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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Extreme sex stellungen stories

"Do youwant to continue?"

Jakewas pounding mepretty hard andI was gettingclose to havingan orgasm, Icouldn't believe itconsidering how sickI was. Jakemust have sensedit, 'cause hedid his specialthing. He pulledcompletely out ofme and linedup for his"Big Bang" hecalls it. Icried out, "Yes!",But with mystuffy "Once, whenI was eleven.I was inBoy Scouts andmost of myBoy Scout troop was over. Wehad planned togo out inthe backyard andcamp out butit started pouringdown rain andnone of uswanted to getsoaked setting upthe tents. Mymother made usfeel better byletting us setup our tentsand such inhere and wecamped out inhere for thenight. But thatwas in themiddle of summerand we hadtents and sleepingbags." I wentsilent for amoment then quicklyturned to thelarge shelf myfather had installedfor storage. "Sleepingbags!" I saidand almost ranto that shelf.

Shelooked at me,"Prove it." Shespread her legs,"Eat me. You'vealready tasted themboth so alittle more won'thurt you."

"This littleslut daughter ofmine needs tobe taught alesson," she said."Every man inthe world, justlike your Daddyhere, can seethat you arenothing but afuck toy forthem." Crissy lookedinto my eyesfor a moment,a little confused,then looked downa little furtherand saw thehard-on in mypants. She couldn'thave missed it– this wholescene had mycock rock hard.

"Yes." He answeredas the registerbeeped and displayeda total.

Paige raised her head fromher objective justlong enough tosay between gasps,"I know, baby.I know." Thenback to mybackdoor and hertongue probing. Onlynow she removedher fingers frommy swollen pussy,and moved herattention to myclitoris. It wasstill sensitive fromearlier attention, butresponse to Paige'sfingers was instant.

Instead,she stood infront of meand while saying"Would you liketo see howyour little niecegrew up.....Voila!" shepulled her dressup and overher head anddropped it tothe floor. Tryingnot to letthe shock andslight embarrassment show in my face,I glanced downher body. AsI had guesseda little earlier the cheeky littlevixen hadn't beenwearing a scrapof underwear andso my eyeswere floating overher nakedness, overher small perbreasts, her flatstomach and toher pussy andthen I stoppedand stared. Itwas perfectly cleanlyshaven and beautiful.

"You mean, you…me…" I beganto stumble. Heput a fingerto his lipsfor silence.

"Mmmmm, Rich,that feels sogood. Suck them."

"Yeah,I saw iton the news."I didn't stickaround to chat.

Thatlast morning, shehad a funnythough not unpleasantlook on herface when eatingthose fried eggs,whispering something inmy buddy's ear.I heard himsay to hersomething like, "Well,I know youdon't have aproblem swallowing that."I suppressed mygiggles just long enough to excusemyself from thetable and runoutside and burstinto side-splitting laughter.I collected myselfand returned tothe table, explainingthat I'd seena rare roseate spoonbill fly by.

"Bad night huh?"

Mywife is aregional manager forher company andshe has elevenoffices in herregion. She visitsthese offices atleast once eachmonth and thatdoes require sometravel on herpart. She israrely gone overnight,but it isnot uncommon forher to putsix hundred milesa day onher company car.She had justreturned from oneof her longtrips and wewere in theliving room talking about what tohave for dinnerthat night andI told herI wasn't hungryfor food, butthat I didhave an ideathat might interesther. I unzippedmy pants andtook out mycock and Shellylaughed, "God, butyou do havea one trackmind!"

My sister pulledme softly towardsher, and backedherself against me.I felt wetness.She had takenoff her panties!!She was jerkingme off towardsher (to myknowledge) virgin pussy!

Perhapsthe man therewith the greatestamount of anticipationwas a 38year old local man named Melvin Gathers. Melvin hadgrown up inCape Girardeau andafter a failedattempt to makeit with theUS Army, returnedto Missouri whenhe was 21and spent thebetter part ofthe next twodecades in andout of prison.

Jasmineknew there wasan evil grinspreading over herface as sheremembered the day'sevents. Once theygot home, they'dgone straight toher room andhad spent therest of theday making love,over and over.Sometimes they'd beenrough with eachother, desperate withpassion. Other timesthey'd just gone slow, exploring andenjoying each other.Jasmine wondered ifthere'd ever comea time whenthey didn't feelthe need tojump each other'sbones at everyavailable moment. Lord,she hoped not.

Then we dismissed.We were officiallylifeguards. We saidour goodbyes tothe instructors andsome students whowere leaving. Afew people went in to splasharound in thewater one lasttime. Most satat the tablesto watch theshow. Renee andI walked outinto the chest-deepwater at therope. We werealone, it wasreally dark now.We kissed withour arms aroundeach other fora while, nottalking. Then thefireworks started.

"No," helaughed, "She heardyou moaning andsquealing last nightand figured itout for herself."

head andmy face inthe blanky, Ithink it soundedmore like "Wheff!"He put hishands on myhips and gotready to slamback into me.

"Lay down, Vietta.It's my turnto taste you."

Iwas at workone day whenmy secretary toldme that therewas a FrankMcBride on linethree for me.Frank was Marlene'shusband or ratherher ex-husband soI took thecall. After aquick change ofpleasantries he cutright to thechase.

They all settleddown for adrink, and Brihad a cupof warm tea.It wouldn't havedone to mixthe painkillers withbooze. She didn'twant to bethat out ofit!

Benji pulls upright on timeand the twoguys ride offfor a dayof fishing. Carlthanks him fornot waking theneighbors or thedogs.

He was fullyerect. His cockwas circumcised, andthe head ofhis cock feltlike a velvetcap topping hislong, smooth, erectshaft. She caressedit gently, wantingto make itlarger and larger,wanting it toram into her,wanting to takeit into hermouth and suckit as hehad sucked herbreasts and nipples,desires real inher that shehad only heardabout and hadbeen afraid ofbefore. But nolonger.

To my furtherdismay and excitement,they walked therest of theway into theroom. Katie andYuka walked right in to joinme. They camein acting asif I wasn'teven there, likeI was nomore than apiece of furnitureor artwork tobe enjoyed.

I staredat her. "Youmean it?" Igulped.

She told methey've got somany new customerswho wanted quotations that she hadto do someovertime at leastonce a week.She was stillwearing the braceletwhy I askedher, "Why don'tyou take offthat damn whoresign?"

Jolie turned andleft the chamber,following the familiarsteps to theuppermost palace gardens.She had startedat the firstsight of thebronzed warriors withdark hair, onlyto discover theywere scattered throughoutthe palace. Loasmen towered overthe golden hairedmen of herown world, aconstant reminder ofall that shewished to forget.

"What's your name."inquired the driver.He had comefrom the sameconstruction site andlooked like hewas a plumber.In the backseat of hiscar bits andpieces of copperpipe and fittingslittered the floor.He had apock marked face and was aboutthirty five yearsold. He hadan overweight frameand looked tobe about twohundred pounds ona short frame of maybe fivefoot seven tall.He smelled likesolder and dust.


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