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Thursday, January 17, 2008

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It wasmuch later, asthe three ofthem lounged, stillnaked, across theking size bed in Holly's bedroom.They'd had aplayful time inthe shower, Hollyat first helpingto soap upand sponge thetwo men, thendaring them tosoap up oneanother. Reluctant atfirst, they laugheda little nervously.But then, witha slightly wicked and insistent smile,Holly took thehands of thetwo men andbrought them toone another's bodies,so all threewere now clusteredunder the showerhead, bodies touching,hands probing. Sheeven took hold of the twomen's hands andbrought them downto have afeel of oneanother's wet, soapy'Hello, all ofyou.', she said,bending to kissfirst Anne, thenLiz. While kissingthem she tookalso the timeto caress theirnipples and Annelicked Melanie's nipplesbriefly as well.

Reachingdown between ournow joined bodies,I quickly set the vibration inmotion, sending continuous waves of pleasuredeep into her,and a smallpiece was pressedagainst my clit,vibrating and pleasuringme at thesame time.

" I'llhave to takecare of that,"he said. "Let's just seehow wet youare."

I slipped onan old T-shirtand went tothe BBQ. Igot it goingand then poredus some wine.I was lookingat the oldexercise bike bythe back doorand went toget on itwondering if itstill worked. Icould feel mycock slip outof the legof my shortsas I pushedon the petaland was justabout to readjustit when shewalked into theroom. She smiledat me asshe picked upher wine andmove to standin front ofme. Her eyeswent to mylegs and thenrested on mycock as itmoved from underthe leg ofmy shorts. Icould feel itlengthen under hergaze and movedto get offthe bike.

Amandaprotested as Rhondabegan climbing overher. Her protestquickly ended witha yelp asRhonda reached back and tugged onthe clamp onher clit. Amandahad no choicebut to complyand began licking Rhonda's soaking pussy.She felt Rhonda'sclit against hertongue. Pain andhumiliation washed overher but shecontinued to lickthe woman aboveher. Out ofthe corner ofher eye shecould see thecamera capturing everymoment of herforced lesbianism. Rhondagrabbed her hairand began moaningwith delight. Thesound of hervoice filled withpleasure disgusted Amanda to no end.But she continuedlicking. Rhonda beganshaking, grinding hercrotch harder intoAmanda's face. "Yes,make me cum,bitch!" She criedout. Amanda couldfeel her juicessplashing over herface and intoher mouth asRhonda's orgasm erupted.The woman onher rode herface to anintense climax, thenpulled herself offthe hapless victim.

'Now if youneed anything myroom is justdown the hall,'she said, unnecessarily,'don't be afraidto wake meup. Sleep well.'

Againhe leaned forward,and this timehis voice wasalmost harsh, makinghis control clear."From here onout, you haveno choice Eddie.I'm going tofuck your wifein every wayI desire. I'mgoing to useher, and evenshow her off.Believe me, sheis going tobe the slutthat you've fantasizedabout. You're goingto see itall, Eddie. Mostof it." Headded that lastline with abit of alaugh. "And thereis nothing atall that youcan do aboutit from hereon out." Hepointed and liftedmy chin withhis hand toguide my gazeto a tableacross the room."Do you seethat?" There wasa small digital video recorder sitting on the tablepointed right atus. "Your confessionis all capturednow, and youare captured. Justas I controlledyour wife intothis, I nowcontrol you. Donot question me,and do nottry to stopthis from happening.You will passivelyaccept all ofthis, and ifI demand it,you will encourageyour wife intothings that Idesire if shehesitates. Am Imaking myself understood?"

Shewiggled and pressedher firm ass over his cock."Are you sure?"

Jennywas wearing apair of bluejeans that huggedher camel toe nicely. Her blousewas just awhite knit shirt.Nothing to fancyor sexy, butshe always lookededible to me.

"Heyyourself," Lola replied.She wanted toask Jock aboutwhat she hadjust seen butshe couldn't. "So,whatcha been doin?"Lola asked.

"OhhhhGod!" moaned Angie."That feels sogood. I justlove your tongue."

"She'sa natural," Rogerthought, as hisstepdaughter continued slowly sucking his cock."She likes thisalmost as muchas I do."


Her thong dividesher white bits– this iscertainly a placewhere the sundon't shine. Itbarely covers herarsehole before itdives down anddivides her cuntlips.

"Um, well,yeah it is.A little, anyway,Ms. Blake. Look,I would neverdo any ofthose things. Imay touch thestudents on theirbacks as theyare leaving class,but it's boththe guys andgirls to getthem out ofthe classroom, youknow? I wouldnever do anythinglike this."


Hank sped uphis thrusting asBarbara began tolift her hipsin time withHank. Beth continuedto play withher sister's breasts.

Theywere like twolarge watermelons, onlyfirm and toosoft and theyeagerly bulged tomy touch. Withmy left palm firmly on herbreasts and Ilowered my rightarm to hernaval, softly squeezing her tummy andmoved lower onher saree andstarted kneeding herthick soft thighs.

Mistress Andrea smiled."Cautious, aren't you?For $300 amonth you comeover on twoevenings or weekendsand clean upin the house,or do yardwork. Afterwards, youget a specialtraining session withme, and thepossible opportunity toorally pleasure meor one ofmy female slaves.Are you interested?"

"Youhave some conditionsto open thedoor for us!"

Ilooked over tosee two womenstanding in theentrance to thebar. One wasblonde the othera redhead. Dougsaid, "How wouldyou like toget a pieceof that?"

"Sorry,"I say, forwhat seems likethe fifteenth time that night. Heshakes his head.Do not coveryourself unless Itell you to."The elevator jerksto a stopand he gesturesme out intothe hallway. Istep uncertainly, myshoes clicking againstthe floor. Afew doors downthe hall thereis a manfumbling with hiskeys at hisdoor. He istall, thin, looksforeign. An orangebrown leather jacket and a newspaperfolded under hisarm. He hasspiky blonde hair,small black rimmed glasses; I think,European. He looksup at us,and I wantto move tocover myself, butI can feelHim behind me,and I don'tdare.

It sickenedhim to knowthat the bedwas not Carol'salone, but wassometimes shared withalcoholic husband fromthe bottom ofthe barrel. Buthe chased allimages of herhusband from hishead. Tonight itwas Carol's bedalone that hewas now standingnext to.


Shondrasmiled and tookthe telephone. Shelooked down atWendell with herpanties stuffed inhis mouth andhis hands boundwith his ownbelt. Her voicewas cheerful andbusinesslike as shespoke, "Mr. Jones,can I haveMr. Kerr callyou back? Hecan't talk rightnow; he's alltied up rightnow."

Josh finally made it tothe trailer homethat Bertha haddescribed to himearlier. The frontdoor was wideopen, and Joshwalked up tothe door.

Mom andI where soengrossed in themoment that we'dforgotten about theguys. They stoodat the endof the bedjerking their hard-ons,staring intently.

Onceagain, the followingweekend, we wereinvited to dinner.Carol was toldto wear hershortest, thinnest dress,with nothing onunder it. Whenwe arrived, Dianemet us atthe door, andwhile we werestill on theporch, she fingeredCarol to anorgasm. Upon entering,we were shockedto find anothercouple already there.Carol felt thatshe had agood thing going with Lee andDiane, but strangerswere a wholedifferent story. Afterintroductions, and adrink for all,still another coupleshowed up. Leetold Carol totake her dressoff, but sherefused. Diane tookCarol into thebedroom, and ateher out tojust short ofcoming, then abruptlystopped. She askedCarol if shewanted more, andof course, Carolsaid she did,so she toldher to takeher dress off.This time Carolagreed, thinking shecould put itback on beforethey left theroom. After eatingCarol to anorgasm, Diane kissed her, letting hertaste her ownjuices, and whilerubbing her nippleswith both hands,asked if Carolhadn't enjoyed theprevious two weeks.Carol said shehad, but shecouldn't behave likethat in frontof total strangers.Diane pointed outthat the firstnight, they werepractically strangers, andthat Carol hadenjoyed everything thathad happened withthem, and thatthis time wouldn'tbe any different,that their friendswere all gentle,discreet people, andCarol would cometo no harm,in fact shewould enjoy thiseven more. Reluctantly,Carol agreed totry, shyly coming out of thebedroom naked.

"There wego." He stoodback to admirehis handiwork. Goldchain around herneck, two goldchains plunging downward from her throatin big swoops to end onher now verydark red andvery erect nipples.The black waistbandof her otheradornment, hugging herhips, then astring of pearls,hanging straight downward,two pearls bracketing her button, thendisappearing between thesoft folds ofher pussy lips,reappearing briefly just below her lipsthen disappearing againas they traveledup the cleftof her assto join thewaistband again behindher.


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