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Monday, January 7, 2008

Schwul midget sex oralsex

"Maybe" Isaid to Susan"I should cutit with thescissors first andget it asshort as possiblethat way? "After I startedhacking into strandsand hanks, Ilooked round andrealised Petal hada finger stuckin her cunt,slowly and quietlypushing it inand out inthat absent-minded wayshe has ofplaying with herself.If you hadbeen listening though,you would haveheard the wetslurping noises. ButSusan and Iwere chatting aboutthe new lesbianspace on campusand were unawareof the sounds.Besides, Susan hadher back to"What do youthink about sex?"she asked.

Thepanther never budged.However, her, andsomehow I knewit was a"her", mouth closed and the huntinglight in hereyes was replacedby a lookthat almost seemedquestioning. In response,I let myface return toits human form.She slipped closer,her eyes fixedon the chainedpeople. I thoughtfor a momentI saw sorrowin those eyesand then determination.The intelligence inthem was staggering.I knew Iwas side-by-side withno ordinary animal.

Bessysmilingly said "Sure" and I loadedmy bike inthe truck bed.Crawling into thecab next toBessy set myheart to racing.But keeping mybreathing under controlI made smalltalk as wemoved up themountain.

And sheleft.

"W-WW-Who the hellare you?" shedemanded, "What areyou doing inmy house?"

She feltwicked, erotic anda little bit scared. She lookedup at Maxand he wassmiling at her.That smile gaveher the littlebit of reassuranceand lustful zing she needed togo through withher planned action.Gently she tuggedon the zipof his flyand pop!

Yourhead tilted back and you leanedback into meopening your legs.My hand trembled as I movedit down yourthigh, I couldfeel the heatemanating from yourcunt and Iwanted you.

"Kissme," I gaspedas I movedmy lips closer to hers. Sheneeded no coachingat this point.She smothered mymouth with herfull lips, andinstantly darted hertongue between mylips. Naturally, Ireturned the favor.

"Okaymum." he repliedgiving me ahug.

Cassandra nodded, eventhough she waslying. She hadn'tslept much. Herthoughts were pervadedwith this vampire,Raj. "Yeah, itwas good, why?"

AsI sat ona blanket, Ipulled out mybook, and nosooner had Iopened it, thanI heard afamiliar voice. Iturned and sawGayle sitting notfar away. Shewas talking tosomeone, another woman,and they seemedto be havinga rather livelyand friendly conversation.Smiling, I returnedto my book,but found itdifficult to concentrate,as every nowand then, I'dhear Gayle laugh,a light, airygiggle. And everytime she did,I found myselfsmiling in reply.

"Wow! You didn'ttell me Ethan'shome. You knowI have thisbig crush onhim and all."Said Jenna.

Do youunderstand these rules?"

Shesmiled at meand came closer.

"Ohbut this onewill only bein use fora week "he laughed "Afterthat we wontwant any morecalls of thetype we willbe getting "

I was gettingrestless. I feltas though everybody'seyes were onme in therestaurant. I wasalone at atable for twoand had beenfor an hournow. I guessedmy blind datewasn't going toshow up. Icursed my friendfor setting meup with anunreliable guy. Ihadn't dated sinceI split upwith Jason andit wasn't exactlydoing my selfconfidence much goodto be stoodup. The onlyquestion now washow to makean exit withoutlooking like moreof a foolthan I alreadydid.

"Yess! Yess! Fuckyes! I'm sorryi'msorryi'msorryi'msorry"Sadie broken whimpers turned into fullblown sobs, andtears cascaded downher coal outlined eyes and paintedcheeks.

Max always calledhis mother byname. Somehow itmade him seema little older and her alittle younger.

Petal. Susan madeno attempt tohide her sexuality,as we gossipedabout other womenon campus andthe local scene.I hoped Petal was listening andlearning.

The mall wasa short distance from the tollbooths;she didn't realizethe guy inthe pickup wastailing her. Pullinginto the parkingshe had noproblem finding aspot, it wasearly in theday, the mallwould not becrowded now. Againshe failed torealize that thepickup truck hadpulled into aspot a fewcars down.

I lookedback at him,and shrugged, Steve'sbrown hair washidden underneath hiscap. "Yeah Ireally like her."

"Yourtime is up.I'm here totake you toprison. Are yougoing to comequietly?" Superman's usualopening question received a common answer.

When he gotto our house,Steve was prettymuch to thepoint.

Her chinwas pressed againstthe oak table as she felthis fingers openingthe soaking petalsof her sex.She felt afinger sliding intoher ass, probingit. An hourago, he wasjust a storemanager. Now heknew her mostintimate secrets.. Herbreathing was nowhard and labored.

'Daddy!Don't finger methere I havenot been tothe loo yet!'

Laurenand Nhat Sulaani took up positionssitting on theirknees on eitherside of Maggieand each womantook one ofMaggie's hands andheld it ontop of herthighs, effectively spreading and securing Maggie'sarms wide apart.Maggie retained whatmodesty she couldby keeping herlegs tightly closed.

Steppingout of theshower, Mike handed Julie a toweland proceeded todry off himself.As he gazedat her gorgeousbody, his cocknow at half-mastcame quickly back to life andsoon pointed directly at the ceilingonce again. Therock-solid erection didn'tgo unnoticed byJulie. She lurchedforward and leaptup locking herarms behind Mike'sneck and wrappingher legs abouthis waist. Freeingone hand, shegrabbed his penisand guided itinto her waitingpussy. Julie's weightwas distributed evenly between her armholdon Mike's neckand his armsthat supported herlegs as shestraddled him. Withall the strengthhe could muster.Mike gripped Julie tightly so asto not lether slip andat the sametime drove hisshaft up intoher with shortquick upward strokes.He has nevermade love inthis position andfound that itwas quite physically exerting. He pumpedfuriously but hislegs were weakeningand his kneesbegin to buckleslightly. Sensing thathe would soonlose his balance,Julie directed himto move backwards a few steps.As he did,she lunged fora towel rack that she wasable to grabhold of withher right hand..Holding the rack,she pulled hardforcing Mike's backto the wall.There, she reachedout with herleft hand andfound the balancebar on therear of thebathtub. With gripsfor both herhands, she tightenedher legs aroundhis waist andbegan thrusting herpelvis at him.She had himpinned against thewall and beganslamming him mercilessly.Soon he feltanother wave oforgasm shooting uphis rod anderupting into herpussy. No longerable to supporther weight, hereleased her andfell into aheap on thefloor.

She then puther arms aroundmy neck andkissed me.

"Iknow," she saidwith a smile.When we gotto her bedshe said, "You know whatto do bitch,"I stripped andspread my legsfor her shesaid " Verygood whore," .While she waslooking at methe dildo startedsliding out.

I turnedmy car overto the valetat the hotel,and headed forthe check in.Breezing past thegift shop (theone thing Ihate about NiagaraFalls: all theCanadiana kitsch), Iheaded for thefront desk, greetedby a cherubicyoung girl, whoeagerly sold memy room forthe next twonights, giving mea run downof all theamenities that thehotel had tooffer, gave mea room key,and welcomed meto Niagara Falls.

"Katherine,but you cancall me Kathy,"she replied, shakinghis hand.


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