Young nudism picture

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big lingerie balls and

"The onlyreason that weare here todayis because sheis pissed thatI turned herfantasies into realities."

"Okay,Okay .. giveme a minutethat's 30 drinks!"

Iwatch your face,as I fingermyself, performing this'duty' you wouldfeel compelled toperform if youwere not stillrestrained.

They made agorgeous couple. Bothbarely 21, hestood 6'2 andweighed The girllooked down atMikey. "Hold on,"she said andclosed the door.They waited afew minutes. Mikey'smother chewed herlips nervously.

The blackman was nowpressing his sweatingbody forward kissing Yuko deeply ashe fucked her.His mouth stifledthe load moans of pleasure coming from deep inher chest. Herlegs were doinga dance inthe air asthey rocked togetheron that sofa.

Thisdude was young,about the girls'age, and skinny.Three or fourinches shorter thanEmily, maybe 98pounds soaking wet,and he talkedwith a lisp.Yet he listedhis penis size as 12. Howcan such ascrawny, nerdy guyhave a twelve-inchpenis, both girlspondered to themselves.At least withoutDr. Sisters' enhancement products.

Finally she settleddown and layback, spent, withher eyes closed but a smileon her face,her chin stillshiny with spitand my come."I can't believeit," she said,"my own brotherfinger-fucking me andgetting me offlike a rocket.Oh, baby. Andhow did youlike your partof the bargain?Am I good,or what?"

James gaveher a devioussmile with aplayful look inhis eyes. Lickinghis middle fingerand making itmoist, he playedwith his nipplering. Knowing Adrienneenjoyed watching himdo that, hetraced his fingerdown his chestto his stomach,stopping short ofhis erection.

"Lie down,"he whispered ina tight voice.

Imotioned with myeyes to herchest. She lookeddown and realizedher erect nipples.She looked atme. A slightblush in herchecks and smiled."Well yes Ido. I realizedI liked towatch when Ifirst moved toManhattan. I spentalot of timelooking out myapartment windows."

I heardRed moan intomy ear thatshe wanted partof the actionas she starednibbling and suckingon the lobe.I was entrancedat being mashedby these twohot, horny women.Then Red's handreached past thebase of mycock and grabbedmy balls.

So Ipressed the issue,and asked herif she wouldlike to trythe detector.. Shewas eager inanswering yes!

Pete flushed."Um," he began,but Jenny interrupted.

Katesat there, unmoving.

Whenthe nurse wasdone with thetest, she squattedon the groundin front ofAlan, and said,"Let's take agood look atyou."

Darla wassitting across froma table watching Angel and Buffytalking with oneanother. She despisedthe fact thatAngel was goingout with her.He was supposedto be withher, not withthat sniveling little blonde. 'What isit that shehas, that Idon't have? I'mprettier than herand probably makeAngel feel things that he won'tfeel with her.'Darla was toodistracted to noticethat Riley wascalling out toher.

Hank finished hiscereal and coffeeand left forwork. Becky andI sat atthe table sipping coffee, not speaking.She was ina terry clothrobe and Iwas in runningshorts and atee shirt. Iwas planning ongoing for ashort jog aftermy coffee.

Michellewas sitting infront of thecomputer when Iwalked in. Herback was tome so shedidn't notice myarrival. I walkedquickly over toher and grabbedher hair, pulledback and kissedher hard onthe mouth. Shewas a bitstartled at firstbut as wekissed, I couldfeel her bodyrelax. I brokethe kiss andgazed into hereyes. I couldsee a devilishlook there, andI knew justwhat it wasthat Michelle wanted......

Ileft about 9amon a Saturdayto return Sunday afternoon. I wantedto arrive withplenty of timeto freshen upbefore he gotto the hotel.I was about2 hours into my drivewhen I hadto stop anduse a restroom.I did notrealize how wetmy pussy hadbecome during thedrive. It dawnedon me thatin less then6 hours Iwould be puttyin my lover'shands. The next4 hours ofdriving were torturouson my mindand body. Mymind wondered forso long thatI did noteven realize thatit was alittle after 3and I wasvery near ourhotel. I checkedin and walkednervously to ourroom. I usedthe key cardto open thedoor and Iwalked slowly intothe empty room.I had somany feelings. Iwas scared andnervous but mostof all, veryhorny.

"I don't knowwhat I want,"she said asshe pulled herhead away fromme and lookedat me inthe eye.

"No, onlymy toys."

a very muscular220. His hairwas dark andshort and hisblue eyes contrasted brightly against it.She was ashorter 5'8 butappeared tall becauseof her longexposed legs beneath a short skirt.With red hair past her shouldersand green eyes,she was stunning.Her breasts werefirm and pertbeneath a smallt-shirt. A veryfull 34 C,they were piercedand very sensitive.She had gotteninto piercings inthe last fewyears and alsohad both hertongue and herhood pierced.

Shewas nervous. Whathad she justagreed to? Hadshe made amistake in listeningto her innervoice and trustinghim? Ali didn'tthink so. Thiswas not onlythe man whohad featured inmany of herdreams but hewas a partof her pastthat she mightactually be ableto hold close for at leasta few weekswithout him beingharmed.

She didn't daretry to testhim: he removedhis hand fromher mouth, andshe kept itshut.

What happened behindhim didn't matterto him atall.

"Oh, yeah," hesays, watching memore than theroad.

Which reminds me;I even obtainedcontrol of yourseat on theExchange through myPower of Attorney- which youthoughtfully gave mewhile you wereunder hypnosis -and I amrenting it out.That will bea nice additional source of incomefor me, andyou won't beneeding it anymore,anyway. Even ifyou went back there, you wouldn'tremember any ofit, no onewould believe youwere 'Richard', and'Amber' wouldn't havea clue howit all works.She could onlymake money thereby humping everyman in sight- and probablywould!

"Good," MrTilley said. "I'mglad I dida good jobon them. Youreally have theloveliest teeth. I'llbet you havea gorgeous smile,too. Smile forme, please."

Still inJim's arms shelooks down atall the brokenglass on thefloor "listen Iwill clean itup."

On Thursday evening we stayed home.I grilled somechicken, microwaved someveggies & poured2 glasses ofMountain Dew, myfavorite soda pop.Though the diningtable was surroundedby the die-hardsummer sunlight, Idecided to lighta candle betweenus anyway. Weboth like togaze at candlesevery once ina while, evenwhen we're alone.As we ate,she told meher plane backto Louisville wasscheduled to departat 11 thatnight. So wediscussed what todo between finishingour dinner &driving to theairport. We decidedto play someof my discs& dance.

Nora grinned."One good thing,"she said, "Inever went offthe pill, soyou won't haveto use arubber." Her glancelocked on thelarge bulge inthe front ofTod's jeans. Shewalked across theroom and risingon her toes,kissed his cheek,allowing her bodyto press againsthis. "You lookpretty big, areyou?" she whispered.


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