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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hot interracial sex drugs

Sharon snapped back into thepresent and finisheddrinking her coffee.

"Hottub time!"


But myeyes were transfixedon Kelly. Shewas slowly slippingthe first threefingers of herleft hand inMatt and Debbieplaced their facesnext to together,placed the binocularsbetween them, andeach sharing oneof the eyepieces. It wastricky at firstfor brother andsister to viewin the samedirection but aftera few jerksin opposite directions,they began tomove in unison.Matt had neverbeen this closeto his sisterfor any lengthof time andenjoyed the continuouscontact of hersmooth skin againsthis cheeks. Mattwrapped his armaround Debbie's waistas they movedtheir heads side to side forbirds. They wouldsee a birdand then huntthrough the guideto identify it.Occasionally there wasa small argument over which birdit was butafter an hour,they did notsee any newbirds to identify.

Anyfurther protests fromme were stalledwhen I sawher sexy bodyagain. She wasa dream come true. Incredibly erotic,unabashedly beautiful, andshe possessed apersonality that madeher shine allthe more becauseof it. Itossed aside anyconcerns I hadand grabbed herup in myarms, pulling herto me andkissing her.

"Tell yourMaster what youwant"

"I'm fine,just shook upfrom when hehit me," saidKarina. "Now what?"

Tomy surprise, whenI walked intomy bedroom, therewas Jack undermy covers. Istopped. What thehell will Ido now? I'mnot going tosleep on thecouch. I knewthat he wasthere with theintention of fuckingme. I wasnot on thepill. Had neverused the pill.Johnny used condoms.Remember? I thoughtthat it wouldbe a safetime of month,so I crawledunder the coverswith him. Hemight have fallenasleep while Iwas in thebathroom? Even ifhe fucked me,he would probablycum shortly, soI could beasleep soon.

He lookedher in theeye and simplysaid, "You lostthe bet." Thenput his handson her shouldersand pushed herdown on herknees. She obeyedwhen he toldher to puther hands behindher back. Hereached out withone hand andgrabbed a fistfull of blondhair. With hisother hand hegrabbed his cockand started rubbing it over herface.

Barbara glanced over her shoulderat Ludlow asshe departed theroom. She gavehim a winkthat spoke volumes,then pointing firstto her faceand back atLudlow, she wordlesslymouthed the words:I-LOVE-YOU.

"Oh, no! I'mgoing to haveyour smell inmy nostrils allthe way home,Jackie! You're taste,as well!" Shesqueezed my armhard and grinnedhappily down thehallway.

Kneeling, Tedslipped them downexposing her blondebush covered pubic mound and invitingpussy lips. Afterstaring in awe,he began kissingher inner thighs,spread her cuntfolds and proceededto probe histongue into thatdelicious pussy andmassaging her colitis.I felt atwinge of jealousybut knew mytime would cum...

"That'sapparent. Is ityour battery?" Heasked.

"Oh, she'dforgiven you? Fuckthat. You shouldhave gone backand smacked her."

'Foronce bend yourbeautiful will, forI will beunable to helpyou.'

I frozein place, mouthagape. I wasso stricken byher naked beautythat no coherentthought could enterinto my head.

I could notstop staring intohis eyes. Hewas uncommonly handsome.I felt mylabia swelling withdesire, my nipplesbecoming erect ashe continued togrip my handin his.

Thenshe said, "Iwish I couldfind some niceolder man tofuck me likeDaddy fucks you."Then she admittedthat she hadbeen spying onus every chanceshe got. Whichwasn't all thathard as mywife, Monica, andI have apretty active sex life. We havean open relationship and regularly swappartners with ourneighbors, the Franklins,or attend sex parties together.

"Justrelax and enjoy"she reassured me.

I agreed withhim and thoughtthis might bean excellent time to propose ahypothesis.

andout of Julie'stwat, her faceonly inches away.Gradually the penetrationbecame deeper untilto my surpriseand deep arousalKelly's wedding ringwas disappearing inside this blonde goddess.Sensing my presence,Kelly looked atme over hershoulder.

"Same time nextweek?"

"No, just putit on righthere. Let mesee," Sue said.

"Good,"Erica responded. Andthen, without thinking,she blurted out,"I'm going toget myself offagain real quick."

Theyfinally stopped. Shetrembled in anticipation."Is this whatyou longed for?"He asked.

She continuedspeaking, " Haven'tyou noticed theway I dressaround you lately?I have beendressing extra sexy just for youdaddy. Ever sinceMom died, youhave been workingyour butt offto make surethat I hadwhatever my heartdesired and welldaddy, I figuredit was timefor me toshow you justhow much itmeant to me.You went withouthaving a datefor so manyyears and whenI started doing the laundry, howcould I notnotice that youwere relieving yoursexual frustrations bymasturbating. I haveseen the waythat you lookat my friendswhen they comeover and theynoticed it aswell. Several ofthem think youare one ofthe sexiest men they have seenand wanted tofuck you, butdidn't because youare my dad.""Hell daddy, it'staken everything Icould do notto come sneakinginto your bedroomat night whenI hear youjacking off yourhard rod atnight."

I moanin pain andsavor the pleasureas he yells"ALL MINE!"

"Yes," Tiffanyadmitted, still astoundedat having sixtits, "but notenough to keepthem permanently."

Jackie moaned.


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