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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

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The threeblack demons werehuge. They pickedher up offthe ground effortlessly and ripped offher thong withease. The demonin the middlegrabbed hold ofher thighs andheld her inthe air; Serenaput her armsand legs aroundhim as shewas at theirmercy. She feltthe enormous cockhead rubbing theentrance to herpussy. The demonlet go ofher and Serenaimpaled herself ona big blackcock.

I drovemy cock intoher, He leta thick gooey glop of hisjism fall straight into her openmouth and shenastily licked itall around herlips, savoring itlike a sweetcreamy treat thensmiled nastily asshe swallowed itall down. Sheopened her mouthfor more andhe wiped hisopen hand acrossher nasty lipsand she slidher long tongue across his palm,licking up ahuge glob ofhis jizz thenswallowed it allwith one nastygulp.

"Come on,we haven't gotall day, liedown on yourback on thedesk."

Moving upto her mouth,he kissed herdeeply as helifted her upoff the ground.Feeling how stronghe was, shewrapped her legsaround him andwith one hand,guided him intoher pussy. Hecock moved intoher, sending chills through her andas she beganto move, sheheard him moan,"Oh yeah."


"Please come in."Will said.

I jokinglytold him thathe could alwaysmake a livingif he didn'tmind competing withthe $50 whoresin the red-lightdistrict. "Am Ibetter than Linda?"he shot backand I laughedthat it wouldbe disloyal ofme as ahusband to answera question likethat. But infact Bill hadbecome a goodcocksucker, and Inoticed I startedto get ahard-on as soonas he walkedin on Wednesdays(but not duringthe rest ofthe week, thankgoodness!).

"She's horrible!" Donnatold him. "Ihate her."

I toldher we couldsit on thesofa in themaster bedroom Aswe walked thebedroom I noticedthat she waslimping a bitand I askedwhat had happenedto her. Sheexplained that shewas still gettingused to beingon her feetall day andher left foothurt a littlebit. I toldher to liedown on thesofa and thatI would puta some linimenton her feetand massage thema bit. Shereadily agreed andI got ajar of massagecrème which Ikeep in thedrawer next tomy bed.

"Sonofabitch!That was thehottest piece ofass I everhad." Jim announcedas he pulledup his pants."Let's get outof here."

"That's nice.I'll be outof town ata Bridge tournament.Just watch yourvirtue, Lisa willprobably try toseduce you."

I shouldhave known thatsomething was upwhen I toldmy boss, Dr.Joan (Jo) Dinghy,that I hada date thatevening with theangel that wasin the outeroffice. Dr. Jojust smiled, toldme to havea good time,and to keeptrack of myexpenses. I wasn'tquite sure whatshe meant bythat but sinceit looked likethe office mightbe playing thetab I madereservations at oneof the betterrestaurants in thearea.

J starts tosputter. "Oka-san!...You continueto disobey meby kissing her!...I thought weall talked aboutthis!...I mean, wesaid that wewere going tokeep this agroup activity...and hereI find youtwo together likethis..." He sighsto himself.

"I'mgoing out tonight."She said, excitedly,

"Besidesgoing to thegym, what doyou do withyour time?"

So shewas going outwith a guyshe just met...I didn't likethat at all.Didn't she knowthe risks? "Isit like adate?" The guycould have beena lunatic, lookingto traumatize someoneas sweet naturedas Nia.

My cockwas harder andbigger than ithas been fora long time,and I crawledup her bodyand slid itinto her soakingpussy. Having just come a momentago, and withher pussy beingso slippery withoutmuch friction, ittook me alonger to comethan I normallydo -- yes,I'm one ofthose guys witha hair trigger.But that workedout great becauseI was ableto last waylonger than Inormally do, givingher a longpussy fuck. Icould feel hercome again andagain as Ipumped her. Finally,I came intoher pussy asshe came inone last mightythrash milking thelast drop outof my cockwith her pussymuscles.

Half waythrough the movie,the gentleman besideme got upto exit therow. I seriouslythought of askinghim to grabme a dietPepsi and asnickers bar. Itwas the firstthat I hadactually looked athim, and Iwas surprised withmyself for nothaving noticed sooner that he wasactually pretty cute.He was talland had somereally nice arms on him. Evenin the dark,I could seethat he hada sexy black arm band tattoo around his bicep.Yum. I movedmy feet forhim to passand noticed thathe watched myfeet while Imoved them outof his way.Could it be?Nah. Well, hedid stare pretty hard at mylittle girls...that iswhat I callmy toes! But,with six toeringson, it sometimesdraws a bitof attention. Idoubted that thisguy was afoot perv, butone can nevertell.


Heintended a shortfuck with thisgirl, and hiscock agreed. Kissingher deeply, heallowed his orgasmto build, risingfrom his ballsthrough his stomachand to thepulsing base ofhis cock, atense wave ofpleasure which broadenedat his base,flooded through everyatom of him,and then spurtedrecklessly into themoist warmth ofhis girl's pussy.Five long spurts,each with itsown grunt ofpleasure, jetted intoher body. Moresemen flowed intoher in theseconds that followed,his balls finallyrelieved after aday of waiting.His cock seemedalmost to floatin an oceanof thick, hotsperm which quicklyoverflowed from thegirl's tight entranceand coated hisscrotum. It wasvery warm, thesign of semenwhich had beenboiling inside himfor many hours.With luck, oneof the millionsnow inside herwould create anheir. He spenta leisurely moment licking her nipplesin thanks, andthen withdrew hisawesome penis tobe cleaned.

"We're secureenough," I toldher. We weresitting in deckchairs side byside. I reachedover and tookher hand. Shegave mine asqueeze. "But youstill haven't saidif you wantto do it."

Unbeknownstto Steve, Britneyalready knew howeffective Viagra waswhen she andBob had practicedtheir lines togetherin her dressingroom. With hima war hero and all, shehadn't mind giving him a thrill.The old guyhad been asbig as ahouse when he'dpulled off herclothes with hisone good arm.And after he'dfucked her, shecertainly didn't haveto ask Mrs.Dole how goodthat Viagra works.

Thisis my reporton the groupchallenge. I usedthe code word - "blue rose"- in myconfirmation notes. Checkthe "A StrangeRequest thread toread the adventuresof the otherparticipants.

Annie giggled, 'Areyou telling meyou're a lesbiandarling, cos Iwouldn't mind youknow, in factI quite likethe idea.'

EroticDeath00: Didyou follow mydirections?

Tabitha smiled asshe crushed hermouth down onBelinda's, hard, bruising,biting on Belinda'slips until sheheard the girlsob in pain,then she gentledher grip, herhands caressing Belinda'shair, her mouthtenderly kissing her,"You're such agood girl, Bel."

"Wouldyou bring mesome more coffee,Betty?" Tom askedthe older womanas he slidonto the benchseat opposite Amanda.

"I'minterviewing candidates foran opening inour sales department and have asuite on the12th floor, ifyou would liketo continue orchat upstairs Iknow that wehave a goodhour before mynext interview," heoffered.


"Please sir, pleasestop," I begged.

"Outa town. Allweek. Coaching seminar.Now go, dammit."

Recently,Charlene has beenconsidering a tattoo.She vacillated aboutwhether to doit or not.Her girlfriends wereafraid of disease,but Charlene hasalways been theadventuresome one andfinally made upher mind thatshe was goingto get one.She checked outa few ofthe local tattoo parlors and decidedthat she wasgoing to getit on herbutt cheek. Shewould not tellme what designshe had decidedon, but shetold me thatshe did notwant any ofthe local tattoo artists doing itbecause she heardthat you hadto let themtake a photoafter they werefinished and shewas afraid someoneshe knew wouldsee it. Shewas planning ashopping trip toa major cityabout three hoursfrom our homeand she decidedshe would checkout their parlors.


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