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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Favorite sex talk positions

In thevery few momentswhen I stoodstunned by seeingit was Helga,Ellen had startedundressing me. Shestripped me withher hands asI stripped Helgawith my words.When I askedHelga to touchherself, Ellen touched me. Ellen wasstroking me firmlynow, saying "Timeto hand overthe camera. Gomake love toher, slowly, verytenderly. Let mesee every bitof your emotion.Tattoo it intoher skin withyour tongue. Makeme proud,. Showher that theU.S. has loversit can beproud of. DO"Mary, do youbeat him thisbadly at home,or just inpublic?" I inquired.

Jadelooked down, surprisedthat she hadn'tseen the boxbefore now. Sheuntied the redbow and liftedthe lid. Along black dress lay in thebox, if youcould call ita dress thatis! It wasopen all theway to thewaist with only3 thin pieces of material holdingthe dress overthe breasts. Shepulled it out.She noticed thatthe sides werealso completely open with those same3 thin strips of material atthe hips andunderneath her arm.The lower part of the dresswas cut rightdown the centeron both theback and front,resembling long flaps.At least shegot a blackthong to helpcover the exposedareas! Black stilettoheels sat inthe bottom ofthe box.

If hedecided to spreadher legs apart and fuck herhard and hot,and nasty; toutterly, completely rape every inch ofher body, shewould have nochoice, no control.That should havebeen a terrifyingthought, and onsome level itwas. But Sheriealways tried tobe honest withherself. She knewher body's arousalcues well. Shewas panting heavily,her stomach wasclenching tightly, shewas rubbing herself against John'slower stomach, suckinghis tongue, enjoyingthe warmth ofhis hands onher tits--the signswere unmistakable, undeniable,she was sexuallyaroused. Somehow thisman she barelyknew, was earningthe right topossess her, topenetrate her. Shewas still unsurebut, if shewas honest, Johnwas turning heron. It hadbeen a longtime, her manhad been overseasfor many months,and in spiteof herself, Sherieneeded some cream.

"I… I actuallyhave a strongurge… I can'tbelieve I ameven thinking thislet alone admittingit," Jackie continued," but I…Iam…I am havingto fight theurge to… let… you and… Paul fuck me tonight."

"I'll try,"I said.

"No, thankyou, James," shereplied. "I willring if Ineed anything more."

Onceoutside, I pickedsome flowers andtook a lookaround to seeif anyone wason the street.Then I snuckaround the farside of theWilson's house andwent to thebackdoor. Rita wasright there inthe kitchen washing the dishes whenI knocked andentered, flowers inhand.

Ben sprang tohis feet. Hethought about puttingsomething on besideshis boxers, butthe idea ofHsu seeing himmostly naked wastoo appealing forthat. He wasn'teven concerned aboutthe terrific bulgevisible in hisshorts. Or thatit was therefirst night inhis house. Hewanted to seeher, so whywait?

"But you alsosaid there wasa gift," thewoman hinted. "Whatis it?"

The demonreached for alarge thick icicle hanging from thegap in theceiling and spearedit right throughmy body pinning me to theground. As thedemon released herselffrom me shebent and whisperedin my ear.

Itwas her photodid it. Perhapsnot classically beautiful in the acceptedsense of theword - shewas however classicallyattractive and I'msure she herselfwould understand myinference and takeno offense atmy words here.Let's be honestthough - no-onerating themselves PSGcould be anythingbut hot stuff.

Wearrived at theHyatt Tower Twoentrance in justunder eleven minutes.A miraculous featgiven it wasFriday rush hour.I pulled upto the valetstand and gotout to comearound the car,pausing to getthe bag fromCloud Nine fromthe trunk. Ibehaved myself andresisted the urgeto peek inside.Beth again waitedfor me tocome to herside of thecar and escorther to ourroom. The valetagain, could nottake his eyesfrom my gorgeouscompanion. He wasthe same youngman that hadserved us lastnight and wasso busy lookingat Beth's legshe missed reaching for my keystwice before Isat Beth's bagon his podium,grabbed his wristand deposited thekeys firmly inhis hand. Ilooked at Bethin mock exasperation as she laughed;her voice likethe sound ofringing bells inflaming my passion forher even more.The valet turnedthe most remarkableshade of crimson.My heart swelledwith pride toknow that thisgorgeous woman wanted to spend therest of herlife with me.

Mypussy tightened aroundyour shaft asyou started tospurt your cuminto me. Icame hard withyou, milking yourshaft for everydrop with mytight pussy. Moreand more andmore - itseemed like wewould never stopcumming. Finally, wewere both drained.I kissed youonce more andwhispered 'Thank you,'in your ear.

When we cameback, pleasantly stoned,he again beggedus to lethim go. Itwas kind ofcute. Audrey hadto gag himwith a pairof my dirtypanties just toshut him up.Saleem struggled andglared, but hewasn't going anywhere.

Myhusband and Iwent steady allthrough high school,married shortly afterwe graduated. Youguessed it. Ihave, or shouldsay had, nevereven kissed anotherguy. I meanserious kissing. Ididn't think ofmyself as prudishbut I neversaid any dirtywords. Not evenwhen Tom andI had sex,which wasn't allthat often. Thechurch would havebeen proud ofus; sex wasbasically this ishow you makebabies.

The captainglared. "Now!"

I cryout against theshoulder as sharppain runs upand down myarms with therenewed blood flow.

it £orme."

"You had thebrains, Tim. Youjust had toput in thework."

A tiny Japanese girl lay there,curled up intoa ball onone side. Shedidn't look allthat much olderthan twenty, andshorter than theringleader and hergirls by ahalf a head.I couldn't tellmuch about her,since the lightingnear her wastoo weak, butI could seeshe had avery pretty face;very cute likemost young Orientals.

Shenodded again. Ikissed her again.She didn't turnher head thistime, but shedidn't kiss meback. After about20 seconds Iforced my tongueinto her mouth.Again she didn'trespond right away,but soon wewere tongue wrestling.After kissing fora minute, Ireached between us,grabbed my dickand guided itto the entranceof her hairycunt. I stoppedkissing her, andlooked down ather face. Hereyes were closedand she stilllooked nervous. AsI shoved mydick all theway into herpussy, her eyesshot open andshe gasped "Aaaahhh!"

Ahigh and sweetvoice trilled hisname, and helooked up tosee Eleanor dashing down the steps.He dropped hishelm as herealized she wasnot about tostop, and barelymanaged to gethis arms upin time tocatch her asshe leaped athim.

I got upand felt myway to thedoor. I tooka deep breath,then unlocked thedoor, opened it,and stepped back.Luckily it wasa warm evening,so the airpouring in throughthe door didn'tchill my nakedbody. I heardthe door close,then the soundof my Masterputting something onthe couch. Ifelt a pairof firm hands on my shoulders,turning me around.The hands guidedme to thecenter of myliving room, andthen put gentlepressure on myshoulders in asignal to getdown on myknees. I knewI was todo this fromthe instructions, soI got downon my kneesand then bendforwards so Iwas completely onhands and knees.The hands left my shoulders andI stayed perfectly still, straining topick up anyhint of soundaround me. Itried to controlmy trembling andbreathing as Iheard the soundsof undressing behindme.

"Sure you do.If you didn'twant to bepushed you wouldhave turned thespeed down yourself.Now get youfat butt onthe tread mill."

The following storyis a workof fiction. Anyresemblance between actualpersons, living ordead (or justconfused) is entirelycoincidental. Please donot copy/redistribute thestory, in partor in total,without the author'spermission.

Who the hellis that? Jackasked.

Then Amber sat up and wipedthe sweat fromher lovely face.Then she lookeddown at mypussy. My legswere wide open.I knew thatmy pussy lips were swollen andwet. I knewthat she couldsee how erectmy large clitoris was. This wasthe first timethat I haveever allowed anyone,except my doctor,look at myopen sex likeshe was lookingat it now.

"Kelli,I just don'tbelieve you. Iheard you tellhim how muchyou liked theway he usedhis cock, howgood he tasted.Can you explainthat?"

Now I've beenknown to putmy mouth intomotion before Iengage my brainand this wasone of thosetimes.

"You like ithuh," she askedwith a mouthfull of mycunt? What thefuck was Isuppose to say?I didn't knowhow to answerher so Iain't say shit."You taste sogood 'n sweet,mmm you smellso good too,"she added asshe put inanother finger. Thesweet flickering ofher tongue acrossmy clit mademe get moreinto it. Sheleft no spacein my pussyunlicked. She toowas gettin' hotcause I sawher fingerin' herself.


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