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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lesbian toilet sex scene

"Really?" Dawnturned around toface Josh, loopingher arms abouthis neck. "Guessthat gives usa little time to ourselves, doesn'tit?"

I spoke. "Thosebikini girls madeyou hot, didn'tthey."

"How do youthink I feelwhen I comeinto the kitchenand you're fuckingBetty on thetable."

Frequently reminiscing aboutthat night, Lisaconvinced herself itwas the rightdecision. She andDarren had plannedon taking awinter cruise together;"Hello, Grandfather." Jennykissed her grandfather.Gifford Brewer looked her up anddown. She looksabout forty inthat outfit, hethought. Trust Paige to raise somethinglike her.

And thentwo strands ofpearls. One withan amethyst pendant – a deeppurple pear shaped stone surrounded byglittering rhinestones ather throat.

She wasstanding in fullview of thecamera, wearing along white summer dress. She wasswaying side toside while staringat the camera.

Mumclosed the doorand took adeep breath. Itensed in thehope that whatevershe said itwouldn't be asbad as Ifeared. She thenasked me ifI needed thetoilet, which wassomething I didn'texpect.

Her parents, ifso, did notrealize that herchances on thelatter were notgreat -- andthey probably neverguessed that shehad already givenRobert the former.She was sentto San FranciscoState and tolive with hergrandmother. Who, asit turned out,was more willingto indulge thegirl in suchmatters than herparents were. Allthe old woman required was thatshe date decent and smart men,and she gavethem a hardbut unbiased screening for that.

One examplewas Becky, sheloved to sneakby my apartmentand have medo the thingsto her shewouldn't let herhusband do. Ithink her favoritewas kneeling witha large rubberdildo up herjuicy pussy andhave me jackoff in hermouth. She wantedall my cumin mouth, whateverwe had done,even ass fucking.It was justso nasty pulling out of herass and havingher suck thecumm from mycock. It seemedBecky had caughther husband eating one of hergirlfriends and justloved going homewith my her mouthand kissing him.From what Beckytold me, theonly good fuckinghe got wasafter I wasthere first.

Only wheni could cryno more andwas in theprocess of wipingthe remaining tearsfrom my facedid He suddenlygrab my shouldersand ram meback into thedoor to theDungeon. The violenceof the actwas so unexpectedthat I screamedeven before theheadache of thecontact filled myentire skull. Withouta word, Heopened the doorto the Dungeon,then shoved meinside so hardthat i fellbackward to thefloor, barely able to brace myfall before myhead would haveimpacted the floor.

I was about22 and arelationship with agirl had justbroke before summer.So I spenta week alonein Ibiza. Myhotel was nearthe capital ofthe island andIbiza is quitewell known inEurope for wildparties and hotclubs and discos.At the beginningI was notin the moodfor going tothat kind ofcrowded clubs andrather read abook in myhotel after havingsome dinner. Itwas only twonights before myholiday was overagain, that Iwas fed upwith being aloneand decided toat least tryone of therecommended "In-clubs".

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Sandyand Alex giggled."Oh," said Sandy,"he's just theChairman of theBoard."

Elizabeth shook herhead. "It's nogood."

"I was bad,Daddy," she remindedhim. "I- Ithink I needpunished."

Finally, the longand sensually demanding week drew toa close. Afterwork on Friday,Kelly informed methat we weregoing out thatnight to thesame club we'dbeen to theprevious Friday. Bythis time, Iwasn't surprised atall when shetold me wewould be meetingup with Annaagain. I waslearning to predictthe directions mywife's naughty loveof teasing andtempting me wouldlead in.

"Let's go.Right now!"

"No, Ash.I told you,you're beautiful. Perfect…"I let myfingertips trail downthe side ofher face, thecolumn of herthroat, around theoutside of oneperfect mound.

"Ithink I understandwhat you aretrying to say.And as muchas I don'twant to, Ihave to agreewith you. Sexin and ofitself isn't wrong,but sex acts in the schoolbathrooms definitely are."

theyhad booked itand paid forit in full.Now it wasonly a weekaway and Lisawas considering cancelingthe whole trip,however, when shefound out shecouldn't get anyof her moneyback, she decidedthat she wouldtake the vacationalone.

"I wouldbe happy toassuage your curiositiesonce we haveestablished our situationa bit morefirmly. I trustthat Donovan hasled you toyour quarters andgiven you hisspeech?" A tinkleof laughter punctuated her question, andAmy felt herselfsmiling, her muscleseasing up abit.

I workout at thegym two orthree times aweek and havea personal trainer named Scotty. Scottywas the kindof guy everyoneat the gymwants to belike. He isadmired by thewomen and enviedby the men.Scotty is 23darkly tanned andhas ripped abs.He always hashis hair styled messy and thechicks in thegym ooze overhim. He's browneyes indicate thathe's a friendlyfellow and wealways seem tofind something interestingto talk aboutduring our sessions.

Reaching up behindher, I tooka handful ofher thick, blondehair and pulledher head backwards,revealing her sensualand slender neck.Towering over her,I leaned downand began tonibble on herneck, sending chills through her entirebody. I bitgently at thesoft curves ofher neck andsucked some ofher skin intomy mouth. Theyoung beauty stood very still asI teased hervulnerable neck. Holdingher head backwith one hand,I placed myhand firmly onher naked breast.Debbie gasped asshe felt myfingers knead herfirm titflesh andthen began towhimper as myfingers closed aroundher hardening nipple.I watched withsatisfaction as heryoung body squirmed beneath me asI played withher titflesh. Leaningover her boundbody, I beganto kiss andlick at hersoft cheeks andlips. The almostnaked beauty squirmed as she triedto get awayfrom my assault.As I leanedforward my handslid down fromher naked titfleshand moved betweenher sculptured thighs.

Anyway, I calmeddown and thingswere back tonormal except forthe urges thatI got togo outside andget naked. Iheld them backfor a while.Finally I couldn'twait any longer.My roommate, whowas a lotlike me onthe outside, hada car. Ididn't. She waslike me inthe sense wedressed alike, wereshy and prettyquiet.

"That's what I'mbetting on."

"Mmm ok"

Iam a personthat truly enjoyswatching women, especiallyyoung women please themselves, and Imean get offor masturbate.

I toldHoney I understoodabout last nightand wanted toknow if shehad seen Raytoday. Honey said yes, they hadlunch together andtalked about thecontract. It wassigned and presentedto Honey's bosstoday. Ray madeit clear thatHoney was toremain on theaccount otherwise hemade a clausethat the contractcould be brokeat anytime Honeywas taken offthe account.

Vaginal penetration sensory zones arestrongest with firmupward pressure (thestomach side ofthe vagina) againstthe vaginal wall.A well-designed productwill allow upwardpressure to besustained. If youenjoy cervical contact make sure touse a productlong enough toreach. Additionally itis possible toobtain sexual products that allow tactileclitoral contact togetherwith vaginal stroking.


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