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Monday, January 7, 2008

Single stamina sex education

J: andnow (after havingmy new cards)I bet 4more!

"No, Zurich. I'mvacationing on thecontinent."

The kids andI got upand went fora swim, asNick and Jansaid they weregoing to bed,to tired becauseof the Holidayworkday.

It felt hot and large inmy hand. Jimhesitated, "No, Iguess not, butI noticed howmuch attention youwere paying himat the bar."

Iordered another beer,still not seeinga girl thatappealed to me.I was inthe mood fora very smallgirl, not theusual buxom model that is mynormal taste. Beinga big man(over six feetand 225) Isometimes get turnedon by physicallydominating a smallergirl by mysheer size.

"I feelso silly," Wendysaid. "We're notschool girls anymore."

Sherrishook her blondelocks. "No, Ididn't." She pressedher hand intoher crotch, pushingher skirt tightly between her legs.Adams eyes shot to her hand.Sherri smiled, thenbending forward; shegrabbed the hemof her skirtand lifted itslowly - revealingcalf, knee, thigh,then placed itat her waistline.She opened herlegs - nopanties!

It was warmin the cemetery,the sun glancingoff the headstonesand beaming downon him, heatinghis skin. Itpainted a haloaround the womanas she walkedtoward him. Hesquinted his eyesand leaned forward,thinking he mustknow her. Buthe couldn't seeher, couldn't rememberher. A smallchild trailed behind,cautiously peeking aroundthe woman. Shecame closer andas she becameclearer, he froze.

Tonystood and quicklyshed his clothing.He almost laughedwhen Jody gasped at her firstsight of hismanhood, all ninethick inches asit sprung fromhim pants andslapped audibly againsthis belly. Intohis arms hescooped up herslender light body and carefully walkeddown the hallto his bed.Laying her onhis bed hestood and gazedat her lustfilled naked body.He marveled athow her breasts,the size hecouldn't even attemptto guess save to say theyeasily stood wellabove her chestwithout the slightesthint of sage,and her slimwaist drawing toher widely sexy flared hips. Betweenher legs hersex was devoidof hair asshe obviously shavedregularly. The lipsglistened with moisturefrom her arousaland he knewit would beeasy for himto enter herbody.

Needless to sayI blushed withthat realization butit also excitedme so Ilet it goon.

I enter.The first thingI notice aretwo people inthe middle ofan enormous roomon a kingsize bed fucking like animals. Thereare others aswell, all seatedon velvet chairsfit for aking watching andgabbing. They areall wearing various costumes to celebratethe occasion. Atfirst they don'tnotice my entranceuntil I stepcloser and thelights illuminate me.They gasp atmy appearance.

'Fine. Let'ssee you sidewayson.'


"Damn, what timeyou going onbaby?" some guyyelled from theline as Iwalked up tothe doorman andhanded him thecard.

The next twodays were spenthelping to settleCamille. Plans weremade to convertthe old housekeepersapartment into asuite where Camillecould have adrafting room andan office toestablish herself inher chosen profession as an architect,plus a roomso the babywould be close,while she worked.

"I'llwalk," Josh interjected.

"Looksyou're ready toget more ofmommy aren't youJack?" She wassquirming next tome grinding herass on myhand.

I pulled outof Bree anddoubled over inpain.

"Ladies. Ladies!" shecalled out toget the crowd'sattention in hersomewhat deep, throatyvoice. "Ladies, it'stime for ourshow to begin,so stop thetalking, and ifyou wish, getin your orderfor drinks beforethe performance begins.You know therewill be noserving during theperformance. There alsowill be notalking, but certainsoft sounds arepermissible," Deidre saidcoyly.

Instead of leavingthe room, Igot up andmove beside Jerry,running my handsacross his backas he fuckedmy wife... placingmy hands onhis hips, feelinghim as hewas sliding backand forth intoher. Finally Ireached between theirlegs and playingwith his balls,whispered to him,"Fuck her Jerry.Fuck my beautifulwife... I wantto feel youempty these ballsinto her pussy."After a minuteor two morehe tensed upand moaned andI could feelhis cock swellin my handsand empty intoGina's pussy. Imassaged and milkedhis cock ashe slowly sawedin and outof her, untilhis spent cockcame out ofher and myhand was allcovered in theirgooey juices. There'ssomething very eroticand desirable abouta pussy ora cock allcovered in gooeycum, still hotand sensitive froman orgasm.

James lay down on thebed next tome. He broughthis mouth downto kiss meone more time.This time wewere all lipsand tongues, allhands and arms,all torsos andhips.

I'dnever held acock that bigin my life.It probably wasn'tlike the onein the movies,but it wasbig and itwas going tofuck me. Thistime at alight I loweredmy head tohis lap andnibbled on hiscock a little.When I raisedmy head, Isaw someone stoppedbeside us lookingright at me,so I justsmiled and lickedmy lips. Whenwe got tothe house wealmost ran inside to get ateach other.

She feltquite strange atfinding this, andjust stood frozen to the spot.However, she foundherself unable totear her gazeaway from hersister and shewatched as Helenlifted her skirt,and stuck 2fingers deep inside herself.

She was toobusy waiting forit to finish,because when thevoice finished themachinery awoke.

"Watching ThePawnbroker. Rod Steiger was nominated foran Oscar forthis flick. Doyou remember that'blood on myhands!' final scene?"

Jack realized thathe did. Infact, he hadboth of themup, beside hishead and alittle forward—as ifhe were holdingthe outside ofher thighs whilehe lapped away at her snatch!He also hadhis mouth partlyopen and histongue sliding inand out justa little, likea snake inslow motion. Hemust have eitherlooked deep inconcentration or likesome drooling retard at the moment.And there shewas—big beautiful blueeyes and thatquizzical look onher face thatshe always seemedto have whenshe called onhim, as ifshe was eternallyconfused by hispresence. He felthis face gored with embarrassment.

Whatthey saw whenthey caught theirfirst glimpse inside the room wasone of thefew people inthe whole worldthat all threehad in common.

"Mmmmm,Britt, you tasteso good. Betterthen any ofmy friends," Babemoaned as shelicked Britt's clitorisat a lighteningfast pace, causingBrittany multiple orgasms.

"Wowman," he said,"I can't believeit; I haveto tell youbud if Ihad lost noway I couldhave gone throughwith sucking youoff. I knowthat sounds harshbut it's true.I thought wewere just fuckingaround, I didn'tthink anyone wasreally going toget blown."

Others haddone it andcame back withstories to sellfor big bucks.

"Howdid you getthe money topay him off?"Lori asked.

"You don'tthink that perhapsit might belove that drawsus together?"


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