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Thursday, January 3, 2008

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Paul couldn'tbelieve his luck.He'd been withworking girls before,even the priceyones, but nonecompared to Candyin beauty, freshness,and energy. Shewas by farthe most amazingwoman he'd everbeen with. Herealized that themysterious virtual pimp he'd been referredto was indeedtruthful. But whatcontrol did hehave over thesewomen to makethem so compliant?Was he black-mailingthem?

moments Ray started pumping faster andwith a hugethrust came deep in my wife'shot cunt.

"Umno...G'day" he saidshaking my hand."Beer in thefridge?" He askedholding up aslab of VB.

Shewas talking abouthow she hada case once(she works withfamilies and thecourts) where oneof the parentswas into S&M;the lawyers wantedto take thekids away fromthe mother becauseshe was intoS&M; Kate hadto say tothe court thatshe didn't carewhat sort ofsex the motherwas having, butthat the kidswould be betteroff with theirdad because theirmam kept talking inappropriately about hersex life tothem, and thatit would bethe same ifher sex life had been entirelyordinary.

"Hello Jordan,my name isReece." He stuckout his hand.Jordan stood theredumbfounded and juststared. The manwas naked forcripes sake. Hischest was smoothand brown, untilit got tohis waist, werea lightly furred trail of happinessstarted. Her gazefollowed that trail,to his cock,that was easilyten inches long.Jordan's eyes jumped back to hisface. He hadbeen watching her,she blushed instantly.Reece flashed asmile, which madeher knees goweak.

Without missing abeat she turnsaround and pullsDebbie to cleanthe cum ofher. Debbie haslost all strengthand does whateverthis Goth-chick makesher do, makesme wonder ifthey have ahistory together ormaybe its justchemistry. Her assis now facingto me. Idrop to myknees, and takeat look atthe view; nota bad ass at all, slightlysaggy and cuteview of fatpussy lips. Sheis drenched anddripping like aleaking tap. Islip two fingersin (through Ithink my entirefist could fitin there), andstart finger-fucking her.Either she stillriding her orgasmor I'm hittingthe spot, becauseher pussy isstill running onthe 5th gear.I want tojack this box,and my goodol' dependable ohnson is ready asalways. I getup and pushthe rod inas far asit can goand start fuckinglike my lifedepended on it.

Igot up at7 AM tohave breakfast andcoffee before weheaded out forthe day. Iwent to takea shower andgot dressed inloose cotton shorts with boxers anda t shirt...Normal Saturday attire which my friendstated would beok since weredoing a homedelivery job. Whenwe got towork, I noticedthat he drillswells for sprinklersystems for homesand business. Wegot our assignmentfor the daywhich was ahome under constructionan hour fromthe office. Wetook the rigto the placewhere we aregoing to drillthis well atand told meto just relax because this isgoing to takeabout 3 hoursto complete. Whilemy friend wasgetting the rigset up, extendedthe drilling hammerand hooked upthe cables tothe bit, themachine that was40 ft long and 15 fthigh turned intosomething that lookslike a bigL with acable hanging downfrom the back.

Kelliefinds herself gettingquite hot. Shereaches up andunbuttons the threetop buttons onher shirt. Thisopens her topup some andhelps expose someof her breasts.

Thatwas all theinvitation I needed.In a fewmoments I hadold Peter Dick in Mom againand was fuckingaway like crazy.I began tofuck her again,gradually thrusting harder and deeper. Ihooked my armunder one ofher legs andpulled her hipshard against meas I plowedinto her lovepassage. My dickwas into herpussy all theway to theballs. She feltvery hot inside,and my cockfelt warmly welcomed and livingly hugged.

Sheturned her headfrom side toside a fewtimes, as ifher neck werestiff. She slippedher hand upfrom the swirlingwater to rubit lightly.

I buriedmy face deepin her cunt,driving my tongueas deep asit would go.I wanted toscream. I wasready. The timewas now! Ibegan my orgasm.I could feelVickee pulling onmy cock andballs. She knewit was aboutto explode downher throat. Andshe wanted itAll of it.She sucked hard,pulling my cumfrom my cock,and swallowing everydrop she couldget. One, two,three gigantic spurts filled her mouth.She swallowed eachone, and cameback for more.Grinding her pussyon my face,I felt herhesitate, and beginher own orgasmon my face.It was anincredible experience!!

She stoodtrembling as shewatched Wesley milk the last ofhis cum outof his cock.Standing stiffly inits fully erect state, his cockwas easily asbig as Picard's,or bigger. AmusedBeverley didn't realiseshe had beenliving so nearsuch a cock.A vision ofher son, fucking,sucking and chewingon her clitoris,drinking her delectablenectar, arse fucking her, then ashe tired shewould rest hishead against herbreasts, suckling hernipples as hedid when hewas a baby.With these visionsin her mindshe went overto his bed.

Heshuddered as herfist and lipsstripped the lastvestiges of hissemen from deepinside his cock.She licked herlips clean ofall the milkyfluids and utteringthe first understandablesounds he'd heardher make, "Yum!"

When I realizedthis I wasstunned, because, tobe honest, Ididn't really thinkI would getaway with actuallyflashing Julie's nippleson Amtrak. Thegown would haveto fall downtoo far Ithought, and Iwas afraid theresult would lookas intentional asit really was,which could havegotten us intotrouble, and Iwas worried aboutthat. This waythough was different.Julie's evening gownwas never meantto sleep in.Who could saythat the slitup the frontof her dressdidn't innocently fallopen? Who couldsay that herbolero hadn't innocentlyfallen open aswell? And whocould say thatJulie's strapless eveninggown didn't innocentlyget twisted tothe side whileshe shifted inher sleep tomake herself morecomfortable?

"The water feels GREAT!" I finallyfinished my originalthought.

She strolled overto the stageto pick upher things andcontinued on toher car. Throughher painful onslaught of thoughts, shebarely caught thefootsteps coming ina rush towardher. Killing offthe longing tolook, she keptgoing, but mutteredaloud, "Whoever's behindme, I reallydon't feel likea chat rightnow."

"I call shotgun,"Jerry stated ashe opened theunlocked passenger door and climbed inthe vehicle.

They allwalked out ofthe room slowlyas I cleanedthe last dropsof cum frommy body. "Ifyou're interested, we'llbe back ina half hourfor round 2,with more surprisesfor you," theman said. Ittook little convincing to get meto stay...

/> "Noyou know mydaughter Anita," thewoman said watching him closely.


A gentlerain began tofall at thatmoment as Islid in andout of hisbutt, watching mysheathed rod disappearing into him. Iturned my faceup to thefoggy sky andclosed my eyes.I smelled thefresh air, listenedto the ceaselessrustle of therainforest and theroar of theocean far below.There was nothingbut the coolrain and gentlebreeze on myskin and thethrusting of myhips and thehot tightness ofhis asshole engulfingmy cock.

Hannah's reasonfor being onthe boat soonbecame evident. Shecame back out,and lay onthe dinner table.The food wasplaced upon hertorso, tits andlegs. A bananawas then gentlypushed into hercunt, and asmall carrot inserted up her arse– in frontof us. Weate the scrumptiousfood off ofher, and washedit down withthe Moet. Sooneveryone was relaxingmore, and Hannahsure put ona good show.As the foodwent down, shestarted masturbating herselfwith the bananaand carrot.

I lickedat her againand again. Ireached between usand opened herslit wider. Moreand more ofthe thick fluid filled my mouthand I swallowedagain and again.Bev pushed forward and down. Pressingmy head backinto the bed.

"That head shelffolds down," Isaid, but hewas already figuringthat out. J.'shead hung downlimply. but liftedby his hair,he could justreach the smallerman's cock withhis lips. Hisblindfolded face turned from side toside, as hefelt the cockbrush against hislips.

"You'd watch?" Krissyasked suddenly shy.Like most twinsshe and Lisawere remarkably close and shared mosteverything with eachother. Oh God,this is naughty,thought Krissy. WithLisa watching itwould be evennaughtier.

Jack thought aboutwhat to donext. This wasall new tohim but itexhilarated him aswell. He pushedTracy off hislap and ontothe floor. Shelooked up athim with tearsin her eyes."Take your blouseand bra offyou slut!"

Lynne told his to comeand say hello to Jennifer, hewasn't being friendly.He walked overput his armsaround Jennifer, andthey kissed. Sheprobed his mouthwith her tongue,and he fondledher tits. Hethought to himselfhow nice theyfelt, and howmuch bigger theywere than Lynne's.

"Whata bad girl,going around allday without anypanties." Mr. Colemansaid in hisdeep voice. Hewas an olderman, but itgood shape itseemed. He wasjust starting toloose his hair.

"Daily,Mistress. On average.There are occasionswhen I won'tbut that's reallya matter oftime and opportunity...or those rareoccasions when I'mnot in themood."


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