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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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Also onthe bed nowwas a smallgag, also requestedby my master.He had toldme that ifI were tobe punished, thiswould go onso that noone would hearmy screams. Itwas rather simplein design, justa small black rubber ball withleather straps oneach side. Therewere multiple holeson one side,to make abetter fit againstmy head. Therewas also ablack blindfold nextto the gag.This little toywas the worstof them Ithought. I didn'twant to feelit on, notknowing what wasto be next.I wanted tobe able tosee my masters'face. The lastthing that wasthere, Before she'dmet Charisma, Tiffanyhad enjoyed livingalone. She likedbeing independent; sheenjoyed coming andgoing as shepleased, whenever sheliked, to dowhatever she wantedwithout having toanswer to anyone.Now that she'dmet Charisma, though,that was allchanging. She foundherself not onlyalone but lonely.Her apartment, herjob, her sculpting,her travels, hernights out withthe girls, evenher occasional romantictrysts with guys(or girls)--none ofthese things, noneof these activities,none of theseadventures satisfied her.She always feltempty inside andunfulfilled, especially whenshe thought ofCharisma. Nothing butCharisma would satisfyher, and evenCharisma couldn't satisfyher completely, notunless, Tiffany decided,she were tomove in withher as herpermanent and constantparamour, sharing hermansion and herlife with herevery moment ofevery day.

His handscaressed her backso softly ashe brushed hislips on hers."Well, we betterget going baby.While the nightis still young."

Asshe spoke Iopened my eyescompletely and lookeddirectly at her.However, she wasnot looking intomine. Her eyeswere focused directlyon my stockingclad cock. Asshe smoked hercigarette they roamedfreely up tomy chest anddown to mylegs, but thenright back tomy cock. Shehad a strangesort of seriouslook on her
face that Ihad not seenbefore. Her facealso looked casual,as though shewas watching somethingon TV.

The notesaid " Bob,Honey, I amcool with whatRonnie needs. Havefun, but rememberthat tomorrow youare mine again.Love Sandy". Ilooked at Ronnie,and she pointedto the littlefoil package thathad fallen tothe driveway whenI opened theairplane. It wasa condom, whichof course backthen we calleda Rubber.

"Mmm,you are rightMarcia, I ama very badgirl, and Ithink I amcausing you tobecome one too,"I replied.

"What wouldChris say," Karensaid in mockhorror. Chris wasMelinda's husband anda prosecutor inthe district attorney'soffice. Several timeswhen he hadbeen drinking, hehad made veryunkind remarks aboutminorities, especially black men.

"And bringEvan with you!"

"Begfor it whore."

Carla and Julieoverpowered me anddrug me overto Carla's bed.I tried tothink of awayto get awayfrom them. "I'mall hot asweaty," I said."I need ashower first." Ithough if Icould get themto let metake a showerI could escapeinto my roomand lock thedoor.

"Can I joinyou?" asked theslim coffee-colored womanstanding next tothe table. Shewore a beigeskirt suit andtall heeled boots and carried acontainer of Chinesetake-out. "I'm Natalie,"she said. "Iwork admin forDonna in Corporate."

"Dude, I justsprinkled a littlebit into adrink and afteran hour itwas on" hegrinned.

"Do you lovehim?" Stevie asked.

Asummer of funand relaxation onboard a luxurious cruiseship in theCaribbean sea. Itsounds like adream come true,yet even thoughI got toexperience just that,the memories fromthat time doesn'tinclude much sunor relaxation. Perhapsthe simple truth is because staffdoesn't enjoy thecruises the sameway as guests.I got theopportunity simply becausesomeone thought Iwas good looking and it didn'thelp that Ihad a friendwho was afriend with another.You know, itreally had nothingto do withfriendship, just beingat the rightparty at theright time, wearingthe right outfit and doing allthe right things.When all thingscame together asthe pieces ofa jigsaw puzzle,I was offereda job workingon the shipand during 18months I workedhard to pleasethe guests withdrinks and chairs,also getting onstage at nightto sing aswell as leadthe karaoke, somethingI could doas a single.This fact mightalso have beena part ofme getting thejob opportunity inthe first place,but no oneasked so can'treally know forsure.

When hefinished, he softlysaid. "Glenda, isn'tit?"

Sensing the shutterthat takes mewell beyond, sheclings to mybody as thestorm she causedinside crashes through.Her sweet folds,contracting tightly, overand over, overlappingone another, milkingme as Iyield and baremyself fully untoher.

Suzy was exhaustedand headed forthe toilets. Nickyand I kissed.

"Deeper"she whispered, Ipushed forward untilshe had takenit all. Herpussy quivered andshe was cumming.I felt herpussy suck mycock in andI unloaded mycum in herpussy. She shookwith ecstasy andpulled me closeand started tokiss me deeply.Her soft caressreassuring, knowing, understandingthe feelings thatwere flowing throughme at thetime. She fuckedme, but shedidn't...

wasa bottle ofKY for extralube. As Iglanced at theclock, it wasnow 1:30. Ohmy I thought,time is sureflying. I stoodup off thebed and startedto grab mytoys and setthem neatly ina row onthe dresser. Mymaster had toldme to havethem out. Hewanted to inspectthem when hearrived. I gavemy toys onelast look beforeI opened myother bag.

Whilehe was makingthe coffee, anidea started formin his mind.When he wasstudying, he'd donea course onhypnosis and foundthat he wasa natural talent.It was somethingthat he'd developedas a hobbyover the yearsand even usedit on occasionsto help peoplerelax before theywent in frontof the camera.He had neverabused this powerbut as hethought back tothe way Lucyhad treated himall those yearsago, he thoughtthat this mightbe his onechance for abit of harmlessfun.

Ok, so it'sbeen awhile sincethe last chapterof Melvin, butthis one's substantiallylonger than previouschapters, so hopefully,that makes upfor it alittle bit. Incase you don'tremember what happenedlast, here's a(not so) shortre-cap.

The next day,I asked herif she changedher mind andshe said no,but she didbring me apair of newpanties. They werevery nice -much nicer thanthe pair Ihad on.

"DaddyI did enjoyit and wouldlove more ofit but itdid kind ofshock me comingfrom you. Youhave never hitme as longas I haveknown you." "Wellthat is whatI wanted totalk to youabout tonight Kristy.Baby this isso very hardfor me totalk about butplease try tounderstand OK?" "Iwill try withall of myheart Daddy. Nowwhat is itthat you wantto tell me?"

Whata cocksucker. Iwasn't going toput up withit. "Bullshit. Nowoman can keepa man out."

Physicallyyou have ayounger biological age,decreased heart rate,lower cholesterol, decreasedblood pressure, lowerlevel of cortisoland lactate twochemicals associated withstress, an improvedflow of airinto the lungsand a reductionof free radicalswhich are believedto be apart of theaging process.

Witheach lick, hesqueezed her softflesh, rolling thenipples and pinchingthem in concertwith his actions.Her pussy muscles rippled around histongue and hernectar coated hisface and flavoredhis mouth withits tangy sweetness.Thorne didn't thinkhe could everget enough. Hemoved his noseupward and pressedits tip onher hidden button,his tongue stillstroking.

I slowed mymotions down andfinally lifted myhead to lookat her. Herexpression was oneof pure euphoria.

Witha smile, Danickanodded. He wasin for theshock of hislife. So wasshe. What washe going tosurprise her with?Whatever it was,it was sureto keep hermind buzzing withthoughts for therest of theday.

I tried desperately to think ofother things, butthe insistent rubbing was too stimulatingto ignore andmy jockey shortsslowly turned intoan instrument oftorture, bending mywayward cock indirections it wasnever meant togo. My companionmoved his handsslightly under hisraincoat and Iassumed that hewas just making himself more comfortableuntil his outstretchedfingers started totrace the outlineof my bulgingcrotch. Of course,I could haveturned away orblocked his blatantapproach with thebag I wascarrying, but mycuriosity wasn't theonly thing thatwas aroused! Ilooked down nervously,but there wasstill no outwardsign of movementfrom under hisraincoat –not eventhe closest passengers would see anythingout of place.The realisation thatthey were obliviousto my eroticadventure only addedto my growingexcitement and Iedged forward slightly,submitting my rigidcock to thetantalising thrill ofhis wandering fingers.

Iwas swaying fromthe exertion ofmy cum. Alicewas licking mycum from aroundher mouth asbest she could.I could seegobs of iton her face.She took oneof her handsand wiped herface with itand then lickedthe cum fromher hand.

"Haveyou always usedsuch, ah, interestingphrases," he questioned.

NowNicole was 20years old andshe got alot of attentionfrom men. Suddenlyhaving big breasts and round hipsand a largerass was agood thing. Shediscovered that oldermen usually treated women nicer andstarted to themmore and moreoften. Andrew wasjust a guythat she hadmet through afriend she workedwith. He washer friend's boyfriend'solder brother. Atfirst he waskind of sweeta bit ofa flirt andkinda groapy butshe thought thatwas just cause he was akid just barely 22.


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