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Friday, January 4, 2008

Hard core black sex

At thefar end ofthe landing wasthe bathroom. Asquietly as possible,he knelt downand peered throughthe keyhole. Whathe saw madehis blood surge.

Shestarted to herright, taking smallsteps to turnher body ina full circle,allowing me toview her inevery angle. Whenher ass wasfacing me, Ireached out totouch her softskin. I letShannon

At one pointwe slowed downa little tocatch our breaths,and Becky said,"I've never donethis dry humpthing before. Thanksfor showing me,this is fantastic."I told herthat if thiswas her firstexperience with this,she was anatural talent. Thenwithout thinking Isaid, "It wouldbe even morefun if yourshorts were madeof thinner material."

Afterforty-five minutes orso Mom turned over and orderme to oilher back. Ihopped off mylounger and kneltnext to her.I squirted agood bit oftanning oil ontomy mother's backand then startedrubbing it in.Mom moaned undermy hands andtold me howgood they felt.It was turninginto a massageand so Itook my timerubbing the oilinto her shouldersand neck. Momreached back anduntied the stringacross her back,leaving me alandscape of bareflesh. I madethe most ofit, my handsstraying everywhere. Whenmy hands strayed to the sidesof Mom's titsshe moved alittle so Icould cop abetter feel.

"I,I, uh…I'd reallylove to kissyour legs. Wouldyou mind?"

He laughedand held hishands up insurrender, "Hey, Ididn't say anything!Your mind's theone that wentthere!"

The mannow knew thiscouple was forreal and hewas going tomake sure toenjoy the time.His big cockthrobbed with desireas the hotmouth consumed thefirst few inches.There were chokingsounds coming frombelow but heignored them ashis lust soared higher. Moving hiscock in andout of Susan'smouth, he feltthe impending orgasmrise from hisbelly.

Dylan smiledback and thenhis eyes wandered.Wow, Marie wasjust wearing atight fitting white tank top andwhite lace panties.He was immediatelyaroused by thisvision before him.Marie was 10years older thanDylan making her35 and wasabsolutely beautiful forher age. Shehas always beena health freak much like Dylanand it showed.She had shoulderlength brown hair,with hazel eyes,a perfect figure with B sizebreasts and atight little ass.

Wouldn'tdream of it.

Theyhad obviously inheritedher and herhusbands sex drive.And after allwho was sheto judge? Theyhad been swingersand on morethen one occasionshe had alsoenjoyed the feelof more thenone cock buriedin her atthe same time.

Ina lunge hereached forward andgrabbed her dresspulling it downoff of hershoulders, she grabbedat his handsand attempted tokeep him frompulling it offof her buthe was ableto expose hersmall breasts beforeshe could delaythe loss ofher clothing. Althoughshe fought himsuccesfully for aminute or twohe eventually overpoweredher and pulledthe dress offover her legsand tossed itaside as ifit were nomore important thana dirty rag.She curled upin the fetalposition and partiallycovered her chestwith her armstrying to hideher naked body now wearing onlyher pair ofhigh-heeled shoes. Shedidn't do avery good job of covering hertits though andhe had anunobscured view ofher erect nipples.

Turningfrom the roomwhere the womanwas held, shecollided with aperson coming fromthe other direction.Gasping in surprise,she began toapologize profusely. Lookingup into theface of theperson she collidedwith, she blushedbrightly when sherealized it wasthe gentleman fromher shop earlier in the afternoon.Stammering, dropping hercharacter in hershock, she triedto apologize. "I…I'm sorry sir!I wasn't… looking… where Iwas going…." Asshe spoke, shenoticed that hesimply smiled ather. Her wordsfaded away; apuzzled look grew on her faceas he simplycontinued to smile.At that moment,Maggie heard aloud, sharp noise,and a cryof pain frombehind her. Beginningto turn, hergaze was heldfirmly a barkof a laughthat escaped thegentleman's lips, andhe reached towardsher to takeboth her handsin his. Hiseyes penetrated herand held her,overcoming her desireto turn tosee the sourceof the noises.

She looked aroundbefore setting thecoffee pot onthe table.

Ifelt myself gettingnumb from theliquor as Ireached for Darren'scock once again.He had beenstroking it rapidlyand started toshoot as soonas it enteredmy mouth. Thistime I managedto swallow more,but still leta volume spillonto the floor.

anyone cares forit to)...

Vincerubbed his handsalong Suzie's sidesand then downover her titsand stomach, thenback up again.Suzie felt asthough she wassweating and someoneopened the window—likewaves of abreeze were lickingher body. Hot…cool…hot…cool.She placed herlegs over Vince'sshoulders, and helifted them upin the air.

Dawn groaned disappointedly this time whenI moved away from her andover to Lisa.Rob took myplace between Dawn'slegs and Itook his betweenLisa's. Her bushwas indeed fuller,but not overgrown.She kept ittrimmed short, butdidn't shave asmuch as Dawndid. I attackedher pussy muchthe same asI had Dawn's,licking and suckingher clit whilefingering her hole.This time shewas doing thegroaning and Dawn'snoises had taperedoff. I guesswith a toollike his, Robdidn't have allthat much practiceusing his tongue.

Istood, causing myimprisoned cock tobecome visible toher. I waitedto see ifshe was goingto double overin laughter orrun from theroom. She didlaugh, but itwas a gentle,amused chuckle thatwas obviously notmalicious. There wasa gleam inher eyes asshe told meto come toher. Then shetold me toturn around. WhenI did soshe made mycock throb asher Texas accent proclaimed, "Nice ass."Then she reachedout and caressedby butt. Donnahad always toldme that myass was whatfirst made hernotice me andcommented often onhow much sheliked it. Sonow something elsehad been reaffirmed.

myfingers trace theedge of herthongs over hercreamy ass cheeks.I pulled myhand back toallow her tofinish her turn.Facing me onceagain, I lookedat the sexyfigure that stoodbefore me, breastsfull, nipples pointingforward, smooth, flattummy leading toa gentle flow to her thighs,her long, sexylegs to petiteankles.

As thehot water trickled slowly down myskin, my fingersfound my pussyand clit. Isunk down ontothe cool tilesof the showerand rubbed myclit as myother fingers slidin and outof my wetpussy.

"Now," Betty said."Sit there likea good girland film yourfriend get raped,"she told Steph.Steph held ontothe camera andkept filming.

"Mohit dearI told heryou will doanything to stopher from tellingabout this "

"Youburned…" he beganbut quickly stopped.His wife wasnext to himand he knewfrom her attitudehe was alreadyon thin ice.

7walked into mainengineering, grateful thatshe was goingto be amother to achild. She sawTorres alone onthe top level running a corediagnostic, and walkedonto the liftcart, rising tothe top, anddisabling the liftcontrols. No onewas going tointerrupt them ifshe had herway.

Dear Mr Pearl.

Itell her no,that I amafraid that someonemight try tokill us, orat least her.

Acrone knows whatit means tolive a life.She has oftentaken on theroles of daughter,mother, sister, friendto other womenin her lifetime.She has agreat deal oflife experience, andas she surrenderseach of herwomanly roles, sheventures further intothe realm ofliving from herown inner authority,rather than relyingon the authorityof others. Cronesare vocal, andthey should belistened to, becausewhen you haveclaimed your croneenergy, you knowtruth when youhear it, andyou have aresponsibility to speakit. There issomething poignant andtrue about thepoem, "When IAm Old, IShall Wear Purple,"because a cronehas a greatdeal of self-acceptance.She has movedthrough her ownlife process ofbeing wounded, andhealing, and shehas learned tohave a deepcompassion for allhumanity.

1.Each couplewill take turns acting out ascene. 2.There willbe no penetrationby non-spouses. 3.Thenon-participant(s) will directthe scenes sothat as muchof the movieis recreated aspossible. 4.When ascene ends, theaction off-screen mustend, no matterhow painful thiscan be (Jimand I bothknew that thisrule would probablybe broken). 5.Ifat any time,any one ofus wanted toterminate the game,they need onlysay so –and confirm bystating the keyword "Mayflower".

"No, myblood stains you!And don't pretendto have donethis for me- you sickanimal!"


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