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Thursday, January 10, 2008

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Deana wasstudying when thephone rang. Whenchecked the callerID, she wasoverwhelmed to seeWes's name. Shehad not expectedhim to callher so soon.She picked upthe phone andsaid, "Hello Wes,how are you?"

** * **

"Come on, bigboy. I'll betyou can't getit in inone stroke." Myanus and gutswere aching fora good stretch,I pushed outmy buttocks andwiggled it.

"You justworry about makingsure the Fostershave a goodtime ok?"

"Oh,what a sweetcunt she has."

Youreyes locked onmine, You penetratemy mouth withYour iron cock,spilling your seed.It's enough, andwe collapse ineach others arms.

There was aconvoy of menin chariots thatwas dispersed asthey made theirnoisy descent. Whenthey touched theground their bowsand arrows andspears were pointedat them. Guyshot his flaregun in theair and themen in thechariots became terrifiedthat they laiddown their armsand thought heand his companionwere gods. Theybowed down ontheir knees infright.

"What didyou think Imight do?" Iasked. "Throw youout on thestreets?"

The last classof the daywas Gym andall the guysand girls filedinto the massivesports hall andfound an activityto practice. Itwas less ofa class andmore of meatmarket where thepopular guys andpopular girls couldshow off toeach other whileeveryone else simplytried to stayout of theirway. Michael wasn'ta great sportsmanand when onthe basketball court,guys only everpassed to himas a lastresort. Consequently hehad plenty oftime to spyon the girl'sgame. His sisterand Suzanne wereon opposing sides today, and Michaelwatched as thegirls' chests bounced in their sportstops. When MrAlder called change over halfway throughthe period theteams broke upand grouped themselvesaround the hallin order ofsocial status forthe few minutesof rest theywere allowed. Michaelsat by himselfon the benchesopposite the lockerrooms. The coolkids were stoodaround the lockerroom entrance, guysflexing muscles andteasing their adoringfan club ofhot cheerleader girls.Michael's eyes wandered over them. Hedespised the muscularathletic guys whostood around flexingand preening. Heknew his distastewas more todo with jealousythan any resentmentof their teasing;after all, ifhe looked likethem or hadthe power theyhad he'd probablyabuse it too.At one pointhe caught hissister's eye, butshe turned backto the groupwithout acknowledging him.He let hiseyes wander overhis one truelove again. Thoughbuilt like theproverbial "brick house,"Suzanne had tonedlegs that seemedto go onforever and Michaelcould not takehis eyes offthem.

"Edith, wecan talk aboutthis later," saidDoug, reaching forthe door knob.

Mindyhadn't known Rachel long when hernew friend askedher if shewanted to goat the newmall with heron the weekend;they were both19 and inthere first yearat community college.

Sylvialaced her fingersaround Wes's neck.She stared intohis face, asthough trying toconvince him ofsomething. "My heartis beating," shesaid. "My heartis beating." Allthe while shecontinued to fuckWes as hardas she could,grinding her pussydown onto hiscock. "So good,so good, sssssssssooo..."She trailed off,breathing quickly throughpursed lips. Thenher head beganto vibrate, andher entire bodyreeled back likea whip, twistingone way thenthe other. "AHHH!AHHHH!" she screamed,unafraid to vocalizeher orgasm. Shepulled at herown hair asshe turned thisway and that,her breasts flingingsweat into Wes'sface. Once moreshe milked Wes with her tightcunt, squeezing hisbody hard betweenher legs.

Onour nights outon the town,Laurie and Ilike to dresssexy, hoping there'llbe plenty ofguys around totake notice. Thisnight was nodifferent. Laurie's gota great pair of legs andshe wears herskirts plenty short.I opted fora black velour jumpsuit, cut lowin the back,down to mywaist but notquite as plungingin the front,just enough toshow plenty ofcleavage.

Joyce sat allthe way up,kissed me, lookedin my eyes,and then slowlyunbuttoned her whiteblouse. She thenunhooked her whitelace bra, pulledit over hershoulders, and layback on thebed.

"In" sheordered.

"I'm sorry, Iwas daydreaming abouta girl Iwas going tosee a coupleof streets over.I guess Ifailed to noticethe change inthe speed limit,sir," I said.

Iremember the Wednesdaynight when everythingchanged. Dad hadcalled a specialfamily meeting--ordinarily weheld our meetingson Sunday evenings,so I knewsomething big wasup, and theway things hadbeen going forus, it wasprobably something bad.

"ThankGod we're thesame size soyou can borrowsome of myclothes."

Peggy pulled herface from Juliesjuice covered wonderland and groaned loudly."Oh damn thathurts shit-head." Sheannounced foully beforeJulie hooked herfoot behind Peggy'shead and forcedher lips tight against Julie's quiveringquim.

"Goodgirl. Rub myballs and feelthem when Idump my load."

Mrs. Johnson dipped the cloth ona bowl ofwarm water andtold me toput my headback and shewould clean offthe paint andhave a lookat the scratch.She bent forwardover me andI was treatedto a lookat the mostgorgeous set oftits I hadever seen outside of the pagesof Playboy. Herloose blouse fell forward and itbecame immediately obviousthat she wasn'twearing a bra.Along with aperfect view ofher large, softlooking tits, Icould clearly seeher large brown nipples. She askedme to putmy head back and as Itried to doso it quicklybecame uncomfortable soI slumped inthe chair torest my headon the backof the chair.It was thenI could feelthat my ballshad fallen outof the legof my shortsand were nowdangling over theedge of thechair.

"What doyou mean, why?"

Oncethe day warmedup, we wereonce again naked.Several times shetold me that"I'm bad", andseemed excited bythe thought! Iasked to seethe tattoo overher pussy. Shelet me geta good close up view whileexplaining it tome. I heldher and kissedher, but assoon as shefelt my cockgrowing she pushedme away. Iwas feeling veryfrustrated, but somehowI still managedto stay incontrol.

Kevin answered immediately,"Yes that istrue Master, verytrue." Laughing TheMasked Man said,Careful now don'tget disrespectful onme, I mighthave to disciplineBarbie Fuck Slut here you don'twant that doyou?"

"Why not?"

"Pushbaby," the doctortold the slave,her hands holdingonto his headtightly. She pressedher lips tohis mouth andbegan kissing himdeeply. She knewthat her mouthon him affectedhim. He alsoaffected her. Shecould feel thetwinges, deep downbelow her lowerabdomen. Her pussywas literally contracting,wanting something tobe inside it.

" ..pussy," shegasped, swallowing hard." my cunt!"

Thedog's hot, fetidbreath blew onPer's face ashe squeezed thedog's throat. It'sattack diminished andit started towhine as Pertightened his clench.The dog thrashedand tried toget away asPer held on,squeezing and squeezinguntil the dogdied. Pushing thecarcass aside, Perrose to hisfeet only tosee that hisfriends had finishedoff the othermen.

Shame returned toSlim as theman was tryingto lift himselfup out ofthe water. Shameplaced his booton the man'sback and pushedhim back downin the water.He held slimunder for abouthalf a minutebefore picking theman up andheaving him overtowards his partner.

Wesat next toeach other onthe couch, Katetook hold ofmy hand andfaced me, "Chris,what we havegot for eachother is special,sure we loveeach other andwe always will,who is tosay what is'right or wrong',I want youChris, I wantyou to makelove to me,I think youwant it toobut if youwant to leavenow I willunderstand" I movedclose to herand we kissedagain, this timewith more eagerness,more lust, andas I didI cupped oneof her titswith my handon the outsideof her dress,feeling the nipplepress into mypalm, then loweringthe top ofher dress Islid my handinside caressing herbare tit takingher nipple betweenmy thumb andfinger, playing withit, feeling itgrow hard, aswe continued kissing I stopped playing with her titand moved myhand down onto her thigh,sliding it upand down overher stockings, sheopened her legsa little andmy hand worked its way upwardsover her bareskin getting nearer to her panties,I felt herwarm, moist pussythrough her pantiesand she moanedloudly, sliding thematerial to oneside I slippedone finger intoher hot, wetcunt gently sliding it in andout.


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