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Monday, December 31, 2007

Teen live sex advice

Samuel removed his blue jeans and lay besideher. His fingertipsreached out anddiscovered her alreadyerect nipple. Shelet out asoft moan. Janeached for moreof his touch.Slowly he ranhis hands overher breast massagingit gently. Hefound her otherbreast and fingeredthe nipple. Thedarkened area aroundit became *************************************************

"Where'sthat? I don'tremember the lasthouse we passed,"the guy said,rubbing his browwith his armand looking anxious.


Once the slitat the tipof your cockis over flowingwith your fluids,my head lowers,and I tracemy lips withyour erection. Ifeel the slipperyfluids on mylips, and withthe amount ofpre come yourproduce, my lipsare soon fullycoated.

"Wow, nicewoody you havethere too," saidJake with anevil grin. "Ifyou were bi,I might justbe willing tohelp myself tothat."

At work, aftercrunching ones andzeros for afew hours, thedream woman wouldenter my mind.The code onthe monitor wouldshift and changefrom ordered linesand columns toa mass ofletters and numbersthat would coalesceinto large breaststhat needed mystrong hands, lipsthat needed tobe tasted, andblazing blue eyes that commanded sensual obedience. I don'tknow what wasworse, the achinghard-on that arosefrom my brokenthoughts, the workstoppage, or theaching notion somewherewithin –where oldmemories lay oflost toys andhidden fortresses ontop of largeoak trees– thatshe owned me.If I wereto tell someoneabout this dreamand its effect,I would equateit to whatthe male blackwidow spider mustfeel: caught willingly by the temptress.Maybe it's agood thing Ididn't talk tosomeone. I mighthave been lockedaway in somedark underground asylum and would havemissed what wasto come.

"Will youhave anal sexwith me?"

I leanedtowards Annette andlightly brushed myleft hand alongher inner right thigh. She glanceddown at whatI was doing,looked back atthe highway andlicked her lips.I put myhand over hercrotch and lightlytraced the frontof her pantieswith my fingertips.Annette let outa long breathof air andsmiled, glancing atme from behindher sunglasses. Ipressed my fingersflat against herpanties letting mymiddle finger ride a little deeper.Annette sucked someair in quickly.It was likeputting my handon a heatedpillow. I startedmassaging her pussyin slow little circles.

David looked atMark, who justnodded. He leanedback in hischair. "When youdecide, I'll bemore then happyto take youunder my wing,and help youout."

The lights weredown low andNellie was nakedon her backon the bed,her head hangingover the edgejust a little.She was inthe "69" positionwith another womanand was slidinga huge, thickblack dildo inand out ofthe woman's pussy.She looked atme upside-down, tooka long, slowlick of hergirlfriend's clit, smiledand said "Hi!"Her girlfriend moaned with the lickand then turnedher head andalso said "Hi!"I then gotmy second shockin as manyseconds – her"girlfriend" was hersister Kellie! Iwas dumbfounded, butmy dick wasn't!It was practicallyripping through myjeans!


She enteredmy room wearing a stunning whitespaghetti strap dress that brought outher beautiful tan skin. Her hairwas pinned upwith curls dangling around her face.She looked beautiful.

Christinasmiled down atRich, "Drink?" wasall she saidbefore she tooka long mouthfulof the champagnebut didn't seemto swallow, sheleaned into Rich,face to faceas she letthe bubbly slip out of hermouth and intohis, he latheredup the juicesdribbling down herchin and finallymet her mouthand locked inwhat I couldsay was thesteamiest kiss I'veseen in along time. Theyweren't shy thatwas for sure.

Anthonywas captivated byhis sub's vehementreactions and continuedwhipping the floggeragainst Saundra's bodyuntil her fleshwas bright red.His cock feltas if itwas about toexplode and hewanted to fuckher hard andfast. He glancedover at Marthawho was squirmingin the chairand beckoned herto the bed.When Saundra realizedwhat he wasdoing she criedout to objectbut he shovedhis hand overher mouth.

"Tonight we'reraffling out somegirls. Our threenew ones. Aspecial benefit promotion.You've got aticket. You wannaplay? Your friendwho gave itto you isone of them."

"Youdidn't have tohurt him likethat," Scott said.

Time enough tostraighten up alittle and hideall the underwearthat other guestshad left behind.

Ican't wait formy second birthday.And yet I'mas nervous asmost girls areabout it. WillI be ableto please myfirst master? Willhe like meenough to bekind? Will hebeat me morethan I canbear? Will sexbe enjoyable orjust a dutyas it ishere. The mastersdon't tell youthat sort ofthing, and girlsaren't allowed tocome back hereafter they goout to service.

instantly raisedas her breathingbecame slower andheavier. Samuel watched her chest rise and fall fromthe pleasure hewas giving her.


"Uhhh!" Adele gasped."Oh you sneakybastard." she smiledas the lastblack guy hadmoved behind herand pushed hisown cock intoher ass.

Debbi watched Miss Baxter long enough to besure she wasfollowing instructions. Thenshe went intothe bathroom andhad a longhot shower herself,thinking about allthe fun shewas going tohave in thefuture Let's see,there's Ginger fromSocial Science class;little Lisa Chang from the dorm...She loved fuckingstraight women. Shefingered herself whileimagining the possibilities.

Myhand snapped upand down again,planting another smackbefore resting oncemore.

Nicole was lookingat me, chewing.Drinking in myevery word. Wideeyes, amazement. Iwas so pissed.

"ButI need itNOW!" Katherine moaned,even as sheheaded back tohelp her mother."It's not justthe three days.I've gone longer than that before.It's seeing youmake love withhim so wonderfullylast night, overand over. Istayed up lateand watched thevideo, live andon replay. Itreally got tome. I mean,you can't evenwalk! I wantto be fuckedthat good too!"

"I'lltelephone them tojoin us thenif that's yourwish!" Suspicious ofher reasoning butturned on byher interest inthem, upon returningto our table,I remarked: "They'llbe down shortly!Allen just showered and Alex isshowering now! They'llbe here asquickly as possible!There's something Iwant to know!"

Thesilence chose nowto speak up.There was nosound from theTV. The screenwas all snow.

Bothwomen were takenaback by thecomment, but especiallyCourtney. It washard to tellin the heatof the sunthat she hadblushed. She fidgeted,ultimately lifting theleg closest toAndy and bendingit at theknee, her footflat on thechair.

"Sure, that soundsgreat. I'm starving,man. I haven'teaten in, like,two days."

The sightof you approaching,breathtaking. Your hairshone, your eyessparkled, your lipsglossed, the nails,the same color.The expanse ofthigh, the dressso revealing, asyou walked overto us.

I steppedout of line.

"Youdon't have tosay anything," saidGina. "I feel the same wayabout you."


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