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Sunday, January 13, 2008

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Although guysare stuck withthe hand thereis different waysto stroke thehard cock. Thefirst thing isthey can dois go "dry"or use a"lube". I wouldbe classified asa "dry" guyand never evenknew for thelongest time youcould use alube. I havetried using thelube and itis a lotof fun -different that isfor sure, butyou need thelube handy -not great whenyou are sittingin She foughtthe men untilher husband, boundto the wallscreamed in painas one ofthe other mengrabbed and squeezedhis balls. Hewarned her, "Ifyou want yourhusband to bea soprano, keepfighting." Sandy pleaded with them asshe stopped strugglingand the secondman positioned hiscock tip ather hole andpushed forward.

Once more,Rachel smiled, sheepishlythis time, andnodded. Becky pickedup a largebath towel andspread it outin the middleof the bed."Lay down; onyour left side."Becky said, mimickingthe instructions Rachelhad issued earlier,"Pull your rightknee to yourchest."

Chapter 2

Feelingsomewhat jealous, Juliestopped her caressesand defensively asked,"Why do yousay that?"

"You're in."

Ihad my armswrapped firmly aroundher holding heronto my face.I felt hands trying to loosenmy grip andlooked up tosee Tania witha strap-on poisedto enter Angel from behind. Tryingnot to letgo of herpussy I movedslightly to allowTania access. Asthe tip touched her Angel gavea little cry of surprise. Taniahad a firmgrip on herand pressed home.Deep inside Angel she began torock back andforth fucking herwith a skillthat spoke ofsome experience. Myblowjob was allbut history butwith two pussiesswaying centimetres frommy face Iwas not aboutto complain. Thelegs that amere half anhour ago wouldn'topen for mewere now spreadwide on myface. My tonguewas hard atwork as muchas Tania's nowheaving 'cock' wasat work.

"Forgotten"I replied quickly.

"Ithought there wasan audit inDecember?"

Cindy looked athim, wide-eyed butwithout fear. Hewas simply toounthreatening a sightto scare anyone,even the paranoidresidents of BeverlyHills.

Crying out inpleasure as hepulls her offthe car, quicklywrapping her legsaround his waistas she buriesher face inhis neck, cummingso hard allover his fingers.

"Afterwhat just happened,"his voice cracked,"maybe you'd liketo spend thenight together."

Annietook all ofit in hermouth then, allof it oneswoop, enveloping hisentire cock intoher warm, moist,and waiting mouth.She sucked hardand pulled backrepeatedly, enjoying therhythm she wasbringing to Chad.He began toface-fuck her, palmsagainst the wallof the shower,impaling his cockinto her mouth,down her throat.Annie took allof it, enjoyingthe way Chad'sballs hit herchin with everythrust. She lovedthe way hiscock felt, slammingagainst the backof her mouth,ramming its wayinto her throat.She loved theway her moansof ecstasy weremuffled by thismonster of aman, bludgeoning hermouth.

He seemed reallyturned on bythe young guys'interest in meso when wewent back outto the barI suggested sitting at the barand I tookmy jacket offto tease bothTom and thebarman. When Tomwent to thecar to geta bottle ofwater , thebarman introduced himselfas Henri andI found outhis dark arablooks were Moroccan.When I askedhim what youngguys did forfun, he saidthat with thehotel being onthe moors andusually having apensioner clientele, James( the waiter)and he foundthings in thehotel were ratherdull but asthe bar usually closed at 11o clock theywere able toseek their funin the nearbytown of Kendal.

Welay basking untilI realized shewas feeling theweight of mybody so Irolled to myside. She rolledright with me,keeping us joineduntil finally mysoftening caused meto slide out.

Myconcentration was brokenby a groupof lads atthe other endof the carriage,who had fallenabout, in featsof laughter. Ilooked up atthem and smiledand then wentback to mystory. They wheremy only companionson the trainand I wonderedif they hadany idea aboutwhat I wasreading. I lookedback at themand smiled againbut this timejust to myself.

Theolder I get,the more Ifind myself obsessingabout things. Ihave these overwhelmingcompulsions to getthings done, insteadof putting themoff. These thingsthat I wouldotherwise put offfor something todo on arainy day alsohave to beaccomplished the correctway, with zerotolerance for mistakes.My obsessive behaviorwould be consideredperhaps quaint andeccentric, if itweren't for thefact that Itry to inflictmy perceptions oneveryone else. Figuringthat people aroundme are simplyblind to themonumental significance ofsuch things aspaying bills, doingthe laundry, preparingfor retirement, etc.,its my dutyto keep themaware. Of course,no one reallytakes me seriously.They appease methe best theycan and tryto avoid mywrath. This avoidance,in itself, isenough to makeme crazy tothe point thatI usually endup doing thechores or tasksmyself. As acontrol freak, bynature, this isa role Ifeel comfortable with.

"Whatabout Superman?"

your car andin the mood,or at yourdesk at work.

"I...Iknow," she replied."And...and I can'tjust..." She tooka deep breath."I can't dowhat...what I...I thoughtI could do.I...I can't helpmyself. I...I needto make lovewith you."

They madelove numerous times over the nexttwo days. Bothwere insatiable. Hebecame her teacher,letting her trythings, her needsthe most important.For the firsttime, at age42, she suckeda man's cock.She enjoyed thatpleasure immensely, lovingthe texture, thescent and thetaste of hisflesh. And when,she brought himto the edge,and he triedto pull away,she clamped herlips around him,letting his seedspurt into hermouth, savoring thisnew sensation, trulyenjoying the tasteof his cum.

Now, turn aroundslowly. I loveyour super shortskirt. Of course,Coach wants tofuck you, justlike everyone elsein school! Yourbutt is sotight and muscularand your legsare so longand beautiful. Bendover. God, you'reso hot! I'malmost ready tocum without eventouching you.

Theywere soon inthe bustle ofthe camp. Childrenran back andforth in gamesonly they understood.Older girls andwomen tanned hides,ground flour, orworked on otherchores. Men came and went bringing in game orother provisions. Perand his friendswere looked overfor a fewseconds by eachperson they passedbefore that personwent back towork.

"Oh my God,I can saymy brother isa music ANDmovie producer! Youare totally, thisis like toogreat!"

"Phoebe, finish yousister roughly", Iinstructed. Phoebe tookPiper's leash inher right handand yanked Piper'shead back. Stillholding the leash,she grabbed Piper'ships anew andstarted to pistonPiper's cunt witha fury. Phoebehad started toget a littlemore aggressive withher words aswell. "C'mon Piper,tell Aaron howmuch you likethis".. tell himhow much youlike your littlesister pounding yourcunt".. tell himwhore!..

She beganto read—then gasped,and stared athim in shock.She looked back to the letter,read it again,and then graspedhis hand tightly.

Shefound herself shakingher head... Thepain was intense,but she foundherself actually wantingme to completeher punishment. Sheneeded to endureit for me.

Herbreasts were justas gorgeous asRyley remembered them.Pushing Britney ontoher back, hepulled her pantsand thong offher body andtossed them overon top ofher shirt. Hepushed her kneesup to herchest and Britneygrabbed her thighs,holding herself open.

"But..."I stammered, andshe frowned. Finallyunderstanding, I sankto my kneesand kissed herfeet. She pattedmy head. Walkingover to theFrau, she kissedher erotically.

Iinstantly knew whathe meant andgot on allfours. His cockentered my backpassage and myscreaming became louderwith each thrust.Although it seemedhe had justentered me, hecame without anywarning. We bothcollapsed on thefloor before gettingdressed again.

"Well,"he said, "Ireally don't thinkyou've got muchof a choice."He sat upand pulled herknees together. Thenholding her shortsat the waistbegan pulling themdown. With herhands free now,Jen tried tokeep herself dressed.

"Littleblack Sambo," growledthe black man,"and that's AuntJemima." He noddedback towards thedriver.


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