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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Kinky video sex stories

Judy cried,and to hersurprise I pullall the wayout Leaving pressureon her backwith one handon her backfor her tostay put. Isignal Raymond tocome to myside of thebed. Raymond handreplaces mine. Ilay on thebed with myhard cock just waiting for Judy'stight pussy.

It wasn'tlong before shestarted hearing hismoans of intensepleasure and shebegan bobbing herhead up anddown on himfaster, occasionally takinghim out ofher mouth tolick while gentlysqueezing his scrotum.

"Get on yourknees"

I decided I'dstay back Lord Justin said, "Thereis no onehere Angel andI need youto awaken meso I canbe about theLord's business. Youare now myservant and willdo as Isay."

He rosefrom the bedand I heardhim stride intothe connecting bathroom.Even through thepain, I smiledas I imaginedthe movement ofhis firm, gorgeousass and theway it lookedas he walked.In the weeksince we gottogether over Christmas,I'd grown accustomed to the sight.I don't thinkI'll ever gettired of it.

We could waitno longer. Weboth immediately removed our clothing, throwingthem in apile on topof Rick's. Icould see thatTurk was enjoyinghimself as hehad a verynice hard on.Kneeling down atthe foot orthe bed, wetook turns sucking on his flaccidmember, each holdingit for theother to suck,until it startedto grow nice and stiff. Oncewe had Rick'scock at fullattention, Turk said,"Let's pull himup onto thebed." We didthis with somedifficulty, both ofus having tostand on thebed while wepulled him bythe arms toget all 6'1",195 pounds ofhim moved towhere we wantedhim.

Both girlslooked at eachother as ifsharing some kindof private message.Then Diana turnedto me andsaid, "Well, it'scertainly nice tosee you don'talways think aboutbusiness." With thatshe tossed themag onto theback seat andI got theengine going. Thefollowing day thethree of uswere back toour regular busy routine and Ididn't give theincident any furtherthought. With theirinvaluable assistance, thereport was finisheda day earlyand presented itto the VP.When he calledme, the nextday, it wasto tell memy presentation hadbeen a hugesuccess. He wasextremely pleased withmy performance andpredicted my futurewith the companywould be avery long andprofitable one. Youcan imagine myelation as Iput down thereceiver and satback in mypadded swivel chair with my handscupped behind myhead. Yes sir,things were movingalong just fine.

"Ididn't exactly fightyou off," Glendachuckled.

It was funnyI should havethought of thatat that moment,as Summer leaned down and restedher large breastsagainst my back.Gripping my hair,she pulled myhead up toher mouth andwhispered, "I betZack can't providethis kind ofstimulation."

I laughed andkissed her lightly."Lets see. IfI can rememberthis, quote -'I'dlike to slipmy tongue intoher wet, andI'm sure, tastypussy'. Did Iget that right?I wouldn't wantto put words in your mouth,maybe my tongue,though." I kissedher again anddid just that,slid my tongueout. She letit into hermouth and hersplayed expertly overmine. I couldtaste her drinkand her tonguewas skilled andlightly probed mymouth. I reachedout and pulledher close. Herbreasts pressed againstmine. Her subtleperfume was wonderfuland we bothsighed, as webroke apart. Shelooked into myeyes questioningly.

"So that'swhat I'm goingto do know,okay?"

Before she reachedfor it, Istopped her.

Just afew weeks ago I was Billy,an 18-year-old boy,a member ofthe high schoolswim team, aboy who likedgirls.

Of course,he eventually reachedher crotch. Hesucked on herpubic hair, swirlingthe hairs withhis tongue beforeprogressing to hermost intimate spot.She spread herlegs to allowhim to fithis head inand he startedlicking the skinaround the outsideof her pussy.

"Oooh, Harvey!" Randishook, her cuntclamped tightly onmy dick. Icouldn't prevent thefirst spurt, northe ones thatfollowed. She collapsed,leaning back onmy chest. "Thatwas marvelous!"

The menall walked tothe chairs andold sofas aroundthe edges ofthe room andsat down whilethe women gatheredin the center.Tom started thestereo and, oneby one, allof the womenstripped for theguys. After eachwas done, shewould walk overand drop herpanties in frontof one ofthe guys. Sallywas the lastto go. Whenshe was nude,she opened upthe duffel shehad brought withher and pulledout an oldbattered keg tap and walked aroundthe room gathering up the pantieson the floor,leaning over withstraight knees andwiggling a littleto give ashow to theguys. She endedup standing infront of Tom.

Robcame back inand I wentover and huggedhim.

"You haveno idea howlong I've wantedto be insideyou" I saidto her.

and let justthe two ofyou go fora swim. Truthbe told, thatlook at yourass and yourbikini-covered pussy frombehind had startedmy cock, andI was worriedthat you'd seethe "growing" evidenceof my surreptitiousstaring.

Louise said, "Ihave her phonenumber here inmy briefcase. Philasked if shehad the bigboss's number andshe told himshe did. Philcalled Mr. Jacksonwho was theCFO of hercompany. He explainedall of itvery briefly andtold Mr. Jacksonto meet himat his bankfirst think inthe morning around7AM. Jackson wasscared the transactionwas already inplace and theywouldn't be ableto stop it.But he agreedand would haveall the necessaryindividuals needed therebefore the doorsopened. He thentold Phil hewas going tocall his accountrep and havethem meet everyoneat the sameplace first thingin the morning.With any luckthey could headoff this tragedy.Phil put ina good word for both womenand then toldLouise to callLouise and haveher meet herin her officein the morning.He told hernot to saywhat it wasabout only therehad been amajor problem withthe bank. Hewanted to questionthe Peters womanfirst before tellingher everything.

Ihad no ideahow any ofthis was goingto come off,but was veryexcited to beunder the controlof this experiencedcouple.

Kirsten's uniformskirt went aroundher waist allrightbut it wasonly about sixinches long, noteven long enoughto cover hersmooth, curvaceous ass and she wasn'twearing anything underthe skirt either.We walked intomy bedroom wherewe would seeif she couldpersuade me tobuy any ofher cookies. Becausethe blouse wouldhamper her freedomof movement duringher sales pitch,I removed itbut left theskirt on. Itwouldn't be inour way atall, and wasactually rather erotic,wrapped around herotherwise naked ass,especially since Iknow what Kirstenlikes to dowhen we gettogether to makelove.

We reachedthe river andI signaled tomy team whichmale I wishedto take. Rushingfrom the tallreeds, we surroundedhim quickly andI threw aloop of bindingfiber around historso. He stoodthere momentarily; lookingbemused by thewomen surrounding himthen calmly flexedhis arms andbroke my bindingfiber.

Rita reached back between her legsand ran herfingernails across myballs. Her tightpussy clenching onmy cock. "Cumfor me Paul!I want it!"I tensed upand shot mycum into myneighbor's hot cunt.Pumping, I drenchedher juicing pussywith my creamuntil my ballswere empty. Icollapsed against Rita'sass and kissedher back.

'Stop! Letme take offmy uniform, Imay get calledsomewhere else, Gabriel.You can haveme, just letme up totake it off!.'

"Irecognised your potentialearly, so nowI have madeyou into Michele,my secretary, confidant,and soon tobe my personalassistant. Very fuckingpersonal if youknow what Imean!"

"Sorry", I saidout loud. Thereflection did likewise;her face evenmore entrancing withthe rose coloured blush around hercheeks. . Ilaughed out loud,the sheer tension of the pastfew moments seemingto lift andleave me.

Pat started to like thefeel of hishard cock moving inside her cunt.She started togroan overcome bynew sensations. Heremotions were betrayingher it feltso good. Shecried from theshame of herdeep pleasure. Suddenlyin one hardfinal thrust hepushed his cockdeep into thedepths of Patscunt. She camefor the firsttime she felthis hot seedwash her wombwith wave afterwave of hishot seed flowing into her.

She did,slowly at first.Kneeling on thelocker room floor,amid the emptyequipment bags andtheir companion hockeysmell, the HockeyMom began orally pleasing my manhood.

I stifled agasp. Jan layon the bedon her back,legs spread. Herbreasts were softpools of flesh,her nipples juttingupward, hard anderect. Her areolaswere long eroticrounded cones ofbrown flesh, thatmade my mouthwater. They lookedready to suckand lick. Iimagined them wetand slick frommy kisses. Bobwas between herwhite thighs, hismouth spread wide on her pussy,head moving slightly.I could hearlittle sucking noises as he ateher. I wasstruck by howmuch alike ourbodies were. Fromthis angle itlooked like hecould have beenmaking love tome.


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