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Monday, December 24, 2007

Hot lesbian live sex

John lifted her slightly. Heloved to hearher beg likethat, even thoughshe had noneed to.

Afterfucking Bill for10 minutes itseemed Sandy wasabout to cum,but apparently shehad done toogood a jobon Sean's cockand he camein just acouple of minutes,unable to wait.She sat onhis lap withhis cock stillinside her fora minute, thenpulled it outand took offthe condom. Itspilled most ofhis Finally, theytold Mandy thatshe could stop,but instructed herthat she mustgo into thesauna for amassage before shecould leave, asthey did notwant her musclesto cramp fromthe strain shehad put onthem. They followedher and hadher remove herskimpy t-shirt andshorts, then madeher lay downon the table,naked except forthe tiny redthong beneath thefluffy white towel.Coach Hudson thenbegan to kneadthe back ofher calf withstrong, skilled handsas Coach Richards did the sameto her shoulders.Mandy hated toadmit it, butit did feelgood.

When they reachedthe other cartJill selected apitching wedge. Sheput the ballfar forward inher stance andmade good contact,sticking it onthe green onlytwo feet fromthe pin.

It wasthen our eyesmet again andI pressed herneck downward sothat our lipscould meet. Nohesitation now; ourlips melded togetherlike two torrentialtributaries joining araging river. Kathy'stongue tasted mine first and nowit was myturn to cryout in passion,breaking the kissjust long enoughto murmur hername gently intoher ears andto take herlips again.

Hall politelytold Julie thathe wanted totake a bitof her time.

I gently draw you down tothe sand andkneel over youso that Ihave the freedomto ravish yourentire body atwill as youlie there writhingin passion. Mykisses work theirway down yourbody until Iam between yourlegs and mymouth covers yourpussy. My tonguegoes to work.First, I runmy tongue deeply into you andthen finish withflicking it delicatelyover the lengthof your labia.Then I findthe clit andmy tongue changes shape so thatit becomes adelicate pointed tool of pleasure foryour most delicateplace. Gently atmoderate speed, andthen with graduallyincreasing pressure andspeed I flickthe very tipof my tongueacross your lovebutton. Your hipsare undulating andyou are gaspingand moaning asthe tempo getsfaster, the touchgets firmer andthe tongue gets more rounded atit's tip. ThenI alternate theside-to-side movements withup-and-down movements andI can tellthat your areclose to yourclimax. One morething to tipyou over theedge...I slip myfinger into youand move itup to yourG spot whereI gently massagethe area whileall the timeworking you overwith my tiredbut eager tongue.Your sounds havebeen building andthen your hipsbuck vigorously andyou grab myhead and guidemy touch asyou explode ina burst ofecstasy.

Slowly but surely,he inserted himself,and she clutchedhim to her.This was causinga slight painto her, butnothing she couldn'tcope with, andshe felt herselfbegin to riseto meet hisgentle thrusts. Heheld her close,kissing her face,neck, anything hecould reach. Shelay back andsuccumbed, he thrustslightly harder andshe winced, butallowed him tocontinue. Soon herfeelings of anxietygave way tothe impending climax,and he sloweddown. The gamehe was playingwas simple, heneeded her tohold off alittle bit longer,he knew ifhe reached thenthat would bethat and hewouldn't be ableto continue inside her. And hewas enjoying theripples of pleasureemanating from hispenis, he feltit grow andswell and twitchuntil he wassure it wasgoing to burst.He sped up,feeling the warmwetness on hismost sensitive parts,and felt herbegin to contractaround him oncemore. This beganto send himover the edge,and soon heknew that therewas no goingback. His franticpace continued fora couple ofseconds, he felther begin toclimax too, andthen he released,the relief washingover him. God,he needed that.

Shereached down andwrapped her handsaround his shaft."Fuck me! Now!"She pushed himinto her alittle. He couldn'tkeep from shovinghimself fully intoher.

"Hey Sindy, I'vegot an ideawhich I thinkyou would like.How about wego to myroom where Ihave a mirrorwhere you cansee yourself doingthis, how doesthat sound?" Iasked.

I leaned backand looked downat my cleanlyshave white labia pressed against hisdark black skin and I knewthis was goingto be thebest fuck Ihave every had.My black lover started to humphis cock intodeeper as Irod on top.I was movingfrom one climaxto the nextas if theywere one longorgasm. When Ithought I couldn'thandle any morehe rolled meover and continuedhis penetrating attack from on top.I lock onwith my healspressed into hisbutt and enjoyedhis huge cock pressing into heback of mywomb. He wasready to climaxand I wantedhis sperm andcock to stayin me forever.As he pumpedto his climax,I had thestrongest orgasm Ihave every experienced.I could feelhis cock swellingand his ballstighten as hedumped five orsix strokes ofcum against theback wall ofmy womb. Iheld on notwanted to havehis cock leaveme. After severalminutes he pulledhis semi-hard cockout of meletting his cumflow from myvagina like asmall waterfall. Iwanted him again.

Nervously, she pulledherself out ofhis arms andstood away fromhim, knowing itwas no longerthe natural fear of his uniformthat frightened herbut it wasthe man beneathit that scaredher.

The windbegan to blowhard and Ishivered, nearly naked and cold. Youremoved your handfrom my pussyand your mouthfrom my nipple."Let's go backto the house.We won't beable to domuch here ifyou're cold," youwhispered, "and Iwant to doa lot." Iwrapped the whipcream and honeyback in theblanket and heldit in myarms, smiling asyou picked meup, my legsover one ofyour arms, myback braced againstthe other. Wewalked slowly back to the house,your eyes peering at my barebreasts from timeto time. Finallyyou set medown in frontof our door,unlocking it andleading me inby my hand.

Before I couldreflect further though,Anneke came back in with, "OhWill, give hima go. Noteveryone just wants casual sex, evenif it wasas easy fora guy toget as yousuppose. And Lachlan'sbeen divorced forwhat, nearly twoyears now. Anywayyou're embarrassing him.Not that heneeds to beembarrassed with us.You are soooooright though aboutthe companionship andlove that hehas. I mean,really, we're afamily aren't we.You're right."

"There issome one elseBut it isnot what youare think. Ihave always beenfaithful to you.No one otherthan you hastouched me. ButI have totell you thetruth. I havehad orgasms withyou but younever gave methose orgasms." Shesaid with moretears running downher cheeks.

"fuck meagain. Fuck mefuck me fuckme." She grindedagainst him.

I sawRuchi was shakyas she lookedat him fromair. Reddi ji however didn't lookedup and leavingthat penis straightin air heldher hanging sandalin his handand began kissingher feet, thistime wildly.

** * **

cumout, and shewasted no timecleaning it up,swallowing half ofit herself andfeeding him therest.

"Oh daddy, whydid you dothat?" Mary saidcrying, running offto her room.

Suddenly, she heardsirens behind her."Shit..." she saidas she pulledover. She musthave been goingfast. As thepolice officer walked towards her car,she suddenly realized that her dresswas still open.She quickly tried to button itup as bestas she could.

Mymind was awhirlas I laythere trying tofathom what wasobviously the mostintense, the greatest,orgasm anyone couldever have. Whathad we donethat had broughtit about?

"Same wayI came in."He pulled herinto his armsas she steppedtowards the door.

Marystill wasn't sureif she shouldreveal her lovefor Juliana, butshe felt thatif she didn't,she would neverget the opportunityagain. She triedto push herfear aside, andtell her, butwhat if Julianawas only mockingher, and shedidn't want herlike it seemed,when she waskissing her? Shedecided to takethe chance, hopingthat she wouldn'tregret her choice.

Now,I'm a solidseven inches anda good almost4 inches around,and it wasnothing for herto swallow ituntil I couldfeel her tonsils.She stroked herhand up myshaft fast, workingme into hermouth for whatfelt like eternity.I pushed myhips with it,really getting intorhythm, smacking mycock on theback of herthroat. Right whenI thought Iwas about toexplode, she stopped.

Itried to actsurprised, quite relieved that she wasgoing to tellme. I askedfor more info.

Hemade me sayall kinds ofnasty things toget his oldass off. Hedidn't care howmuch he washurting he justkept telling tosay things likecall him 'kingcock'. When Markstarted rubbing myclitty I squirtedall over hisballs slapping againstmy pussy lips.I just couldn'thelp it. Hewas just sodetermined. I wasrebounding from Jerry'scheating ass andMark wanted meso ferociously itmade me feelhot. Mark laughedand told mehow he likes"wet balls". Thenhe pulled hisdick out leavingme empty andspun me around.Before I couldput it togetherhe had thathuge cock ofhis down mythroat again. Ismelled my cumthat his wetballs left onmy nose whenhe pulled outmy throat tohave me suckthe head. Thesmell of myown cum onmy nose droveme over andI came againright on hisbed without anythingtouching me. Ireached up andrubbed his ballsand felt themshifting in myhands. Mark pulled my dress openand started squeezingmy breasts. Heput my handon my pussyand he startedmoving my fingerson my clit,rubbing hard andfast. He camein my mouthbefore I couldcome again.

'If? Areyou thinking ofstaying here?'

The fireworkswere dramatic andspectacular and Racheland I watchedthem in silenceenjoying the nightand the brilliantdisplay of man'sability to controlfire. When itwas over Isuggested we headhome, but Rachelwas too inlove with thecity and thepotential excitement tocall it anight. So whenshe turned tome and said,"Come on AuntSara, show memore. I couldn'tsleep now ifI had to."I relented andagreed to takeher on acab ride toWrigleyville to seewhere people herage spent Saturday nights partying.


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