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Monday, December 31, 2007

Nude chats big tits

"Please letme see thesebeauties."

The come isstarting to boilup from mynuts, and Iyell "I'm gonnacome! I'm gonnacome!" His fistis beating onhis dick sofast it's ablur. "C'mon mancome on!," Iyell. "COME ON!I'm COMING!" Kapow!!I'm coming sohard I thinkI'm gonna pass out. I've gothis head inboth my hands,and when Iyank my dickout,

"Shall wetry it," I"I hope so",answer Amy....

I noticedbecause I sawhim smile atthe girl inthe booth nextto his. Sheblushed since shewas conspicuously watching him as hemoved towards her.

"Areyou alright, love?"He asked, hisdeep voice booming in her enhancedhearing.

Indeed shedid. From thenon, I wasat her housethree or moretimes a weekand auntie didnot go out.We were inbed together. Shewas doing theteaching and Ithe learning. Aftermy nervous beginning,I went ahead fast.

It was onlyas she finallyreached the greyline of shopsthat masqueraded asa town centre that she realisedher complete lack of a purse.Amy leant back against the nearestwall and shuther eyes, allowinga second towallow in herdespair. It wasn'tfair; she washaving a shittyenough day asit was. Shedidn't deserve tohave to gohome to fetchher purse.

Rolling offof Jim's face,you let yourselfslowly return fromthe plateau ofpleasure you hadreached.

"Mmmmm. You don'teven want toknow." Becca teased and smiled.

So, whenshe found sixor seven sheetsof paper foldedup in hispillowcase, she suspectedthat their contentswere questionable, especiallyas she couldsee that theyhad unfolded andthen refolded anumber of times(as if hekept re-reading whatwas written onthem).

Now thatyou know aboutSkye let metell you aboutan incident whichhappened a monthago. We wereat a partywith about 50of our friendsand everyone washaving a goodtime. We wereall drinking fairly steadily and althoughno one wasdrunk, some werea little underthe weather. Theseparties, like most,tended to separateinto men groups and women groups and although weall tended towander between thegroups they remainedmostly single sex groups. The exceptionwas usually changed when Skye wasaround. It seemedthat all ofthe men andwomen wanted tobe near herand she wasalways very popular.When we hadfirst courted Iwas insanely jealous of the attentionshe gave toother men andparticularly the attentionthey gave toher! She wasalways the lifeof the partybut very earlyon I learnedthat she haddeclared herself mywoman and nobodywas likely tochange that. Itherefore relaxed alittle and justwatched in amazementas she wanderedaround and talkedto everyone. Anyway,at this party,I lost Skye for quite awhile. The homewhere the partywas being heldis very largeand also haslarge grounds whichcontain a swimmingpool and allmod cons. Itis not unusualfor me tolose Skye becauseshe often driftedoff in thecompany of othersand would becontent to sitfor a whileand discuss allsorts of things.

Shefelt the coolnessof Miriam's hairteasing at herinner thighs, feltthe slippery heat of the woman'stongue as itparted the cushionylips of hersex, to lickferociously at everydelicate fold ofglistening pink.

Ilooked from thecontrols to him,and sat back on my buttockswith parted legs,bracing myself withmy arms behindme. He turnedto me, kneeling,to reveal theprominent bulge downthe leg ofhis shorts. I'dtruly wanted toavoid this, atleast before theparty, yet ithad been aweek since I'dhad any sexualcontact with aman – arecord period ofabstinence for meover the pastmonths – andmy head wasswimming with vividmemories of hisnaked, muscular body.The sight ofhis swelling groinmade me tingleand glow, yetI tried tostem my excitementby scooting backward,away from him.

"Who cares, withall of thatmoney" Ginger replied.Both giggled. Theyknew that theywould probably findout real soon.They dozed offand had wonderfulwet dreams.

Thethird guy gets on top ofme and slideshis cock intomy pussy. Hestarts thrusting intome hard andfast really giving it to megood.

"What," Johnasked. "At fiveoÍclock?" The studioaudience tittered onceagain.

She thought backto how ithad all started.Tom had beenworking hard athis new joband was puttingin ten andtwelve hours aday six daysa week. Hewas exhausted whenhe came homeand as aresult their sexlife had gonefrom marvelous tozilch. She hadn'tbeen laid inso long shewas afraid herpussy might growshut. Desperate toturn things aroundshe had goneto Frederick's ofHollywood and purchasedenough sexy lingerie to turn ona platoon ofmen. She hadsent the kidsto her mother'sfor the nightand when Tomhad come homethat night shehad greeted himat the doorwith a martiniand wearing onlyhigh heels anda few blackpieces of almostnothing. He hadtaken the martiniand walked pasther asking, "What'sfor dinner?" Stunned,she had runcrying to herbedroom.

askedas I pointedto the whirlpool.

Thesaliva wasn't greatlubricant, but Lindadidn't care. Asthe women continuedto cheer heron, kissing andcaressing her body,Linda began tohump at thecock in earnest.The warm, hardshaft burned asit rubbed againstthe insides ofher ass, butit only addedto the sensationsthat throbbed throughher body. Whenshe finally felthot cum erupt into her assas spurt afterspurt of jizzfilled her bowels,Linda allowed herselfto be lowered,exhausted, to thefloor. One womaneven licked herass clean, herlong tongue snaking into the stretchedopening.

"Where areyou going?" Pamsaid.

"Tough talk fora fuckin' pussy!"I was gaspingfor air, butrefused to givein.

Meredith showed up at Kara'sdoor promptly atsix. Erin, theau pair, openedthe door andsmiled. "Hi, youmust be Meredith?"

Youkiss me passionatelyand tell methat today Iam going toovercome my insecurities.You want meto feel comfortablearound you, securein my ownskin. You knowhow I currentlyfeel so unsettledabout my body,how I compareit to yoursthat I viewas so exquisiteand flawless. Ilook at myown body andfeel only shame.

"Why not? Laura,it's just anothertype of barter,in a mannerthat doesn't compromisethe basic principleswe hold dearas a couple.Pa will neverhave intercourse witha woman andI will neverhave intercourse witha man. Butwe will useother methods tosurvive."

I thought Iwas hearing herkeep that monsterin her throatover a minute;maybe over two;but at somepoint I realizedshe was backto licking andsucking it again,I heard afew smacking lips on his shaft."Do you wantit again, Daddy?"she purred betweenlicks. I didn'thear an answer,but a secondlater he gruntedagain from deep,I knew shewas taking himback down herthroat. What aprofessional, almost. Thebed was reallyshaking now ashe had hisdick stuffed intomy daughter's mouth,and from hiswhining and gruntsI knew hewas trying tofight off anorgasm. I mean,who wouldn't havecum by nowwith his cockthat deep ina young woman'ssexy mouth? Hewas really gurgling loudly, probably wincingand eyes rolling to quell theclimax he wantsto have, andCaitlyn was milkingit out withher experienced mouth and throat.

Rebecca Barkerwas in thesecond year ofher college studies and intended togo to universitywhen she turnednineteen years old in three monthstime. Rebecca wasfive feet twoinches tall andhad shoulder length fair hair. Rebeccawas a ratherplump girl whowore glasses andhad braces onher teeth.

"I'drather have someprivacy. Is itat all possibleto meet withyou in youroffice?" He agreed,although once morethe stutter cameout and Icould sense hisnervousness. I toldhim I wasbusy until theevening, and askedif he'd stillbe around atfive. There wasa long pause;I suspected hewas not usuallyat work atsuch times, butthen he agreed.

Alicecleared her throatfirst. "Are wegoing to goshopping or stayand play?"

"Well hello..."Priscilla practically purred as she lookedover this newacquisition, "Aren't youawfully pretty foran older woman...and check outthese tits!"


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