaren started tomoan as heinserted his finger,then she likedhim to spendmore time stroking her G-spot.

"Foryears, I've beenbegging you forsomething to livenup our sexlife. You've alwaystold me youwouldn't do itbecause you werea married woman.Now that Iknow that doesn'tmean anything toyou, you haveno excuses left."

"Youwill inform theproper people thatI will bethrowing a partyhere on wednesday.You will ensurethat Kyra Morrisand all ofher close friends will be there."

Ipulled her intome tightly andwe began caressingbut without breakingthe sexual glassor our kisses.I felt thesmall of herback and hersides before puttingboth hands behindher neck. Istroked her neckwhile my otherhand grabbed herhair and gotlost in it.

After three ringsBecky couldn't takeit anymore. "I'dbetter get it,it could beimportant," she saidtrotting around theirpool furniture tograb the phone.

Idon't even knowhow long I'vebeen sitting herelike this. Ishould've been checkingover the testI just wrote but my mindwandered back tothe last timewe chatted. Imean flirting wasone thing butwe just kepttalking naughtier andnaughtier. She wasreally driving mecrazy and Iwas kind ofafraid to admitit to her,afraid she mightbe creeped outthat it wasaffecting me inway more thana playful way.So who knowshow long I'vebeen sitting heresupposedly looking overmy test withmy eyes closed and I'm rockingslightly back andforth in thechair. It's agood thing Isat in oneof the studycubicles instead ofone of theregular tables.

Shethought of findinga mortal whowould ease thetorment that hehad created butit wouldn't do.No one woulddo but Adrian.

Sowe sat downand played. Thefirst few handswere pretty uneventful.We all losta few handsand lost oursocks and jewelry.We were downto real stuff now, everybody hadon a teeshirt, I hadon pjs andthe guys hadshorts, and allhad underwear.

"Colin, I'mso sorry. Ididn't mean tobe rude butI desperately neededthe bathroom."

The drunkenmen dared notaccost her. Theyknew who shewas and whereshe was going.At the edgeof the pleasurequarter was aquiet alley anda teahouse differentfrom all theothers. It appeareddark and quiet.It did noteven have asplit curtain overthe gate announcing its name—just astone lantern thatcast short shadows on the snow.It was theTora—the Tiger. Anunusual name fora teahouse, butit was anunusual teahouse.

An hourlater and Gloriahad her hairbeautifully done –and exactly theway she likedit – forLouis was verygood at hairtoo. He chargedhis full treatment customers a ridiculouslylow rate andshe tipped andabsurdly huge amount.

timesknowing that shecould feel itthrough her cottonpanties, we bothsmiled at eachother, and Iput her lefttit in mymouth and startedfeasting while myleft hand washaving a fineold time onher other tit.

Wethen sat downand started totalk to eachother. Suddenly inthe conversation, sheasked me whetherI really thoughtthat her figurewas bad orthat she hadnothing to showand thus hide.I naturally said,I did feelso, with anaughty smile.

"I cantell you're stillannoyed about mycomments in class,"she said.

"I see"is the mottofor Sagittarius. Sadieknew that andgroaned at thethought. Sight wasall she hadleft.

On a whim,I decided togo into alittle bookstore thatI saw onone of theside streets.

Derek pulleda long, shinymetal chain fromthe duffle bag and clipped itto the ringon my collar,then kissed megently on thelips. "For therest of thenight, you areto address meas 'Master Derek,'understood?"

I wasn't completelyconvinced, but abet is abet so Igot up frommy chair, crawledbetween Lydia's thighsand stuck mytongue as farin her pussyas I could.As always, Lydia'sfresh-fucked pussy tasted heavenly and Ieagerly cleaned outevery last dropof their inter-mingledlove juices.

Onthe way back home, Mom talked about what shewas going tocook for dinnerwhile Sam andI sat quietly,each no doubtthinking about fuckingour mothers.

He rosequickly and foundhis way intothe large bathroom.I heard thewater come ona moment later.I rested inthe armchair. Themeal was quitefilling and ithad been along day. Iwanted to resta little, plana little andgive Brian afew small tasks to complete. Itwas still relativelyearly. Joel andTristan would bebusy for awhile, having toclean up thekitchen after themeal and attendto several otherthings before returningto my roomafter my longbath.

Blast after blastof warm semen spurted into Cindy'swaiting mouth. Shewas impressed bythe volume ofit, which quicklyfilled her mouth.Luckily Will wasn'ta thruster, andshe was ableto simply keepher lips aroundthe head ofhis cock whileslowly pumping hisshaft with herhand, finishing thejob. With heryoung lover's loadstill in hermouth she releasedhis cock andturned to makeeye contact withher husband. Sheopened her mouthand let Will'ssemen dribble out,running down herlips and chinonto his stillhard cock. Shesmiled at Johnas the lastof it drippedout of hermouth.

"Jay," she said,"I'm already tod-d-runk for that."

"Really?" Asked Claire.She took abrief look overher shoulder tomake sure Jackwas watching andshe bent overat the waistpretending to lookin the lowerhalf of thefridge.

Alley paused at first notknowing what tosay, and finallyretorted, "I dareyou!"

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