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Sunday, December 30, 2007

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Leaning myhead forward, Ibreathed in, catchingthe faint hintof her fragrance,complimenting the scentsof the freshfish. Taking thechopsticks, I reachedfor some salad,letting my handbrush against herthigh. Her skinwas smooth againstmy hand, butunderneath I felther taut musclesand imagined thosethighs wrapped aroundmy head.

"Serina! Youreally want towatch some Idiotguy baggin' away at some girlwho he probablyisn't pleasing anyway?Only a womanknows what awoman wants!"

"As goodSlowly, slowly, everso slowly, Ipulled it upand back untilher covered thighs were fully exposed.Then I slowlylowered the flaponto her stomach.My heart wasbeating so fastthat I couldfeel it inmy ears. Mytemples were throbbingas my mindreprimanded me louderand louder witheach passing moment.

Atthis point, Kellywent into ahaze. Like arobot, she repeatedthe words shewas instructed toutter, and eachman slapped hernow sore behindwhen he wasdone. Then theman with videocamera stepped forward,his cock inone hand, thecamera in theother. He said,"This shot's gonnabe from abirdseye view. Kellylooked up athim, really upat the camera,recording the wholedegrading night. Hetoo came, andSteve stepped forward.

Ashe ate meI blew him.Once again, slowly,bit by bit,he worked moreand more ofhis shaft intomy mouth. Thistime I feltmy throat opening up, and asI relaxed itas best Icould, he beganto pump hiscock in andout of me.Feeling that hothard shaft slipping between my lips,and bumping aroundin my throatwas making mehotter and hotter.

After feeding wouldalways to leadwild sex. Wendywould sometimes feedthe babies nakedand then putthem down andthen go afterBrian. It ledto many wildnights, afternoons, morningsand middle ofthe night sex sessions. Wendy hada high libido that only wasmade worse afterthe babies' lipshad locked onher sensitive nipples.Those wild sessionsled to themaking of Dylanand Beth. Wendyhad jumped Brianafter feeding andshe got pregnant.

I noticed howher asshole wasclenching and relaxingbehind her panties.God how Iwant to seeher meaty asshole.And after abit of moaning,she fired offa thunderous fart,straight into myface. The odorwas tremendous.

Phil moaned softly as Julia'slips worked theirway steadily upand down hisprick. Cupping hisballs in onehand, she squeezedgently as herother hand worked in tandem withher mouth. Sighsof pleasure escapingfrom Phil proclaimed that her workwas being appreciatedas she lickedand sucked hisengorged knob.

AuntMaureen and Ihave always beenclose, ever sinceI was ababy. Even thoughwhen I wasborn, I alreadyhad a fewcousins, as wellas an oldersister, for somereason, even whenI was ababy, I felta bond betweenus. She wouldgladly baby-sit mewhenever my parentswould go toa movie, orto dinner, orwhatever else theywould do. Infact, as theyears passed, thesebaby-sitting gigs wouldevolve into our"special days". Thesedays were justher and myself.No other familymembers allowed. Theonly other rulewas that anythinggoes. A "specialday" could involvegoing to anamusement park, surfingat the beach,roller-skating, or evengoing back toher place, poppinga big bowl of popcorn, andwatching pro wrestling on the tube.

"It's because Ihave been inlove with youfor as longas I canremember, daddy. Idon't want anyoneelse. And it'sbeen oh sohard to keepit a secretall this time.I thought youwouldn't want meand I thoughtyou'd be upsetwith me ifyou knew. Areyou upset withme daddy?" shesaid, ending witha pouty lip and a littlegirl voice. Hemelted.

"Think nothing ofit," he repliedsmiling down ather. "It wasan accident."

"Heywait for me!"Daniel shouted trying to run intothe room andstrip at thesame time. Hemanaged to tosshis blue t-shirtaside and kickoff his tennisshoes without ahitch. It washis jeans thattangled around hisankles and senthis sprawling ontothe bed. Helanded with hishead between Amanda'sspread legs staring at her alreadydripping cunt. Beyondthat he couldsee her breastsswaying back andforth and James'scock hanging heavily beneath him. Ittook Daniel aminute to kickhis way freeof his pantsand climb upbehind Amanda. "Hopeyou're ready." Hesmiled spitting onher asshole andrubbing it aroundwith his thumb.

"Youhear that Luv',your cousin wasjust using youfor practice, my-my!",my Aunt pittied."You should puther over yourknees and..."

"So I'dneed to offersomething special thenhuh?" she asked.

Shedid not, ofcourse, believe it.(I don't believeit now infact. But Ihoped to makeit true.) Thefirst thing shetried was crossdressing.First because ofthe overhead. Thehorrific overhead. Sheis at hearta pessimist.

"You likedthat, huh!" Jaredsaid, seeing hersmile. He grabbedher and pulledher down ontothe bench, onhis lap, "Timefor the lasthurrah, baby."

The next6 dates went wonderfully and wecould both seea true loveblossoming between us.It was onthis last datethat we reallycommitted ourselves toone another andagreed we wouldbe together fora long termrelationship.

Amy is mybest friend. Wecan and dotalk about everything.I would doanything for herand she forme, almost anyway.

Tom loved watching her squirm aroundto get thebra off withoutexposing herself.

as you imagined?"she asked, suspectingthe answer.

The otherproblem is alot more seriousand there isnothing, and Ido mean nothing- short ofself-mutilation - thatI can doabout it. Ihave a bigcock. My cocksoft is 83/4 inches. Hardit can growto 13 1/4inches in lengthwith a circumferenceof 7 inchesand when fullyerect it hasbeen know tomake some girlsfaint. Before youjump up andsay, "Wow, that'sa problem Iwouldn't mind having"let me tellyou "Oh yesyou would."

"That's partof both ourstories, so Ineed your helpon that one."

Itseemed to takeTorrie an eternityto come downfrom her orgasm.When she did,she collapsed underme, my cockpopping out ofher slit inthe process.

Then shelaid out thebombshell, "Steve, pleasefuck me baby!"Wow, I thought,she was high,Steve was herneighbor not herHusband! Then itcame to me,they were veryclose as couplesgo and somethingwas up there,but that wasfor later todiscover. I quicklygrabbed her assand started drivingmy cock inand out ofthat wet juicypussy, her breathingbecame labored andher moans louder."fuck me baby,please deeper anddeeper…I need youbig slick dick inside me…make mecome!!!!"

The elf-maidnodded. "And theyare worthy onthat regard alone,in mine eyes also." She lookedat the mask."That is asoul mask." Shesaid. "When anelf dies butneeds something doneafter that death,they have suchcrafted. The weareris said tochannel the spiritof the deceasedand can thencefinish their works."She did nottouch it. "Iknow not howthey work orif they do,but they arerare." She said."I will nottouch it, astouching one maybe perilous toelvenkind, for younever know ifthe mission itwas crafted forwas completed."

"Gladto meet you,Mr. Cannon", Ireplied. "This ismy lovely wife,Karen. Actually, theother cannons dowork, up toa point." Karenoffered her hand.

Iwoke up ina wonderful mood,full of thedevil, you mightsay. My husband,Andrew, still sleepingsoundly in bednext to me.He'd probably sleepfor hours yetas I knewhe had beenup until thewee hours ofthe morning. Well,just that muchmore time forme to getthings done. Ilove being alonefirst thing inthe morning. Thequiet stillness ofa day justbeginning.

'Sooner orlater I'm goingto have tofuck someone else,aren't I?' sheasked quietly.

Kate movedin quickly tolick at Sara'spussy, eating allhis cum fromher swollen pussy lips. She slippedher finger inside Sara's ass makingher moan inpleasure as shesucked at herclit and fingerfucked her ass.She moved herfinger around andaround in Sara'sass stretching herhole wider asshe did. Shenow pressed twofingers into herass making Sara flinch a littlebut still pressher ass towardsKate's seeking fingers.

Afterabout five orten minutes Ian wasn't out soI presumed hewasn't in thebathroom after all.I tried thedoor, which wasn'tlocked, and walkedin to findIan sitting onthe edge ofthe bath, trousersaround his ankles,wanking his seveninches over thepicture of mewith my legsopen, it wasa close-up, thecheeky bugger hadput his zoomat maximum. Whenhe saw mehe went brightred, pulled histrousers up andran out ofthe room. Thisturned me oneven more andmy pussy wasdripping wet already.I decided toput my orangemicro-bikini on forthe start ofthe shoot, asit doesn't covermuch and iseasy to remove.


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