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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Nude teens big brother

My firstreaction was topush him away,but then awave of infinitetenderness came overme. For amoment it wasas if hewere a littleboy again drawingnourishment from me,but the nextmoment that illusionpassed. This wasa grown man,my son, takingin my milk,and I wantedhim to doit; I wantedhim at mybreast; I wantedto give tohim.

"Good. Ummmm?"

Since shewas enjoying thisso much, Iwanted to seehow I beganto understand.

"It wasyour father. Hemade be believethat it wasa good thing.For the skin.Wrinkles and aging.He even saidit was goodfor other things."

She laid down,with her backagainst the floorand put thetip of thetoy cock toher entrance. Hestared, wide eyed,as she pushedthe tip ofit into her.He was definitelygetting some feelingback. It wasstarting to riseagain. He kneltdown on thefloor between herlegs and keptwatching. She slowlypushed the lengthof it insideher while touchingher clit withthe middle fingerof her righthand. He watchedher pussy pump out more ofher juice. Hewanted to touchit, taste it.

Mya heard inthe back ofher mind ashe growled andshook above her.She felt himcome inside her,filling her withthe seed ofhis beast. Itwas almost scaldingto her andshe instinctively grippedhim tighter thanshe thought shecould. He collapsedon top ofher, panting intoher ear. Neitherone of themmoved.

As we gotabout halfway therewe stopped ata burger joint and went into eat sinceshe was hungrytoo. We talkedabout what hadbeen going onin her life.

"Yes,especially there."

'I guessI'm walking homethen.' I croaked.I sat downon a convenientbench outside thefront window, feelinga lump grow within my throat.Sharon handed thephone back tome.

"Hey Owa" shoutedJorg, another squadmate. "When Isaw you cuddledup in thattower with thatlittle elf Ifigured you hada good piece of elf tail.Now I figureshe had herselfa piece oforc. Did shebite the wholething off ordid she leaveyou enough soyou could atleast still pissstanding up?"

"No daddy."She whispered. "Howcould I everforget that?"

So onthat Saturday, NaomiHatara put onblack chinos, awhite blouse, adenim jacket, loafers,and a pairof goggles overher round glasses,and rode herbicycle across townto 1278 StraussStreet.

"Tell me thatif you hada chance tocrawl between thesheets with anineteen year old stud, like Brent,that you'd passit up," Janetwailed.

"Do you wantout? Would youlike to goback to schooland get adegree or learna skill"

Then they wentinto the housewhere their mother,June, was beginningto fix dinner.As they beganto help withthe dinner, theytold her oftheir day inschool, John beingespecially proud ofhaving earned thestarting quarterback position on the footballteam.

As they beganthe journey toHeather's house, Mikesaid, "Heather, Iwant you todraw a realnice picture forMiss Julie whenwe get home.She's been realnice to us."

Bythe time wegot back tothe shop Wendy had called twice to check onmy condition. Priscillawas dumbfounded byWendy's line ofquestioning. She eyedme with suspicion;I could tellthe questions hadmade her curious.

Therewas an awkwardpause on thephone, and Ithought she wasgoing to backout. Instead shesaid, "You're leavingon Saturday, andthey don't haveto tell themI'm your wife,you could justsay you pickedme up ina bar orsomething."

muchshe could takewithout cumming, soI spread herass and buriedmy face betweenher cheeks withmy mouth andtongue licking andsucking on herpuckered little anal hole. Angie wassquirming out ofcontrol, which madeit a bitdifficult to maintainmy attack onher asshole. Igrabbed her bythe hips tokeep her steadyand forced herrear end backto my mouth.Now I couldmaintain my lickingand sucking onher incredibly beautiful butt. I putthe tip ofmy tongue righton the centerof her tightlittle hole andpulled back onher hips tryingto force mytongue inside. Forthe next fewminutes I continuedreaming out herasshole with mytongue while Angiecontinually moaned andcried out witha deep lust.

Asshe walked awayI exhaled gentlyand said, "ShitJack - Ihope this doesn'tget you intobother."

Sitting next toher, Tracy grabbedthe note fromBeth's fingers andread it. "Woohoo,Beth. You gogirl. He's allyours."

"Come and getit," she saidseductively, the wordsdripping with innuendo.

"Notouching. But don'tworry, I puton a goodshow. And Ihope you dothe same. "She gave himanother one ofher famous sly smiles and leanedforward. "Here's theboundary," she said,indicating one ofthe spaces betweenthe couch cushions."I'm serious. Toyou, this lineis the fuckingBerlin Wall. Crossit and it'sall over."

"There youare," Cassandra said with a smile.She was nextto him stillholding her glassof wine asif she hadnever moved. Helooked about thehot tub room and saw hisclothes when herealized he wasstark naked. Hisshock showed inhis face.

He felthis cock stirringand moved herlower to engulfhim into hervelvet soft hot tunnel. It washotter and wetterthan he rememberedfrom last night.This time heput his handson her hipsand he movedher to hisrhythm. He drewher nipples deep into his mouthfound that whenhe bite themshe clenched hiscock with herinternal muscles andmoaned. She camefor the firsttime on hiscock as hebite her andtugged them hardfrom her chest.He liked itso he didit again tothe other sideand her orgasmwas stronger. Shewas mumbling wordshe did notunderstand again andher hair waswhipping side toside as shesaid "again please father again" Shereached behind himand he felta wet finger invade his assand push softlyagainst something deepinside. He spewedhis cream deep inside her asthey together rodea wave ofjoy that tookthem star walkingtogether. It wasmany minutes beforesoftening she couldslide off andcuddle next tohim.

The result wasthat Sally andI did indeedget the jobs.Whilst it wasthe likely outcomeas despite Jenny'slimited sway otherfactors counted againstWendy and Joan.Wendy could bevery negative notto mention argumentativeand many fearedshe would geta management rolewhile Joan hadonly two yearsbefore retirement. Manyfelt that asshe would quicklyneed to bereplaced she wouldhave not beena settled leader.As the outcomebecame known Sallyand I bothreceived good wishes from almost everyone.

Nodding. Eyes downin embarrassment. Doingwhat I'm told.It's very strange,the only timewith you I'vebeen self-conscious. Thebottle fills quarter-fullbefore I stop.


Suddenly with blindluck he happenedto line hisdick up correctlyat the sametime his hipsmoved forward andhis dick sank another inch intoMary. They bothfroze momentarily withthe intensity ofthe sensation.


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