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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

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Her tongueseemed to snakeout on itsown, wetting herlips that hadonce again gonedry. He wasactually willing tostay with her,to touch her,to make lovewith her. Shewas a grownwoman, single, anddidn't have toworry about whatRichard thought anymore.This step, though,was something thatshe hadn't takenin a prettylong time. Couldshe do it?Could she acceptwhat Michael wasoffering her: justone "What areyou doing?" Iasked frightened andtrying to bequiet. I wasafraid I hada few ideasof what theywere doing andthe last thingI wanted wasto make ascene and drawmore attention.

Our listincluded 5 things.First was atraffic light, whichwould be impossibleto get andkinda stupid (500points). Second wasa naked picture of any threeplayers on themen's soccer teamfor (500 points).Third was anAss-Autograph of eachof the 8fraternity presidents oncampus (2000 points).Apparently this meantthat we hadto try toget each presidentof one ofthe Fraternities tosign at leastone of ourbutts. The fourthitem was apicture of oneof our sistersnaked in thelibrary (2000 points).Finally we hadto get apicture of twosisters naked inthe shower ofthe fraternity acrossthe street withat least 3brothers (3000) points.

Themen fucking intome were moaningloudly; especially theones in mytight arse andpussy. I knewthat they couldfeel each other'scocks as theyalmost touched head to head throughthe thin membrane that only justseparated them. Deeper,harder, faster. Inand out theydrove into me.The cock inmy mouth suddenly spurted its loadand filled mythroat with morehot spunk. Stillcumming it withdrewand finished bysplattering my facejust as anothercock took itsplace in mymouth. I feltglobules of cumsplatter over myback from aguy that hadbeen wanking himselfoff beside me.I felt thecock in myarse suddenly stiffen slightly before it,too, spurted hot sperm into me.Wave after wavehit the depthsof my arsejust as theprick in mypussy also eruptedto fill myhole with morecum.

She grabbed thehair on myhead and pulledmy face downto just thetop of her
nylon knees. Hernylons were sosmooth and slickabove her kneesand thighs
becauseof the garterspulling the stockingtops so taunt.Her nylons felt even
smoother thanI dreamed ofin that area.I started kissing her nylon thighs and
followed herguidance from herhands on myhair upward.

Shetwitched her cuntlips, as ifto acknowledge mypraise. Amazing! Thoselips would beable to milka prick likethey were givinga fabulous blowjob.

Hiscock filled mymouth tightly. Icould taste thepalate of freshpre-cum and lastnights cum-fueled-debauchery mingledon his fuck-pole.There was noway I wascoming off ofthat cock forsomething as uselessat that momentas speech. Ibobbed my headup and down,jacking him off.My spit madehis crank nice and wet, andI was reallygoing fast withmy blowjob. Iwanted his loadin my mouthquickly, I wasso turned on.

"Youwant the longor short explanation?"She asked.

Jim knewthat Dana hadfantasized about otherwomen occasionally andsuspected that shehad sometimes beenphysically attracted toother women inthe past, butshe had neverbefore done anythinglike this. Shesaid it washard to explain,but everything shedid felt totallybrand new butat the sametime it allfelt so completelyright.

"Lay me down,Andrew", I utteredalmost out ofbreath. He grunted,and happily obliged.He laid medown on mysheets, I unconciouslyspread my legsopen. He beganto shake hisshorts off ofhim, and yankedhis boxers down.I gaped atthe sight ofhis huge dick.It was massive,an inch ortwo bigger thanJustin's. It wasstanding right atattention, and adrop of pre-cumstood out onthe head. "OhAndrew..." I whispered."MMm, Anna, doyou want it?"I nodded, andlicked my lipswhen he askedme that OBVIOUSquestion. I pulledhim by thecock towards meand his kneesgave out alittle so helaid down ontop of me.I could feelthe heat ofhis prick pulsateonto the outerlips of myvagina. Andrew's tonguetrailed all overmy neck andthen my collarbone.I kissed hisshoulders, and withmy own hand,guidedhis dick towardsmy hole. Iarched my backa bit, andwhen I feltthe swollen wethead touch mylabia, I shivered.This was goingto feel sogood.

"Well, youhorny little slut,you should havethought about thatwhen grabbed thekid's cock. Ifyou weren't soturned on bythe whole thingyou would haveremembered the food."This change intone meant thatEd was gettingturned on again.He loved todegrade me whenhe was horny.


Fastforward a fewyears to myassignment in Myanmar.That marked theend of myold life andthe start ofmy new one.Critically injured, leftfor dead bymy so-called friends,I reached thenadir of myexistence. It tookme three yearsto make itback home toMontreal. When Igot there, Ifound that everythingI'd left behindhad vanished. Myparents had diedin a trafficaccident while Iwas away. Sothere I was,alone, practically acripple, and downto my lasttwenty bucks. Ina fit ofdesperation I boughta handful ofSuper 7's anda tallboy ofBud from acorner store.

He lovedeating my pussy,again always takinghis time, andmaking sure itis something Iwanted to do…andhow many womenwould turn thatdown!!! So, inthe course of5 weeks, hehad kissed everyinch of mybody. I hadyet to seehis cock, aftera while Iwas concerned thatmaybe it wasbroken (okay…I wasnaïve). Finally came the day thatI had longedfor, we watcheda porn together,and asked meto pay closeattention at howthe girls inthe movie suckedcocks. When heasked me ifI was readyto do it,I dropped tomy knees inan instant. Itook his cockout, watching themovie at thesame time, Idid exactly asthe woman didin the video…lickedhim from headto balls, twirlingmy tongue aroundthe pee hole,pumping my handaround it. Itried to stickit all theway down mythroat but Igagged. I thinkthe sight ofhis daughter sucking his cock andthe movie goingat the sametime was toomuch for dad,as he came.He gave meno warning, andfelt warm liquid oozing out ofhis pee hole.I didn't swallowall of it,because I wasn'tsure how itwould taste andit was toomuch for me.

My mouth fell open and Icouldn't believe myeyes. I focusedmy eyes onthe biggest black cock that Ihave ever seenin my life.It was allwet and shinnywith my pussyjuice all overit. The funnything was thatit was strappedon to Timwith straps aroundhis waist. Ithad to bea foot long and as bigaround as abeer can. Ithad veins andeverything. It lookedjust like areal black mans cock. It wasso big thatTim's cock fit right inside ofit.

"No oneyou need worry about stabbing, mypet." He said.

She reacted withraised eyebrows. "Oh,I don't know.You mean .."

"I'llmeet you therein fifteen minutes.Jenny knew onething for sure.She did notwant her mother'sphotos circulated aroundthe university whereher father taught.She would fuckPaul Butterfield anytime that hewanted to keepit all asecret.

night of forgetfulness?

"Haveyou ever beenwith a blackman?" he ask

"Owwww!"Becky moaned andinstinctively pulled away from her. Ginareacted to thisby grabbing theback of herneck with onehand to holdher still whileshe shoved herother hand towardsthe young girl'scrotch. "Please stop,"Becky pleaded, butI knew fromexperience that itwould not helpher.

He knelt inthe sand, ahand on eitherside of theslide, leaning forward.She climbed upto the topand slid down,and he felta millisecond ofpanic with herfeet rocketing towardhis face. Shespread her legsas she approachedhim, her sexlanding mere inches from his lips.Inventive naughtiness oncemore.

"I just wanted to get toknow her alittle and seeif I couldget her totell me whather intentions areand see ifI could convinceher that youare out ofplay."

Eldovan moved his hand ina command forthe others youcapture Darius.

The timecame and thebaby was born.It was abeautiful baby girl whom we namedRachael after Julie'smother. The babywas perfect andwas a joyfor both ofus. For awhile.

It was withoutquestion the strongestorgasm of mylife. Dad wasalso getting hisrocks off. Hiseyes were screwedshut and hiswhite teeth werebared. He madea hissing soundas he filledMom's pussy witha hot loadof jizz. Momwasn't cumming yet,but she wasvery close. Herbreathing was rapidand shallow. Beadsof sweat plastered her bangs toher forehead.

"Mr. Edwards?This is thewake up callyou requested," thefemale voice said.

She looked athim questioningly.

The Runtfinished his beerand belched loudly.He spoke tome in hisheavyset manly voice you just wouldn'texpect from somebodyfive feet tall."Maybe this isthe start ofsomething good. Idon't think we'regoing to failthis time." Hepaused for aminute to watchJoy receive thefacial. I watchedtoo, drawn tomy own work.My cock explodedsemen all overJoy's chin, lips,cheeks and forehead.She ate mycum. She blewbubbles. She hada good time.When the tapecame to anend I shutoff the VCR."Bravo! Bravo!" theRunt cheered. "Youcum a lot.Made the facialabsolutely filthy, justthe way welike them."

'Howard! Whatare you doinghere? Is theresomething wrong?'

My owncock stiffened asher tongue cameout and lickedaround his bulboustip, leaving saliva hanging from theunderside, then shepushed her lipsover the entirehead almost fillingher mouth. Shesucked up anddown a fewtimes and movedher tightly clenched fist up anddown his shaftas he letout a deepsigh. She thenput her headback down onthe bed andrubbed the fulllength his cockacross her wetlips, kissing hisballs as theybrushed the sideof her faceand then turningher head tothe side asshe reached thehead to takeit into hermouth.

I didn'thave to askwhat sort of"satisfaction" she meant.I just said,"That's too bad"again.


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