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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hardcore sick sex positions

Standing, withmy back butinches from thewall, I felta bit ofstoic pride, ofher students, Iwas the oneshe first trustedwithout restraint, Iwas the oneshe held thefirmest, the onewho could givehimself completely toher will. Sweatdripped down mychest, running intothe curly patchof hair abovemy cock. Myerection flagged abit now, leaningto one sideas it softenedsome, but itwould recover asI refocused mymind onto her.

"Andhow do Iknow you're serious?"

"Yesgod do it."Emma hissed andMike pulled out.She dropped toher "Not alot, unless ofcourse you likewashing, ironing andcooking."

Dad laughed andgot to hisfeet, he crossedthe room tothe sideboard, openeda drawer andtook something out,closing the drawerhe returned tothe couch. Smilinghe waved atube of lubricantin front ofmum's suddenly wideeyes.

Are you pinchingthose nips yet?

"OhFuck me" shegasped.

She shook herhead, her hairshimmering over hershoulders. "Allow meto convince you."

"Notbad," she said,smiling. I letout a breathI didn't knowI was holding,but that's allI could do.My mind wasracing in pacewith my poundingheart. The thoughtsI was having,the feelings inmy stomach andthose from evenlower, what didthey mean? AllI did knowin that instantwas that Iwanted that feelingagain. And Iwanted more.

"Crude, mydear, but Isuppose understandable ifyou want toput it thatway. This wholeSeason business israther like amarket, isn't it?"

"That'swhat you're aimingfor in theendzone," she toldhim. "Just picturemy ass whereyou want theball to goand nail it!You'll nail itfor real onceyou've done it."

Julienshrugged. " Ilike it, it'scool. I'm notthat into it."

"I guess not,"Pat said.

"Thankyou Master," Irepeated mindlessly, tootired to think.

"Please..."was all Iwas able tomumble under mybreath, my backarching, hips twisting towards his fingers.

"Oh God," hecried. "I can't…I can't takeit. It's tooclose. Hurry upalready." But Icouldn't. I couldn'tcome. He stoppedpumping and startedrocking the baseof his dickagainst my clit.The knotted leather rubbed against myextended clit, open,exposed, raw. Ruband pump, pumpand fuck. Ijust love thatword. You hearthe moisture asout bodies slide as one. Hischest rubbing againstmine, his hairgrazing my nipples,my hips cradling his, wrapped ina bow aroundhis wrist. Hewas locked inmy body. Rockingmy body, controllingit, owing itlike only hecould.

I moved overto Tom andkissed him andat the sametime I startedcrying. He kissedme back andtried to calmme but Iwas too upsetat the prospectof having tofuck other men.Tom tried toquietly explain hehad been talkingto some friendsof his andthey had toldhim he couldmake lots ofmoney by sendingme out asa hooker. Ihated that wordbut started torealise that wouldbe what Iwould be calledsoon. Tom went on further totell me Icould start offfirst with justblowjobs and theycould bring inquite a bitof money withouttoo much discomfort."After all," hesaid, "you lovesucking my cock!"I tried toexplain that suckinghis cock wasbecause I lovedhim and Icertainly didn't loveany other manbut he wouldn'taccept that andtold me ifI loved himat all Iwould do thisfor him.

Settling lightlyinto the embraceof the antiquecane-backed chair, shetook her placeat her desk.The day wouldbe special insome way, shewas sure. Afterall, the roseswere in bloom!Smiling again, shereached out totouch one ofthe perfect Damaskroses in theirheavy crystal bowl at the cornerof her desk.

"Yeah.Luc, you arewonderful with us.We should allswap numbers anddo this shitagain." Ming saidgathering up herclothes. She heldup two pairsof dirty panties."Would you liketo hang ontothese until yousee us againLuc?" She askedwith a slysmile.

Bob continued withslow, short motionsand Henry realizedthat the frictionagainst his prostratemade his cockharder than ithad ever been.He pushed thepillow tight againsthis body andbegan to pumphis cock intoit in rhythmwith the onepumping into him.

knees infront of himand started towank him offhard. Licking andsucking on himas she did.Mike had bothhands wrapped inher hair gaspingas she gothim off. Hecould not believethat he hadasked and definitelycould not believeshe was doingit. Then hefelt his ballstighten and asecond later cumburst out ontoEmma face. Whitedroplets that splashover her skinand into herhair. She wassmiling in pleasureas his hotcum pumped ontoher. It seemedto pump outfor ages moreand more dropletssplattering her. Thenfinally Mike sank down his orgasmspent. Emma smiled her eyes glistening with lust andpassion her face,hair and chestcovered in hiscum. They kissedhard breathing deeply both gasping aftertheir wild sex.

"I...I'msorry," Bill said,blushing, "I...I don'tknow what cameover me. I...Ishouldn't have donethat."

Teasingly slow heunwrapped her handfrom him andplaced his handaround himself, guidinghis cock toher pussy, rubbingthe head alongher slit afew times, gettingit wet beforesliding fully intoher in afew short thrusts.He pinned herto the tableand took herhands in oneof his andlifted them aboveher head. Heunsnapped the frontclasp of herbra and freedher breasts, leaningdown he placedone nipple betweenhis lips andsucked. Slowly hefucked her, butwith long deepthrusts, she wrappedher legs aroundhis waist andmoaned into theempty booth. Secretlyshe wished someonewould hear themfucking, but onlybecause it addedthe thrill ofgetting caught byher boss ora law enforcementrepresentative. Her pussyclenched around hiscock and hemoaned against herbreast.

"Ok, Sally.Have it yourway. You canlet me outhere. I'll walkback and getmy bike. Ihave some picturesto print out,anyway. In fact,you may beinterested in them.In fact, youmay want tobuy them fromme."

At first Johnwas very enticedby the ideaof having suchpower over Noraand being hermaster. The thoughtof her stayingjust doors downfrom his bedroom,wearing the clotheshe bought forher and servinghim in anyway imaginable caused an overwhelming desire within him. Butnow, staring ather, lying downon the bedwith tears fallingdown her delicateface made himrealize what amonster he hadbeen that day.

"Well, you havesucceeded, my dear!"

Icame in herrectum with asigh of satisfaction.

"Afterhe was finished,I wanted himto go downon me. Thenthe fucker gave me this look,like it wasthe most disgustingthing he hadever heard, anddrove me homewithout saying anything.Like it wasokay for meto do thatto him, buthe was toogood to lickmy pussy."

Starting thatday, Karla spenteleven days ina row withoutputting on asingle item ofclothing, an incredible"streak" of sortsthat Bernard counted backward to verify."Next time Ican pack alot less," shesaid, with anaughty smile.

As Isat back downI caught hereye again. Shewas staring atme, I couldsee the lightestblush of hercheek. I Nodded.

Igrabbed my purseand my carkeys and headedfor the backdoor. I madeone more tripthrew the kitchento make surethat all thegas was off,and to makesure all thefood and supplieswere put away.Everything looked inorder so Iwent out theback, locked thedoor and headedto my car,which was parkedin the alleybehind the restaurant.

Janice'slips were tinglingslightly as sheclosed and lockedthe door behindherself and Lily.Her stomach wasbubbling; her heartbeatsomewhat erratic andshe didn't wantto acknowledge thestirrings she feltin...other regions. Shehad just watched her best friend,roommate and coworker,Lily, give Jason,the adorable guy who worked inthe bookstore downthe hall, ablowjob in thefreight elevator asthey were returningfrom taking outthe trash. Itwasn't the firsttime she'd watchedher friend inaction. Lily wasoften bringing menhome and performingvarious sexual acts for Janice tosee if shewas inclined. Janicewasn't as sexuallycharged as Lily,but enjoyed eroticism and sometimes havingher for aroommate was betterthan a pornocollection.

I moved downon the ground,sitting between thegirls. I startedrubbing their necks,I used onehand on eachgirl. Slowly Icaressed them, enjoyingthe feel oftheir tender flesh.


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