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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Fantasy tantric sex art

She continued,"A boy. Thatwould be. Thatwould be Jack."

"Thatwas sweet ofher. So Igather you'll liketo do itagain then?"

Knowingfull well nowthat Sam wascheating on her,hurt so bad.She cried throughmost of thenight, because shedid not sleepmuch of it.Waking up inthe middle ofthe next day,eyes puffy, stillsniffling, she gotin the shower.The hot sprayhelped and thetwins would behome tomorrow, it'snot like itwas that bigof a Earlythought for amoment, "No, I'lltalk to herat home tonight.Just tell herI called," andhe hung up.

Ithought about stimulatingher nipples orgiving her aspank or somethingto help, butwhat she wasdoing to herselfwas too beautifulto watch allon its own.I was mesmerized,enchanted, and totallyinto the moment.When she cameit must havebeen like fireworks,because it wasobvious that nothingelse in theuniverse existed forher except thatpumping dildo andher fingers moving on her clit.She literally screamed and come gushed out of hercunt. I've seenwomen come and"squirt" before, butnever like this,it was areal ejaculation. Shethen took thedildo out ofher cunt andleaned over toget my cockinto her mouthagain.

Tess washis older sisterand as wasusual with myeldest child, shewas trying toorganise his lifefor him, whetherhe appreciated itor not. Thistime she hadarranged a blinddate for hersingle brother andhad bullied himinto agreeing tomeet one ofthe sisters ofa work colleague of Tess. Icould hear heroft-repeated excuse forher meddling. 'He'stwenty-five and needsa woman inhis life.' Steveand I agreedwith Tess inthat a girlfriendwould be anice addition tohis life, butwhere we disagreed,was her rolein the process.

"Washe hard?" Iasked, my mouthdry.

She accepted theflowers gratefully, knowinghis feelings forher were farmore than simplyplatonic, but notcaring.

Once I canbreath again, Irub my faceon her thighs,remove my hand,and help herput her underwearback in placeand button upher shirt onceshe's put herbra back inplace.

I putmy hand onhis forearm, justabove the handthat was nowfirmly squeezing myinner thigh. Iclosed my eyesand slinked downin the boothjust a littlebit and spreadmy legs evenfurther apart. Mydick was nowa raging hardon and Iwanted him tosee it. Hemoved his handto my crotchwedging his fingersin my crotchand his thumbon my scrotumthrough my jeans.He squeezed hishand firmly causing a sharp pain in my nowswollen balls andwhispered in myear.

At the endof the message,Tammy started talking again. "There goyour Wednesday nightplans. Soon, itwill be aweekend. Then allweekends..."

As I thinkof this myhands got tomy nipples andpinch and squeezethem.

" God, Ican't believe thatcrap. I mean,I know it'sright on thetape, but Ican't believe thatside of meexists. People wouldnever believe it."I paused, andmy voice involuntarily tightened in mythroat.

James took her arm andhelped her makeher way throughthe crush ofpeople and overto the refreshmenttable. As promised,a large fountainwas sending areddish fruit punch down into alarge bowl. Hefilled a cupwith it, andtasted it. Hepaused thoughtfully, andthen filled anothercup and handedit to her,"A little toomuch ginger ale for my taste,I think, butnothing else."

Then hewent back in,face-fucking her morerapidly. Monica hoped he wouldn't cum.She wanted somuch more thanjust giving himoral sex. Butit was allup to herbrother. She'd dowhatever he ledher to do.

"Sensitivenipples, huh? Me,too," I smiledimpishly. Lowering myhead I touchedone with thetip of mytongue, licking itlightly before drawingit into mymouth to suck.He dug hishands into myhips as Igave it alittle nip, thenblew on itto ease thesting.

Serena pulled Brian'scock from hermouth and beganto aggressively jerkit. She lookedup to himand said, "Wantto ride." Sherepeated this phrasewhile looking upinto his eyes."Want to ride,want to ride."

I was tryingto stammer outsome kind ofan explanation whenRay just smiled and pushed myhead down ontohis cock. Istarted to suckand it wasreally an amazingfeeling with Ray'scock pumping mymouth and Danstroking my asslike it wasa pussy. Danstarted really pounding my ass andin seconds Icould feel hiscum blasting intome. As soonas he pulledout- Jim slidhis even biggercock in meand as Irubbed my steel-hard cock onthe bed-sheets hetoo blasted aload- my wholeass felt really warm and Icould feel cum dripping out whenJim finally pulled his cock out.

"Yourfilthy whore cunt?"

"Playwith your clitfor me. Iwant to hearyou cum."

I tookmy fingers toher clit, leavingone hand totease her nipples,enjoying the feelof the silkysmooth skin aroundher lips. Despitemy reservations aboutthere being peoplearound, Alyson's moansgrew in intensityas she reachedclimax; my cockfeeling the effectof her pussywalls tightening. Ifelt both reliefand frustration asshe rested onmy lap, withme still stiffinside her.

surprise. But, thenshe just suspected,she didn't knowfor sure.

"Flattery willget you everywhere."Jesse's hands sliddown her back,his fingers encounteringthe garter belt and gently tracing the straps downover her buttocksto meet thetop of herstockings. "That andunbelievably sexy underthings."

The sun burstthrough the thincurtains as anotherday began onthe island andcaught the sleepingform of awoman on thebed. The sheetsgently rose andfell with herbreathing. Outside herwindow, the soundsof the nearbyjungle began tointensify as theanimals and birdswoke up fromtheir night ofslumber. After awhile, the womanalso started tostir. Her eyesblinked open andshe stretched outan arm, longingfor it totouch a nakedbody but findingnothing. She sighedto herself, realisingagain that shewas on holiday,alone and withoutanybody and shedozed off again,her mind going back to theevents that hadled her tobe here.

"Now, baby,climb up here",Chuck tells me.I straddle bothof you. Mycunt before myhusband's face.

As Isay that wastwo years ago,and a bethe was reallyhot about theidea of stayingwith me, especiallywith no Mikeabout. I gothome and hewas waiting inthe front garden.He hadn't changedmuch still gingerly,and shy. 'HiChris.'

His motherturned around andlooked at him,wide-eyed. "Ben, whaton earth madeyou ask methat?" she said.

Aswe fucked, Jackieknelt by ourheads as Ihad done earlier.She stroked myface with hercock and Iopened my mouth.Tamara reached upand milked thelast drops ofJackie's come ontomy tongue, thenkissed me again,sharing in thetreat. After ourkiss, she tookJackie's cock intoher mouth andsucked it cleanof every traceof come.

Stillon top ofher, his blackhead nestled toher brown one,he asked, " wanna goon a datesometime?"

Ali used twofingers and fuckedher mom frombehind as Jeantired hard togather up theall the juicethat was runningout of Jen'stight fuck hole.

TheTA stood upand looked ather, sizing herup. "Let's getthat shirt offof you to.I want tosee you naked."She grabbed thehem of thegirl's yellow t-shirtand began tolift it. Thegirl meekly put her thin arms above her headand allowed theTA to removeher garment. Abovethe waist, thefreshman could havebeen mistaken fora boy. Herbreasts were verysmall. The nipplesimmediately contracted inthe cold airof the office,but even so,they were tiny.The TA stepped back a fewfeet and examinedthe girl froma distance. Small,Asian, thin. Nobreasts, flat stomach,thin sticks forlegs. She mentallycompared it toher own body.Large, voluptuous. Sheliked her bigthighs. She beganto rub herhands across herouter hips inanticipation. The powerwas erotic. Shehad this younggirl completely inher power. Shebecame wet againat the thought.She could feela drop slidedown her largethigh. She walkedover to thegirl and putone hand onher shoulder. Sheplaced the otherhand between thefreshman's legs andbegan to gentlycaress the wethair that wasthere. It waswarm. "I think I know thereason you didso poorly onthis test, youspent too muchtime doing thisdidn't you." Shebegan to caressthe clitoris ofthe young girl.It began tostiffen at theattention.

Ravi caressedand pinched Tara'sboobs with facileease and thenwith a bulgevisible at hiscrotch, he walkedaround the sofaand pulled Taradown on tohis lap andmade her liedown, face up.Her legs weredangling down fromthe side ofthe four-seater sofa.

"Howcan I helpyou Red?" Iasked casually.

"You'repreaching to theconverted," I said.


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