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Monday, January 7, 2008

Mom jewish sex stories

He wasstaring at her,at the rockwith its longnarrow arm. "Idid," he saidsoftly. "God helpus, I did!"

"Youwere in thegulag in Siberia,"Jan continued. "Weliberated you. ButI can't recallyour name atthe moment."

Myheart started thumping.And I thoughtit was beatinghard when Iwas running! Thatwas nothing comparedto this. Whenrunning, I mademy mind focus on the taskat hand. Butnow, when myangel was hittingon me, Icouldn't think clearly at all.

"How's thislook?" "What areyou asking mefor? That's private."

"Doyou have anothername besides Mr.Bryant that Ican call you?"I asked inthe pout likelittle girl voice I was toldmany times beforewas sexy sounding.He considered thequestion for amoment and thenreplied.

Kamesha sighed,"Listen change intoit please sowe can getthis over with."

"Ten,"George said. "Let'sget her inthe house. We'vegot to leaveto catch ourplane in anhour and Iwant to fuckher again."

Then silence...onlythe sound ofboth of usbreathing.

Kristin chuckled, "Ibet Tom wouldlove to tieyour tits honey."

"Uh,Lar, I thinkI'll go checkon the kids."

Allthree of usstood in ourtracks, motionless, silentand completely unawareof what todo next.

"Yesssss! That'show Mommy needsitttt!" Suzy bawled.

Shesaid, "I surehope you wereserious. After youleft, I toldJim and Ronthat you weremy husband. Theywanted to knowwhat you werethinking about, lettingme dance there."

-Down the sideof the bed....theregot it. Woops

Itwas a veryexhausting orgasm forboth of usand we resteddoggy style. Iwas still kneelingto the sofaand just slept in.

All day longat work thenext day, allKaren could thinkabout was being'Fucked' later thatday. 'I can'tbelieve all Ithink about ishis cock inme' she thought.The purple Helmut,the veins sticking out, the length,the thickness......damn, Iwish the clockwould fly byfaster.

"Would youlike something todrink? I asked.

"Whatare you doingto him now?"Shawn demanded, hisface about threeinches from Jeremy'sasshole. This anatomylesson clearly fascinated him in spiteof himself, andhe seemed turnedon by thesights and smellsof his buddy'sbody.

"See that hillover there?"

"I've worna housedress andI've pulled itup all theway. That givesme access tomy tits andcunt. I'm kneadingmy tits andpinching my nipples.Oh god, hurry,darling. My cuntis on fire."

Ms.Tripper lifted upKisha's left breastand lowered herhead to Kisha'snipple. She thenopened her mouthand began tosuck on itwhile Kisha satthere motionless. Ms.Tripper rubbed herpussy with herright hand asshe sucked andsucked and moanedwith pleasure. Shesucked so hardat one pointthat Kisha feltlike she wasdisappearing, like Ms.Tripper was suckingthe life outof her. Kishatried to pushher head awaybut Ms. Tripperkept going untilshe finally decidedshe'd had enough.She then stoodup and said,"Now we're goingto have alot more fun."

He askedwhen he steppedout in frontof the lightsand camera, awkwardon the highheels, his tummyshowing with theshort t shirt,and the blackpanties a littlesmall on hispackage.

Julie strode towardsthe bedroom withoutlooking back. Shewent to thebedside table andwithdrew her strap-ondouble dildo. Justas Sarah entered the room, Juliespread her legswith one footon the bedand began toinsert the smallside of thedildo into herself.

WhenI arrived atthe Club house the lights wereall turned offleaving only asmall amount oflight to comein through thewindows. This wasunusual but Iheard Shark say we had ablown fuse. Myfriend and Iwalked over towhere Shark hada girl bent over our initiationtable but wedidn't get tooclose. This tableis specially builtfor the purposewith a verysoft padded top.It is notvery wide -exactly the widthfor a girlto be bentover it withher thighs againstone side andher breasts tohang down overthe other side.The purpose isobviously so thatshe can befucked from behindwhilst others canplay with hertits and haveher suck someoneat the sametime. The tableis much longerso that bitchescan be laidon the tablelengthwise and thenfucked while ontheir backs. Theends of thetable have stirrupsto keep thebitches legs apart during the initiation.

Whydidn't I stop?

Justhearing her moanbrought my cockto life. Gettingon my knees,I sucked anipple deep intomy mouth asI slid afinger in thatmoist little pussy.Immediately she beganto grind herhips against myhand.

Finally I hadto pull away.Rolling her overonto her backI just hadto have herthere and then."Please be gentle"she whispered "It'sbeen such along time." Complyingwith her wishesI eased myway inside hergently, going alittle further witheach stroke. Shegasped each timeit went infurther but hersoft wetness soon encased me andallowed me togo further. SoonI was rightin to thehilt and slowlyI began toslide in andout of her.She relaxed oncemore and soonwe began topick up alittle speed. Wescrewed with aconstant rhythm ofstrong movements, herconfidence increasing witheach stroke asshe began togrind her hipsback to mein unison withthe inward strokes.I lifted herlegs over myshoulders and presseddeeper still intoher, she criedout at firstbut soon beganto moan loudlyat the newheights of pleasureshe was reaching.Pulling out Iturned her overonto her frontand entered herfrom behind. Ilifted her hairand kissed thebase of herneck, fondling herright breast withmy free hand."Please, don't stop"she gasped outin between heavybreaths. I didn'tintend to, wellnot for awhile yet anyway.I grasped herhips, pulling herback onto mewith each stroke,groaning loudly myselfby now. Thepassengers in thecabins either sideof us couldn'tfail to behearing us andthey would eitherbe disgusted oras jealous ashell. But wewere too fargone to care.

Whatcould I say.Cathy knew thatI would loveto have thattranssexual in bedfor a fewhours. And seeingthat I likedto cross dress to, that madeit better.

Hardly hadhe closed hismouth than therewas a suddenfeminine squeal ofsurprise and outragefrom inside theroom. The doorswung open andthe salesmen burstinto the roomlike a policedrug squad, withEddie slamming thedoor shut behindthem and re-lockingit. Only thendid he turnaround and examinethe scene.

Alexander continued this double fisting for several minutes,which no onebothered to actuallycount, since itfelt like itwould never end.Andrea was sobbingfrom the sheerpain of hersodomized bum. Itwas "on fire",as the sayinggoes, and eventhe angry ghost realized that sheneeded medical attention.

Hepicked up mydiscarded clothing. "We'llclean up thegym tomorrow morning,sometime. We'll justgo home fornow, darling."


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