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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

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He felthis sanity creepingdown towards hisstomach somewhere, butbelow that, hefelt exposed themillions of questionshe had beenasking himself lately.Who was thiswoman? What didshe want? Why?His words stumbledout.

She, Toni andSarah had somefun as wellthis morning. Ithink it surprisedher even morethan me. Iwas a littleconcerned about howshe would handleit. I sighedand shrugged becauseit was aproblem for later.

"I'mnot doing thiscause you Sallydemeanor changed immediately.

Devastationand deep-despair werebeginning to set-infor Heather. Obliviousto what couldbe in storeyet terrified ofwhat this horriblewoman might beplanning to doto her, shebemoans herself, regrettingher mischievous thoughts and the subsequentlycallous actions thatled her tounwittingly spur onthe lustful transformationof this woman- her teacher.The young studentbegins to tremble,moaning and sobbinguncontrollably.

After establishinga comfortable positionI reached forwardand held onto her slightlybelow her waistand started todevelop a rhythm.

His choice ofwords encouraged meas I followedhim back intothe room wherethey were.


"Aww, baby,I was justabout there."

Madeline Brenmyrfolded her longslender fingers overone of herknees. Her purplelinen summer dress draped gently overher long athletic legs, ending justabove her ankles,creating dramatic andalluring effect. Shecocked her headslightly, brushed astrand of herauburn hair fromher delicately sculptedface and asked,"So, Professor Cage,what did youwant to seeme about?"

That night,we went back to my houseand fucked foreven longer thanbefore, until Juliepassed out ontop of mein exhaustion. Bothof us calledin sick thenext day andwe slept onand off andmade love liketwo horny rabbits.

Itwas almost agonyfor us both,having waited half an hour forthis union. Igave her long,deep strokes, fillingher pussy everytime. I kissedher gently eachtime I pushedinside, then withdrewso that herlips only suckedat the verytip, then plungedin again. Herjuice coated myshaft and balls,gathering in myown hairs. Ilicked at hernipples, sucking themgently while Imade love toher. The feelingof power wastremendous. She wasgorgeous, young, sexyand all mine.I could stop,start, lick, kiss,suck, tease, spank,fuck, come... anythingI wanted. Iknew she'd letme do allof that anyway(except stop, maybe!)but the choicewas all mineand I dominatedher for thefirst time. Timeto put thatinto practice.

He quietlyshut the doorand walked towardthe bedroom. Themore he listened,the greater hisarousement grew. Hepeaked into theroom, before entering.He could seethe reflection ofthe bathroom inthe mirror. Hesaw movement ashe approached themirror. When hegot closer, hecould see thathis wife hadher legs wrappedaround a man,riding him withall her might.His cock swelled at the sightof his beautifulbride being fuckedby another man.

"My god, Ibet that hurts!"gasped Kim aswe both writhedin pain just thinking of it.

"Whatdo you doDon?" Jim asked.

Itook the toyfrom her, andtrailed it downher body. Overher big tits,wetting her nipples.Down her belly,and to herwet, hot pussy.I ran itover her pussylips, she spreadher legs wider.I didn't wantto stick itright in atfirst. I wantedher to wantme too. SoI teased herwith it. Runningit over herher lips, overher clit, justtouching it. Shewas on fire.

"God you know,it said. Processingroom. Do notenter. Prisoner search in progress, orsomething like that."

Betsy was intriguedand aroused. Whatwas happening here?She adored Dave and when sherecalled the nightsout they onceshared as hereached between herlegs under arestaurant table, orin the theater,she shivered andwanted him thenand there. Shereached for himand he scoffed"not just yetbaby..." This couldbe a veryexciting day...

My motherhad sure comea long way in those fewyears. She wentfrom being afaithful wife togetting triple teamed by her sonand two nephewsand then enteredinto another incestuousaffair with herbrother-in-law.

By the timewe hit theshow my headwas starting toswim. I couldfeel the musicwrap around melike a warmquilt on acool winter night.I immediately gotout on tothe dance floor,closed my eyesand started tomove as themusic commanded me.

Shehad gotten itat Victorias Secret,but said, "Doyou like it?""Well, honey, it'swrong for afather to talkabout such thingswith his daughter.But yes, Ilike it verymuch. It makesyou look...older." hereplied.

gotthe mail." Mikereplies. I amdoing this causein my householdI am theboss. I thinkyou need tolearn this. NOWSTAND STILL BITCH!!"Terrie now startingto shake andtremble stands stillas told, butis afraid toeven speak. Mikeyanks back onher hair.

"Ok, Iunderstand what you'resaying. I guessthat I don'thave much choice,"he said, aslight laugh inhis voice.

Susanwas a solitarykind and didnot mind beingcooped up withjust Mummy forcompany. She hadhad a lifetime of excitementas a childand now, asshe was nearingher fortieth solitary year, she wasglad of thequiet life. Shespoke to no-onebut Lucy aboutthose days. Sheheld her oldfriends Aslan, Tumnus,the Beavers andall the restof those shehad befriended asa child, dearto her heart.She looked forwardto the lettersLucy would sporadicallyreceive.

"Just relax baby, enjoy whatI am doingto you" Ireply. I slowlylick her cuntfrom top tobottom and backup, inserting mytongue deep intoher pussy. AsI did, Ipushed my fingerknuckle deep inher ass. Ifeel the muscletighten around myfinger. I rotatemy finger aroundthe dark holegently. I continueto lick herclit, sucking itinto my mouth.Holding it betweenmy teeth, Iflick back andforth quickly, needingto make hercum now.

"Oh." Shenonchalantly responded asher cheek foundits way uponhis dark, warmchest - snugglingever so closer.She caressed hisneck with severalsmall kisses, workingherself onto hischest, desirous -yet too sleepyto love hisbeautiful, meaty blackdick.

Mark's colourturned a darkerred as heblushed to theroots of hisblonde, short-cropped hair,and Rick laughed at the youngerman's discomfort.

"You area slut, areyou not?"

You're welcome,dear, I thoughtto myself. Justtry to rememberto come homeafter you've hadtwo weeks ofconstant cock. "Justbe careful onthe drive."

She couldn'tremember a timewhen she wasthis nervous. Whileshe knew shewould be safewith him, shewas about todo something soout of characterand she couldn'tquiet her nervesand she sowanted to beconfident, tonight especially.She wanted himto know shewanted this, wantedto please himmore then anything.They had sharedthis fantasy butshe never thoughtshe would actuallybe able togo through withit. Tonight shewould. Tonight shewould take anotherstep closer tohim.

Oh she achedto find thatblinding release inher orgasm butshe knew nowshe was justtoo turned on.She couldn't doit surreptitiously ifshe wanted to.Her fingers feltsticky with theoozing juices fromher cunt. Thiscould be fun,she thought.

Our walktook us througha series ofalleyways, which hadthe added advantageof sheltering usfrom the elements.The silence took on a newdensity in thesealleys. Only ourfootsteps pierced theatmosphere as Icradled Cherie's shoulders.I reflected onthe events ofthe past hour:that girl justexposing herself tome like abitch on heat,countless grinding contact with nubile bodies,then Cherie almostbringing me offin the middleof a crowdedroom and nowthe forbidden close proximity of herbody. I couldn'twait to gethome and finishmyself off, Ifelt dangerously tempted to just whip out my cockthere and thenand milk itin front ofher, ask questions later. Luckily weweren't too farfrom home nowand -

"Start dancing,stupid."

I thought aboutholding back somemore as thesilky, thickened headof my cockstarted to touchher waiting pussy.


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