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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Female oral sex action

"Not yet,"I replied kissingher again. Myhand continued itsslow journey up.Using my knucklesI rubbed Sarah'sinner thigh, herskin was sosoft and smooththat I wantedto bend downand kiss it.I could sensethat Sarah wantedit to.

"My God,"I said, evenmore impressed.

I glancedat the clockon "Why don'twe set itright then?" shewhispered.

'oh', I said,as he shutthe door behindme. I lookedaround. There werethree other menI'd never seenbefore in theroom. And oneI barely recognized.Mr James washandcuffed to achair. He'd obviouslyalso had ashower, and hisdark hair waswet. He waswearing his suitpants, but noshirt or shoes.And a trickleof blood hadrun from hisnose down hischin and ontohis chest. Helooked up atme with dazedeyes and -inexplicably - anotherthrill rippled throughmy shaven lips.Without his sharpsuit and fancytie, Mr Jameswas pretty damned sexy, even withblood trickling past one nipple anddown his smooth,tanned skin tohis muscular stomach.Plus it waskind of coolto see thiscontrol freak insuch a helplesssituation.

A very powerfulejaculation left Matt shuddering from headto toe. Hepulled out ofRenee's ass andRenee slammed herpussy hard ontoJake's cock. Ina very quickmovement Jake hadturned the twoof them sothat Renee wason the bottomand he wason the top.He sat backon his kneesand pulled Renee'ships hard againsthis cock. Hethen began tobang into hercunt fast andfuriously. Renee came again and again.Her uterus wascontracting so hardthat it squeezedJakes dick andhe spilled himselfall over her.

I was abit confused. Surelyshe didn't wantme to cuminside of her.

Heheard the sadnessin her voiceand for amoment felt sorry for taking heraway from Finley'shome. He wasn'tvery gentle inthe way hegot her toleave so itwasn't like hecould say anythingto calm her."If King Malachifinds reason tokeep you, thepalace will beyour home."

Tad laughed awkwardly as hegave his hugecock a firmsqueeze and thena few quickstrokes before stoppingto say, "Yeahmommy, those aresome nasty machines."He squirmed wantingto jack off,but still cautioussince he'd neverdone it infront of me.Yet the permissionhad been givento masturbate anywhereand anytime, andwe both knewit.

"So do youlike?" she askedand I couldonly nod, nowords would formin my mouth,that brought agiggle from Ms.McMillan "I'm gladso"

God, I hatesitting in here.I always hatedthe principal's orheadmaster's office. Isit down.

"You won'thurt me, again,"she said throughwatery eyes.

"Tellme something theydid that youreally liked," Sallyasked.

True to herword, Willow arrived to the kitchenshortly after Buffydid. There shefound Buffy andTara working onthe feast thatTara had prepared.Food was everywhereand Willow wondered if Tara hadused a spellto aide inher cooking. Willowsmiled to herselfthinking that ifTara had usedmagic in thesame house asher then thatin-and-of itself wasanother in along line ofminor breakthroughs. Afterthey first brokeup "magic" wasa four-letter wordas far asTara was concerned,at least inWillow's presence.

Bob chuckled."I'm great. Howare you, that'sthe main thing."

"It'scomplicated," I said,wondering what todo with allof these feelings,"I mean, you'reso gorgeous, Ilove being aroundyou...but then youstill have toplay your roleat work...what kindof relationship wouldwe have?"

I reachedout and ranmy hand aroundand cupped herfirm ass andpulled it closerto me. Shestepped closer andI dropped myhand down andran it upher leg. Shewore a dressuniform, and Islid it upher stocking clad leg. She sighedas my warmhand moved betweenthe stocking topand her panties.She spread herthighs a littleand I ranmy hand aroundto the frontand rubbed herpubic mound. Shegasped as Iran my knucklesgently up anddown her pussy,pressing inward slightly at the top.

As Emma started to fuck inearnest, Anne camein with theirmorning cup oftea. She placedit on thebedside table withoutinterrupting them.

the wall. "Downtown?Why downtown?"

With thathe knelt behindme, grabbed mytiny hips inhis huge handsand plowed histhick chunk ofmeat into mywarm, wet, waitinghole. He pumpedme solidly fortwenty minutes. Icollapsed with myface in mypillow, head swimmingin ecstasy, moaningincoherently as mydad held myass up andfucked me thoroughly.He eventually climaxed,spraying my innardswith cum. Ialmost wept withgratitude as Ifelt the warmflow deep inside me. Again hepulled out, wipedhis cock onmy ass andleft.

Xan fucked Toni in muchslower intense motions,but with Toniunder the heavyinfluence of thedrug, her pussywas experiencing sensationsshe'd never feltbefore. She wascoming every 10seconds.

As we leaveport the girlsstart to getready. This isthe best part of the day.I get towatch as thegirls remove theirshorts to revealtheir sexy treasure.Every time wespend the dayon the boatis like Christmasand they aremy gift. Exceptthey have notallowed me tounwrap them completely,yet. Once againboth girls live up to mywildest fantasies withtheir bikini selection.

I had aquick look round the room. Ihad to admitI couldn't. Itwas in themini-bar, filming throughthe gap inthe slightly openeddoors. "I've hada test," hesaid. "It'll pickyou up fineif you stayon the bed."

Beckyrealized almost toolate that hersudden directness scared Sam. Not thatit would haveonly scared Sam but that anydecent man wouldbe terrified ofan innocent encounter being later turnedinto something horrible.Becky had heardstories of goodmen's lives ruined by false storiesfrom a remorsefulor guilt-ridden woman.'How do Iget this straightenedout,' Becky thought.'Maybe I shouldjust leave. No,I'm committed.' Beckylaughed to herself:'I haven't putthis much workinto landing aguy since Ibanged Amy's brother,Johnny.'

"Yea that's cool."Sam said trying to push thegirls out ofthe way soshe could some.

Myhands roaming onher, my fingerssurrounding each ofher breasts, gentlycaressing them atfirst. Then asI stand myselfup between herthighs, my fingersdig roughly intothe tender flesh.My thumb andforefinger pinching andpulling at eachnipple. Her moansbecome louder asthe pain beginsto register. Iwatch her backarch to me.Grinning, I thinkto myself, "Thebitch is enjoyingthis..."

"Well, uhm...he stoodup and startedto take offhis pants."

I blushedand gave myselfaway.


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