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Friday, January 18, 2008

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I pressclose to feelyour body againstmine. Still holdingthe rose, yourarms wrap round my neck anddraw me evencloser. I respondwith a deepkiss pushing youharder against thetree. Your handsmove beneath myshirt, I feelyour nails againstmy skin asyour desire increases.

Thewaitress was backjust as thedance ended, withmargaritas for Devonand Susan alongwith his fakedrink. The problemwas, there wasno Devon andSusan. Pete startedsearching the dancefloor for hiswife, and finallysaw her onthe far sideSuddenly, the worldwas operating inslow motion. Isaw my handconnecting with hisbent thigh. Andsince he waswearing a verynice suit, thematerial was abit slippery. Myhand slipped, straightinto his crotch.I yelped ina very unladylikefashion and foundI was fallingforward, towards myrescuer. And ifit had beenany other daythan my fortiethbirthday, I wouldhave appreciated thehumor of thesituation. My knighterrant was noneother than William,whom I hadfelt an inexplicableattraction to sincethe first timeI saw himin the office.I think itwas his shysmile that appealedto me, incomparison to theusual office lotharios who spent mostof their timestaring at myboobs and tryingto figure outhow to getin my pants.We had hada few passingconversations, but nothingsubstantial. I wouldhave sworn thatI gave hima welcoming smileseveral times, buthe always ignoredme. I hadstopped after thethird time, decidingthat if hewasn't interested, thenneither was I.

Nate peered overthe seat atthe green, glowingnumbers on hisdash. " 'Quarterto five." hesaid.

So, like Isaid every thingwas basically decent except for mylack of sexualprowess. Then oneday when Iwas cleaning outthe van, Ifound a pairof her blackpantyhose stuffed underthe bed inthe back. Mymind instantly raced.The nylons wereripped at thecrotch, and Iinstantly knew whatwas going on.

At last hestopped shooting asI just rubbedhis cock allaround my face,swallowing the cumand using itto scoop moreoff me soI could lickit all up.

Atfirst, this wasenough for me,but eventually Iwanted her tooffer me thingsin return. "Whatwould you dofor it?" Iwould ask.

"No, Ididn't. So youare telling methat my littlesister Elizabeth isnothing more thana bi-sexual slut?Does Jack know this?" Vicky questioned.

Iran into theside room. Shewas standing, bentover, long shapely legs terminating infull, round buttocksin those lacyblack panties. Mydick nodded inacknowledgement of theview.

"Yeah, back bythe bathrooms." Isaid.

In the nextnote she wrote:You should nowbe holding myjogging bra andmy panties. Asamazing as thismay sound, Icompletely undressed exactly where you arestanding and spentnearly 45 minutes touching myself andwandering around naked.I want youto help me,by playing agame with me.Leave a cardwith a keywordhere in thisdissertation. I'll lookup the wordin the bigdictionary at theentrance of thelibrary and youshould have anote telling mewhere to goto find thenext clue. Ifyou follow myinstructions to mysatisfaction, I'll doanything you dareme to doin this library.Remember, you canmake this gamego on aslong or asshort as youwant, but ifI am caught,our fun may come to anend.

The buzzing stopped,Jimmy had turnedit off justin time, Iwas so close,I didn't knowhow he knewme so wellso quickly. Ilifted my headand looked atthe salesman whowas still kneelingat my feetwith one handon my ankle,his mouth hangingopen and hiseyes glued tomy dripping wet pussy. I lookeddown and sawthe bulge inhis pants, realizinghis cock washard, and hewas having ahard time tearing his eyes awayfrom me. Inoticed the saleswomanhad slipped back into the backroom, and Isuggested that thesalesman get mea different size,as these oneswere a bittoo big. Hestood and stumbledback to theother room tofind a differentsize, leaving thenew sandals onmy feet.

After watchingthe continuous meaninglessfucking for ahalf an hourClarissa glanced atJessi who wasfidgeting where sheset. Now washer chance tomake her move."Hey you looktense. Would youlike me togive you aback rub?"


Leaning back into her plushleather office chair,she scrolled lazilythrough her listof emails withher mouse. Ina nonchalant way,her free handslid down toher lap. Softlyand teasingly, shepressed the heelof her palminto her mound,humming quietly toherself. Slowly inhaling a full breath of air, herfingers deftly unbuttoned her slacks andslid the zipperall the waydown, the soundof the zipperstrikingly loud toher ears. Sheplaced her handback on thedesk, quietly drumming her fingertips onher notepad. Squeezingher thighs together,she felt hervaginal muscles clamp down tight, causinga delicious throbbing in her clitoris.

Asthey then gotinside, Sarah told Tyrese and hisbodyguard to makethem selves athome. They wentin and satdown on acouch in theliving room.


of the floor,arms still linkedaround Devon asthey apparently waitedfor the nextdance.

'Then helpyou I shall.I was planningto talk toyou about thisafter dinner butit seems wehave some catchingup to doif you haven'tmasturbated all day.My poor baby!Why don't wesee if wecan relieve thatnasty pressure right now, then we'llhave a nicedinner together andthen we canhelp you outsome more ifwe need to?Something tells methat it mighttake a coupleof sessions todrain those bigballs of yoursso you canget a goodnight's sleep. Doesthat sound alright?"

"Wow,I like thatidea. I loveto watch twomen go atit. Makes mewet just thinking about it."

Nick picked up the clock-radioand held itat eye level.

Afew days later,I was inthe elevator ofmy building whena very goodlooking, beautifully builtFilipino woman entered the car onefloor below me.She was sensational!Her breasts andass were perfectand she wasprobably under fivefeet tall whenshe took offher high heels.Since we werethe only onesin the car,I introduced myselfand as soonas she lookedinto my eyes,I made hermine. Her namewas Lana andshe lived inthe building. Shewas married, 31and loved everyaspect of sex.I suggested thatwe go upto my apartmentand have somefun with eachother. I reallycouldn't wait tosee her withouther clothes and,as soon aswe got inthe door, askedher to getcompletely undressed sothat I couldlook at her.

Seeing how muchshe was enjoyingmy mouth, Ifelt it wastime to getthose knickers offand lay tongueagainst bare flesh.I stood upand pulled herto her feetagain, then satdown on theedge of thebed. I workedthe panties downto the topof her crackand spun heraround. I gotthe panties halfway down herarse and shestarted to doa little dance,shifting her weightfrom one footto the otherand wiggling herhips. I droppedthe panties tothe floor andshe stepped outof them. Nowcompletely naked andrevealed in allits glory, Inoticed what aterriffic body shereally had. Theelegant curve ofthe small ofher back andthe rounded smoothnessbut economic compactnessof her arse.It was thebest arse Iever paid myhands on.

Rachel soon fell in lovewith this man.She couldn't waitfor them tomeet. There wasa strong possibilityhe be aKevin's new stepfather.

"Umm, yes. Youare fabulous, andall of thatwith just yourhands," he saidsoftly back toher.

"No," Juliesaid. "Knock beforeyou come backout of thebathroom."

She scoffedand slowly walked out my room.I couldn't helpbut look ather long slenderlegs. "I don'tknow why you'rekicking me whenI have seenyou naked already,"She teased.

After acouple hours, Jakeand I decidedthat it wouldbe a goodidea to leave.At my car,I turned tohim and said,"after tonight, anythingyou do isno longer 'takingadvantage'. It's morean 'act ofmercy'!"

Amber leaned intoher sister andbegan to lickLiz's waiting clit.Amber loved thetaste and smellof her sister.So much likeherself and yeteven better. Sheran her tongueover Liz's slitand began tomake her sistermoan. Amber loved to bring pleasureto Liz. Afterall they'd beenlovers since theywere little girlsexperimenting.

I kissed everyinch of herluscious skin, holdingher hands soshe couldn't pushme away anymore.I traced everydetail with mytongue. I whisperedsweet nothings inher ear asmy hands cupped her breasts andplayed with hernipples. She whimperedas I ranmy hand downher belly andbetween her thighs.I twirled myfingers in hersilky pubic hair and rubbed herlips for afew minutes, feelingthe wetness fromwithin coat myfingers.

bert: my sisterjust watched atfirst.


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