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Friday, January 11, 2008

Nude actresses beach parties

She lookedso sexy sitting there with herblonde pussy fully exposed for myviewing pleasure. AsI love todo, I askedthem for acountdown before theblastoff. The gaveme a "ten,nine, eight, seven,six, five, four,!" and Iobliged by jettingout my firstspurt right afterzero. The firstglob launched andarched over thefive feet betweenus and landedsplat on Barbara.I aimed atJoe and hosedhim down withthe next threespurts, then returnedto Barbara foranother five spurts.Each one hithigher and higheron them untilI started tolose thrust afterIt didn't takelong before shewas saying shewas dizzy andwe got herto lie down.Dick got herkeys and thenwe drove thevan and hercar over tothe mall andparked way inthe back andaway from everybody else. Harrypushed up herskirt and startedpulling off herpanties. She justlooked up atus and giggled.It wasn't untilHarry pushed herlegs apart andmoved between themthat she saidanything and eventhen it wasonly, "What areyou doing? Shouldyou be doingthat? Aren't youtoo young tobe doing that?"

My ponytail isbouncing up anddown as Ienter the mall.My skirt isso short thatit almost allowsthe very bottomof the cheeksof my assto be seenwhen it hangsstraight down, andI'm quite sure that it's evenmore revealing whenit flips upand down asI walk. Ilook down atmy breasts andconfirm that mynipples are clearlyoutlined by thethin, white cottonof my tighthalter top.

"That'sit," she sighed,"play with mynips!" I carriedon running myfingers over herhard little points,tweaking them, andexciting her more.Her hands reachedaround behind myhead and pulledmy face downto her tit.I soon got the idea andreplaced my handwith my tongue,licking around andacross the sensitivebud. She pulledmy head closer,and I tookher nipple inmy mouth, suckingit in betweenmy lips, runningmy tongue overthe top. Ilet my teethgently close onit, very gentlybiting her nip.She gave outa moan ofpleasure, letting meknow she likedit.


"A little patienceand a littletest first Ifeel" replied Britney,standing up andwalking away.

"Do youhave names forthem?"

The three ofthem had accumulatedand saved upsemen from theirsexual encounters overthe past severaldays and, immediatelybefore the Fridaymeeting, inserted themass of creaminto their pussies.

Notmany people havethe opportunity towitness the sightI was grantedas she returnedto the patiowith our tea.Jenny wasn't whatyou would considera tall, sleekmodel-like female, butshe was soshapely and proportionatelyput together thatthe standards set by others nevercame to mind.She is 5feet 3 inches tall with a36 inch bustline.

This time,he broke off.His cheeks schoolboy red, he stutteredout something unintelligiblebefore deciding itmight be bestto be silent.

"Beth, I amtelling you rightnow that youneed to stop!"Instead of stopping,Bethany's hand moved the zipper downon Joe's jeans.A loud groancould be heardcome from himas she pushedher hands throughthe fly andinto his underwear,running her handthrough his pubichair.

Angle licked her lips andfelt her mouthwater and leanedover and said,"Oh honey, youknow what thisnaughty gal likes don't you?"

Thoughthe years hadpast a highschool was farbehind them at29 Sarah andTammy had remainedfriends and hungout together allthe time. Sarahhad married, whileTammy remained unattached and dating stillas often aspossible. However, Sarahhad long sincestopped picking upthe pieces, she'dhad enough troublein her shortmarriage to anabusive asshole, shedidn't need anymore friends, shepreferred to stayaway from menaltogether.

When Molly wentlimp, Lily lookedover her shoulder."Fuck me, now,"she said.

"I'mgoing to sendyou something thatI want youto see, itmight help usboth out inthe long run,"She teased.

The voiceon the otherend says, "Withme its alwaysgood." My heartskips a beatas my mindrushes to placethe voice. "I'llbe there in15 minutes. Dressin the clothesin the bagat the footof the bed."

number ten,and the finalfour or fivebursts hit onthe carpet.

Witheach slow thrustof the dildoyou could hearthe catch inher breathing asit was almostto much forher pussy totake. He increasedthe speed andshe was nowmoaning and squirmingaround the bedin her pleasure.

"Please, do notresist. It istime and hewill not bedenied." The darkskinned man reached out to takemy hand. Therewas a lookof pleading, ofconcern on hisface but Irefused to heedhis warning.

Anand hadbeen corresponding witha family inCalcutta regarding Rachna'smarriage. They hadphoned him fromCalcutta three daysback, that theyintended to cometo Patna nextweek, and wouldstay with oneof their relations.Yesterday they hadarrived here andagain intimated himon phone thatthey would becoming to hishouse on nextevening to meetthe family andsee the girl.

Thisbrought me tothe realization thatI was ashard as arock just fromthe actions ofthese two hornygirls. Only pausingfor a momentto ponder thisI swung mylegs off thebed and camearound to standbehind Robin. Man,what a sexyass this onehad and Myonly thought wasto work myprick deep inher love hole.

Apair of rubylips is automaticallylicked. A tinglingin hard clit is felt. Nickygoes to knees.

"Storage. I keepmining supplies inthere, especially theexplosives."

As she utteredthe four-letter word- a wordthat I hadnever heard heruse before –Chris pushed thefirst two inchesof inflamed meat inside her body.

Ritahad meanwhile openedher eyes andnoticed that sheshouldn't fear thatPete would discoverthis, because allhis attention went to her pantyand the contentof it. Ithad been along time thatshe still hadfelt herself thisway, certainly thata young blokewas spending somuch attention toher and wasadmiring her likehe did. Shewas also affectedby his massaginghands on herlegs and gotit warmer andwarmer. The onlything she wantednow was agood lovemaking; shewas ready forit. She onlyhoped that bygiving her sonthe possibility tomake love toher she wouldbe able to,if necessary, guidehim so thatnot only she,but all furthergirlfriends would havebenefit of it.

Shepulled my dickout of hermouth and tonguebathed it fromend to end.She stroked it,hugged it andbegan slapping itagainst her face.I noticed shewas rocking backand forth, Iwas sure herhand would smellof cunt. "Alrighthoney, get yourhot little mouth down on myfuckstick cuz Igot two bigmountain oysters thatyou fixing todrain down yourthroat." She pausedand looked upat me. "Nobaby, we goneto far tostop now, weare at yourreward. All cocksuckersget a rewardfor eating amans nut juice," I smiledknowingly. With that,I shoved herhead down andtook a bighit off thecigar and asI slowly blewthe blue gray smoke up tothe stars asI churned myhips and Ispew. She lookedlike she wasgoing to panic,but my voicewas soft andreassuring, "just swallowit. Swallow itall."

And then,while Jerry wasstanding there atthe lakeside whittling away at hisstick a cardrew up. Themost handsome man Jerry had everseen got outof the carand took atowel out ofthe trunk. Jerry'scock was instantlyhard and heturned away sothe man couldn'tsee it tentinghis shorts. Jerrysneaked another lookover his shoulders.Damn! was thisguy good looking.He had deliciouslooking lips, softblonde hair andsexy green eyes.He was aboutthirty six andstood about sixfoot tall. Hewas wearing shorts and Jerry couldsee that hehad a mightfine pair oflegs that weredusted with babysoft blonde hair.

"Perhaps you'll havethe opportunity totest your thoughts."He motioned forthe window and,while I complied,I favored himwith a scowlladen with intention.Any doubt hemight have hadto what Iprivately vowed todo with himmust've been completelysilenced.

"Would you liketo come in?I'm beginning toget cold standinghere."


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