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Friday, December 21, 2007

Sex tape slave bondage

Leaving thetoys on thetable I takethe lube andmove down toyour feet. Climbingon to thebed I slidemy hands overyour ass cheeksand tell you"After tonight you'lltruly understand howsexy your assis to me".Running my fingersbetween your cheeks,skipping over yourtight hole causing you to tremble.I then cupyour balls inone hand, squeezingthem slightly asI lean overand slide mytongue between yourcheeks. My tonguegrazing over yourtightness, tasting youand I getmore excited asI knew howsweet you'd beand I wasnot disappointed.

"Wow. Thatdoes Finishing hercigarette, she tossedit out thewindow to theground below. Standingfor a moment,she again feltthe cool nightbreeze against herbody. Running herhands up anddown the sidesof her body,then over herbreasts, her nippleshardened from thecontrasting warm touch of her handsand the coolnessof the night.

ApparentlyApril had hadquite a fewshots of thetequila already, shewas swaying prettywell as shestood in frontof me witha crooked littlesmile on herface, both handsfull of carkeys.

"Mmmmm," she noddedunderstandingly. "So dodaddies if memoryserves."

Five minutes latershe gasped asshe saw theproof that onceagain he wasright. She hatedthat, and worseshe now hadto do whatevercame into hisdirty mind fora whole weekend.She was hopinghe would forgetabout it intime. Fat chance.

Hesat down onthe benches Istood in frontof him... strokingmy body... squeezingmy nipples... rubbingmy clit... Iwas so excited.Another hand hadcome through thehole and wasrubbing my thigh...he pushed hiscock through... Itwas really big...of all thecocks I hadseen tonight... thiswas the biggest!I held itwith both handsand ran mytongue around thetip. I lookedover at Doug...he was hardand masturbating again...I stood upand ran thiscock between mydripping pussy... Then,I guided itinside me... pressingmyself against thewall... the strangerdrove his cockinto me... felt sogood... I feltso full... Hefucked me harderand faster... thenwith one deepthrust he came...I could feelhis cock pulse inside me... thenI pulled away.

When she gotto the landing,there was apause in theorgasmic cries, soHonore had toexplore to findtheir original source.She put herhead around Lupin'sdoor, and gotsomething of ashock as sherealised that thesource of thecries could nothave been Dodie.She was embracingLupin by thelegs, lapping away at her tinycunt, while thelittle girl's tongueand fingers explored the hairy warmth offered between Dodie'slegs. Honore stood back to besure. It wasdefinitely Dodie. Noone else hadsuch a hairycunt. What couldanyone see insuch hirsuteness? shewondered.

She looked upat him, mesmerizedby the starkcontrast created byhis bright blueeyes and darkblack hair.

And allof that wascertainly understandable. Katiehad come along way. WEhad come along way andour relationship hadcome a longway. Yet Katiewas still adjustingto this wholething and neededthe encouragement. Ifully realized thatshe wanted theintimacy in alarge part due to her background.She needed theperson to understandand accept whatshe was doing.She did notwant to feelthat someone wasusing her toget off orhave some creepfollowing her homeor making demands of her.

Theman behind mewas ramming himselfhard into meand I wasrubbing my clitjust as fastand hard. Hecame and quicklypulled out soanother man witha hard dick could replace him.I came againjust as thenew man slidhis cock inmy ass; Ikept coming overand over againas he poundedme in andout. He cameand pulled out.I could feelon my fingersall of themen's stuff thatmust have ranout of myass and pussy.My fingers feltslick and, ofcourse, I amsure some ofit was myown juices. Ilay there bentover the couch,coming back downto earth veryslowly.

In spiteof the noisethe collision hadmade, there wasn'tenough damage tomy vehicle tocall the insurancecompanies. Fred apologized and gave me$50 to replacethe parking lightlens and Iagreed to ignoreit. Fred introducedhimself and saidhe'd feel betterif he couldbuy me adrink or evendinner some time.I looked himover. He wasa few yearsmy junior Ithought, but hewas also handsomewith a nicesmile. It wasone of thosesmiles I'd learnedto regard assort of dangerous.He was definitelya ladies man,I thought, butI still gavehim my number.Two weeks later,on our thirddate I drankmore than usualand we endedup in hisbed.

BJ was consumingmy entire being,she was disappearingme so thoroughlyup into herass that Icould no longertell where Iwas, only thatI was completelyconsumed and thather heat enveloped my entire form,her powerful rectalwalls closing wholly down around mylost being untilI lost allbut the tiniestspark of myconsciousness and wasbeyond all hopeof rescue .. .


"Ididn't write this!"the escort's voiceshrieked.

"We worked onthe doombuggie untillate. That's it."Devin replied nervously.

"Oh,baby, it wasbeautiful. You're beautiful!I love youso much!"

Edward exclaimed,"Oh, that isso beautiful, andsexy if Imight add. Iwant to feelyou and maybefeel the childmove."

Soon, Bob isout of breath.He bites hislips to avoidscreaming (the COD'soffice is twodoors away) withJeannie's every biteshe now delivershim. His legsare shaking andhis penis isso sensitive it'salmost painful. Butthe surge ofsemen he feelscoming persuades himnot to interferewith her skilfultreatment.

Leanna could onlygasp as hesettled in tofeast. He knewevery possible wayto please her,and he exploredeach crevice andhollow of herwomanhood. She hadno secrets left by the timeshe climaxed, andshe watched frombeneath passion heavy lids as Trevordrank in herjuices. When hewas finally satisfiedthat he hadgotten everything, hegave her anotherwicked grin.

sound like alot."

Watching on TV,you forget howtall and strongprofessional tennis players are. I am5'5", but Ifelt positively tiny next to hersolid 5'9" body.She was wearingsweats and hadher hair pulled back into apony tail. Shegave me abig hug andsaid, "It's niceto finally meetyou face toface, Jessi. Ihave loved talkingwith you. Makesthose lonely nightson tour goa little easier."

Isaid nothing.

Natalie justignored her motheras she continuedto eat herice cream andwatch television.

She lovedsex and wouldhave loved tobe made loveto every day.She was theevery-day-kind of girl.But by nature,Genevieve was quitemodest and hada remarkable maturity for one herage. She spokeher mind whenit came totalking to people,but she hada fierce prideinside her thatshe was sub-consciouslydetermined to keepher self-esteem intact.Her tryst withher first boyfriend Earl wasa lesson indeed.She was donewith dancing toothers' tunes. Yet,she was notan unkind person either. She waswilling to goout of herway if sheknew someone neededhelp genuinely. Soto be fairto Sebastian, shehad been keepingher desires bottledup for sometime now. Butdeep inside hershe knew thatshe had tolet go, justonce at least,and have hersensual cravings satisfied.And she knewshe had barelya week tomake that happen.

Paul:He was probablylooking for youas much asyou were lookingfor him. I'mglad you foundeach other.

Openingmy door andtaking me bythe hand, helpingme out Granttook me tohis favourite spoton the beach,a cliff ofsorts, not ahigh one, butone high enoughto fall andbreak something veryseriously. Standing inhis arms, whichwere wrapped tightlyaround my waistholding me closeto him, hearinghim take deepbreaths as thewind whispered by.

"Um, Mistress Alexandra?"

Shannangave him ablanket, sheets anda pillow forthe couch andthen they disappearedupstairs and intotheir bedroom. Hecould tell bytheir mood andthe way theywere kissing andholding hands thatthey were notgoing to besleeping. He grinnedas they leftthinking that Shannan'scomplaint about herhusband's lack ofbed skills waspretty much offbase. Sean seemedto be prettyromantic to him.Maybe they justneeded to havewine as partof their foreplay.Ken turned offthe lights andsettled onto thecouch and startedwatching television. Duringone of thecommercial fades heheard a muffledwhimper and hitthe power buttonto silence thetelevision and darkenthe room. Itwasn't long beforehe started hearing the familiar sounds of sex.

"Here, justsit on thebed next tome and calmdown. I'll explaineverything, okay? Relax."Lee said.

Twoyears ago, Charliehad graduated fromHigh School withhonors but hehad not beenable to garnerenough in scholarshipmoney to affordcollege. He hadknown that allalong. He hadnever bemoaned theirpoverty, but likehis parents hemet the problemshead on andsolved them. Beforegraduation, he hadenlisted in theArmy. The lasttwo years withCharlie gone hadbeen difficult emotionallyalthough they hadnot showed it.Both John andVickie missed him,feared for him,especially when hevolunteered for dutyin Afghanistan.

Samanthaquickly pulled thecar over ina seclude country lane and lockedin a hungrykiss with Sean.They kissed passionately,Sean's long tongueexploring Samantha's warmmouth. Samantha reacheddown and quicklypulled the joggeraway that werehiding her prize.The cock wasabsolutely rock solid and a lotthicker then Ben'sbut slightly shorterwith thick veins running all aroundthe shaft. Sean'sbig balls hung down like eggsbursting with hotcum that Samanthawanted to sample.She reached downto touch thehard cock thathad sprung upto Sean's belly.Her vagina wasburning with pleasureand she decidedshe had tostraddle this monster.

"Damn Nathan, Ireally loved thatgirl! How couldshe do thisto us? How?Shit!" He cried

Droppingher eyes, foldingdown at herMaster's feet, theslave girl tugs his boots off,feeling him pather head if witha favored pet before he groans,stretching out onthe silken coveringsof his bed.Following his silentcommands she straightensup, leaning againsthis legs asshe unbuckles hissword, starting tocarry it tothe dress...


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