Young nudism picture

Thursday, December 6, 2007

White flashing nude photography

She satback into thechair once again,letting her skirtride higher upher thighs, Iwas sure thatshe new exactlywhat she wasdoing as Isaw her checkout her legsas I watchedher. Then sheuncrossed her legsshowing off morestocking top, andre-crossed them. Asshe moved herleg across sheclearly showed aflash of laceknickers. I smiledbut repeated thequestion. 'Well theydo have anunconventional business style but they payvery well andpersonally I needthe money.' Shereplied. "Don't worry,"she went on,"I faked an'Out of order'sign on myPC and putit on thedoor. You... we...shouldn't be disturbed."She smiled downat us, restingher chin onher hands, makingherself comfortable upthere.

"Use this sprayrail as astep, Here isa hand hold.Put your rightor left foot up first, thenbring the otherfoot up. Thenput your leftfoot in thecockpit, step onthe seat ifyou need to.Here let megive you ahand, you'll befine once youget the hangof it." Igave her alittle boost andshe was in.I went tothe other sideof the planeand climbed inmyself. I leanedover to seeif she wasstrapped in right.She was. Shehad her headseton and adjusted.I pulled thehatch down andlatched it. Isettled in myseat and strappedin. I startedthe engine andclosed my hatch.When my headset was onI looked ather and askedif she couldhear me. Shegave me asmile and said."Loud and clear,Captain, do youwant me toread you thecheck list whilewe taxi?"

"Askher if shewants to stop."

"AmI doing okayDaddy?" I askedin a throatyvoice. I slidmy hand downmy torso asI looked fromDad to theTV and backto lusty stare.I was nolonger embarrassed aboutwhat I wasdoing or haddone. I didn'teven feel likeI was beingblackmailed anymore. Myfather is aman just likeany other man.He wanted towatch me, andsoon, have hisway with me.I was nowvery much intothe idea.

Soon Danielle'sbody was coveredwith a finesheen of perspirationas she sufferedthrough repeated cramping of her bowelsand soon, toher total embarrassment,she heard herselfbegging to beallowed to goto the toilet.

Thistime they werethe ones obeying my rules. Itasted pre-cum andsucked extracting allthe juice frommy secret lover'swand, his fingersmoved from myclit and insertedthem just asI was cummingfucking my wethole as mylover finished upin my assholding my hipsagainst him sothat he couldpump his cumin my asswithout any spillingand that iswhen I hadthat earth-shaking orgasmand then anotherand another Ijust couldn't stopas my bodyshook making meweaker. I feltthe fingers leave my pussy andthen I heardmy secret loverlicking my juicesoff his fingerstelling me howgood I tasted.My lover's movedaway from mybody but notbefore they, eachgave me along passionate kiss.I heard myunknown lover getting dressed and hesat down besideme and whisperedin my earthank you forthis wonderful experiencethat will neverbe forgotten. Heleft and mylover took theblindfold off askingif I enjoyedit. I wrappedmy arms aroundhim and thankedhim for fulfillingmy fantasy.

Theelectric fans slowly turn overhead moving the balmy air slowly about usas we unpackour small bags.We didn't bringmuch except travelingclothes since weplan on spendingmuch of theprivate time nude and very busyin each other'sarms. We checkthe full sizedfridge and findboth it andthe cupboards fully stocked by theresort as expected.Nothing for usto do butenjoy!

Suddenly he pulledher off hiscock and floppedher on thebed; face down,with her kneesstill on thefloor. He gotdown behind herand rubbed hiscock along herslit. One handheld Penny's backwhile he usedthe other tocontrol his rampantprick.

"Yeah," I replied."Did you guyshave a goodtime?"

Putting his Santahat on Darrenstepped from hisvehicle and walkedround the cornerto the door.The boss insisted that all staffwore a redfur edged hat during the buildup to Christmas.Darren personally thought it made himlook silly. Theonly good thing about the hatwas the waythe fur soaked up water, keepingit out ofhis eyes. Herang the bellfor flat 2,Mrs. Smith, andwaited, glancing upat the skyto see moreclouds. Just ashe was aboutto check thepaperwork to makesure he hadthe right flat,the door opened.A woman stood in the doorwaywearing a kimonostyle bathrobe, apair of fluffyslippers and abig smile.

Duke felthimself get hot.Then he waspissed off athimself. 'What thehell am Iembarrassed about,' hethought, 'I've gotnothing to beashamed about. Asa matter offact, I'm goingto show thisfoxy doctor whatshe's probably missing- a big,fat cock.'

Thenext day, aroundnoon, the phonerang and myhusband answered it.I came outof my officeto the livingroom where hesat. He wastalking to Mark.I sat onthe steps nextto the couchand listened, andwhen my husbandsaw me, hesmiled, as hetalked with ourson.

Kevin andJack seemed ratherrestrained as wewalked down theboard walk. Thecool night air had revived Lilsome what andshe was bouncingalong talking amile a minute,which is asure sign thatshe was nervous.

Abe wrapped hisarms around her,buried his facein her neckbefore saying, "Onlyuntil this damnwar is over."

Her smile wasgetting bigger asI engorged andwas being echoedby mine. Herhands began dancing up and downmy back. Myeyes were stilllocked on hers,and the radiancenow on herface. I don'tthink I hadblinked since shefelt her pain."Now! Do it!Do it slow.I want tofeel it!"

I was alittle concerned, shewas obviously goingto be ontheir side inany negotiations andI decided tokeep our decisionswithin the bank.

** *

I nowsee them regularly,and my orgasmshave never beenso good!

"Ohyou know, Imean wet betweenmy legs. Mypussy gives offa fluid justlike your cockwhen it makesall that yummyprecum."

Holly was alwaysvery cute, verytall (6'1" lasttime I sawher) and willowywith long blonde hair and piercingblue eyes. Butshe was 14then, all kneesand elbows, waitingimpatiently for herbody to catchup to herfertile mind.

"Absolutely. Ithink the girlswill be prettycrushed about thisending, though. Doyou think weshould still invitesome of theteam over toyour place tonight?It may notbe a goodidea, if theywill be sulkingall night," Ireplied.

As herubbed my clitinto near climax,his mouth neverleft my breastsand neck. Iwas so closeto being desperatefor more, Ialmost demanded outright that he godown on me.He must haveread my mind,because at justthe end ofmy ability tohold on, hemoved his faceto where hishand had justbeen. Now, withhis fingers slipping inside, searching outthe wettest area,I could feelhis mouth blowhot air ontomy pubic areajust above myclit. I thoughtI was goingto be setafire right thenand there! Hisfingers teasingly played with my G-spotwhile he nibbledand mouthed me.It was themost intensely eroticexperience I hadexperienced in avery long time.By now Iwas moaning soloudly that afleeting vision entered my mind. Itwas of myhusband, watching usand listening tomy groans andmoans of pleasure,with his penisas hard asa rock, andhis imagination takingover every aspectof his existence.Finally Hardayal returned to his priorposition and partedmy legs tofit his desires.I could feelthe cool air from the ceilingfan as itoffered caresses ofits own onmy wet, curlyhair and moistvaginal lips. Hardayallowered himself andwith skilled fingers he parted mylips and forcedmy engorged clitorisout of itshiding.


Everythingfocused on gettingthat load outof his ballsand past hisdick head. Thefirst spurt ofhis cum shotnearly 2 feet out before hittingthe shower wall.Gerre thought, ashe finished hisshower, if forno other reason,thinking about hisniece's tits couldcertainly made fora decent visualto masturbate himselfto success. Hehad used othervisual aids inhis life; whynot use sucha cute image to 'bust hisnut'.

They satoutside on alarge porch swing,swinging slowly back and forth, sippingtheir beer. Thenight was warm,and quiet, thesky speckled withmillions of dotsof silvery starlight.

"Aww,that's so cute,"she cooed, smilingeven wider now."But I betno book canlive up tothe real thing."

Shethen ordered totwo girls holdingMegan to giveeveryone a betterlook! With thisthey pulled atthe buttons onthe white shirtand it wassoon removed.

"WhileI was downstairs,"she said, "I popped outto check onJohn, in hispram, and itwas just thenthat it dawnedon me thatwe were alonein the housetogether - Timand I. WhatI mean is- I knewwe were alone,but I hadn'tthought about it- that way.You know?"

I closedthe door tohear what shehad to say.

Toddheld up hishands. "Sorry, Mark,we were tooimpressed to uttera word. Pleasegive Jan ourapology."


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