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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Erotic lingerie super sexy

She liftedher water bottle to me ina mock toast."Here's to yourfuture" she said,a little smile playing across herface. Having setTim & Iup for theweekend, she wasmilking it forall it wasworth!

"GOD! Six months,all right? Itold you, it'sover!"

I was layingon my backwhen he climbedonto the bed.Brandon laid downon top ofme which restedhis cock right on top ofmy pussy. Eventhrough my skirtand thong, Icould feel hishard cock pulsing.I liked thefeel of hiscock His cockwas lodged atthe entrance ofmy vagina. Hedrove me wildwith his control,the bastard! Igrowled hungrily intohis ear, 'Fuckme Dave, Ineed it so.'I nibble onhis ear forpunctuation.

"Is this whatyou want, huh?You want thisblack meat, slut?Tell me." Ikept teasing herwith it, slappingat her facewith my cock,the soft smackson her skinpunctuating every word.I watched hertrying to takeme into hermouth again, whiningin frustration asI kept smacking her, cockslapping heragain and again.The pre cum was dripping copiously from the headand splatting onher skin, oneach cheek, againsther nose, ontoher lips asshe licked themoff until Ipulled her backagain, making hercry out withanother hard yank.

Mrs.Rogers is themother of myclosest friend Steve.Steve and megrew up togetherand we werealways at eachother's house, wewere almost likebrothers. I hadn'tseen Steve fora couple ofyears, now heis studying inAustralia, and hadn'tseen Mrs. Rogersfor almost aslong.

Pulling out ofthe parking lot,she was beginningto feel quite mischievous now. Sheleaned over andbegan to rubhis cock throughhis slacks. Itwas hard instantly.Then she beganto unbutton hispants and soonshe had hishard dick inher hand. Hewas trying hardto concentrate ondriving. She wasconcentrating on hisdick. She lovedto way aman reacted tobeing touched bya woman. Hewas beginning tomoan loudly. Hisdick was niceshe thought. Itwas pretty big and thick. Herhusband satisfied herfine but shewas pleased thatScott had alarge cock. Hetold her whatshe was doingfelt great. Whenhe came toa light, sheleaned over andsucked the headof his cockinto her mouth.This gave hera serious rush.To have anothermans dick inher mouth ina car ata stoplight seemedso bad. Yetit thrilled herso much. Sheswallowed more ofhis rigid tool.He was goingnuts now. Drivingwas tough butthey weren't faraway. He kepttelling her shewas so fuckinghot and thather mouth feltso damn good.She started tosuck harder now.Inspired by Scott'sobvious enjoyment shewanted badly toimpress him.

"Ihope you're notjust saying thatthis time mypet." She saidas she tookmy cock inher hands againand started tolightly tug onit, causing meto start toshake a littlenearing my orgasm.She quickly released her grip andI groaned infrustration. A grincame over herface, pleased withwhat she wasdoing to me,pleased that Iwanted her sobadly and mostof all pleasedthat she wascompletely in controlof my pleasure.The earlier day'sdisappointments, now aseemingly distant memory,she smiled toherself.

Roger leaned overthe table, nearlydislodging a fewtiles in theprocess. "Oh, butyou've just admittedthat you aren't.So you've gotat least oneexperience in thosetacky jeans ofyours, and evenif you hadn't?You're an Englishmajor. You canimprovise."

"Some amateurish surgery on the boatsaved my penis,but resulted inan enlarged toughened foreskin."

He had seenin the arenaa trinquixxiii whohad been setto fight witha giant python.The trinqui, acriminal of somesort was doomedto die. Thefight was deliberatelyone sided, thetrinqui fighting withno weapons. Thepython had wrappeditself around theman and slowlysqueezed the lifeout of him.The way herbody squeezed hiscock made himimagine a sinuouspython within herwas coiled aroundhis cock squeezing it in amost delightful way.

Theonly person whowas a littlenice to mewas my littlesister Kim. Well,she wasn't exactlylittle. She hadturned 18 thatvery month, andhad turned outpretty good looking.When I firstsaw her afterall these years,I was stunned.She was byfar the mostprettiest girl Ihad ever seen.She had goldenhair and blueeyes. Anyway, wegot really connected on that trip,and I foundout how amazingshe was. Shewasn't like otherteenagers. She wasgentle, kind andthoughtful. Everything shesaid had adeeper meaning toit. We couldhave been bestof friends, butfor the distancebetween me andmy family. Shedidn't care whatanyone else said.She said thatshe admired howI was proudof being different,and looked upto me asa strong person.I was almostsorry when thevacation ended andI had togo home toNY two daysafter New Year.

"Maybeif we gotthem both drunkand dared them."

UnfortunatelyEve did notsee irony ofthe story.

"If wedidn't, we'd haveto be dead!I mean howcould anyone withany life inthem not beturned on! Nothingliving could resistwhat I see!"


"Of course. Carolis an unconscioussubmissive. She wouldlove to haveme command heras long asshe doesn't haveto deal withit. Watch."

The manwent to riseand Ms. Williamsgrabbed the man'shead and quicklypulled him downto her largebreasts. Jamal realized that he wasstanding with thedoor wide open and his handon his crotch.Ms. Williams wave at him toleave the room.

Herhips were givinga rhythmic thrusting as I plunderedher clit anddrew forth hernext orgasm. Dawnstarted to pullmy head awayto give hersome relief asher whole bodyracked in orgasm& she shoutedher pleasure toanyone who couldhear her, butimmediately pushed itback against herto continue herpleasure & myplundering of theprize jewel infront of me.My finger grippedher hips tostop her bouncingsmothering me asher juices flowed around my tongue.

against mypussy, even throughthe layers ofclothing, so Iground my hipsagainst his. Iwrapped my armsaround him ashe leaned downto kiss me.

Randy was morethan just alittle unsure ofhimself but hetentatively reached outand took ahold of John'scock. "That's itRandy" I said,"Go ahead, strokeit, feel it,touch it, enjoyyourself honey." Oncehe touched it,he seemed tolike it. Hethen reached outand grasped Mark'scock as well.

Shehad without ceremony, pulled himinto the roomat the hotel,as she kickedthe door shut behind them, herperfume with itssubtle fragrance filled his nostrils ,as it waftedgently around them,like an invisiblefog, sending shivers of expectation running through his body."Do you knowwhat you arehere for?""Yes ma'am,and I don'tmind at alland I'm lookingforward to fuckingyou"

"Yeah, actually,but you're morethan fun enoughwhile sober."

"Ok…" andthen the phonehung up. Snifflinga little shetried not toactually cry herdisappointment… after allhe'd be homeat the endof the week.And tonight's orgasmshad been amazingjust because theywere something she'dstill managed todo with him.Touching her sorenipples she realizedthat the lingeringafter effects oftonight would remainwith her forquite awhile.

Kristelgave me asexy grin andwalked just ahead of me intothe room. Thesmell of herexploits still hungheavy in theair. The scentmade my dicktwitch. I watchedher as sheapproached the bedand turned toface me. Hereyes traversed thelength my nownude body. Shepaused for amoment over mycrotch, eyeing myhalf-hard dick witha look ofhunger.

My nameis Sara. I'ma 25 yearold who justgraduated from college.I'm white butwith a fairtan. I havelong black hair brown eyes and36C tits. Ilive in SanDiego and it'squite a partytown especially sincethe border toMexico is oclose by andin Mexico youcan do anything.I didn't mindgoing there whenI was youngerbut as Igrew up itstarted to looseinterest with me.One day myboyfriend (who isa complete jerk)wanted to goout with ourfriends to Tijuana.I really didn'tfeel like goingand I reallydidn't want tobe around him.But, I eventuallycaved in anddecided to go.The weather waskinda warm andI decided towear my blackskirt. It wasn'ta short oneit came tojust above myknees. I thenput on amatching black tube top with awhite shear blouse.I was consideringwearing a thongbut I knewhe was justgoing to getdrunk and Iwould have todrive back whilehe threw upalong the way,so I stuckto my whitelace panties. Laterthat night ourfriends came over,or should Isay his friendcame over andoff we wereto Tijuana.

For allthe interest Ihad received frommen, there hadbeen no onesharing my bedsince Pyotr, andI guessed therenever would be.I seemed tohave been unluckyin love anddidn't want torisk another loss.

Lisatook a sipof her drinkbefore continuing. "Everytime he goesthere, they don'thave sex forawhile. Last timehe went, Karenfound a Dr.'sbill in Dons'name. He wasbeing treated forVD."

As the threeladies and fivehorny boys danced together Mike noticedthat the pixies'bikini bottom wasa thong styleand stared ather bare ass under the layerof paint. Theschoolgirl's other friendwas dressed asa leopard, andher costume waswithout a doubtone of thehottest he hadseen so far.To say shewas dressed asa leopard really wasn't the correctword for it.

He pulled mypanties back upand hauled theskirt of mydress back down.Something grazed mycheek and flashedbright near myface... a newset of beads.His dark handsrested for amoment on myshoulders. I watchedthe string ofbeads settle torest between mybreasts.

"Well, Kathyhasn't come back here, so Isuppose that nomatter what's happeningdown there, sheis probably staying for the wholenight.


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