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Thursday, January 24, 2008

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When sheput the phonedown she said,"She'll be roundin about tenminutes, if thatis all right.But I mustwarn you beforehand.She wears evenshorter skirts thanI do, whichmeans she neverwears stockings, andher knickers aredecidedly briefer, oftento the pointof being almostinvisible! She willbe using mydesk, of Tarasaid, "I willco-operate. Tell mewhat I haveto do. Butjust feel mypussy. I needyour hand overit now."

John, eightor nine inches,a little onthe thin side,he was goingto get ass.

"You'rea dear, Mikey,"she said, andeach word seemedto lick myear long andslow. "Oh, andMikey?"

"You need whatChristine?"

John laughed ashe closed thedoor. He pulledout his notebookfrom his desk,made a tallymark and calculatedup his figures."Fuck, two moreto go! Oneand I tiethough, that's notbad."

"What do youthink?" Sandy asked.

"Saywhat? Who toldyou that?"

Just offto the sidewas Ripu whosehands were strokingand mauling Sonika'sbreasts through thedress she wore.

Now. I climbup behind you,on my knees.You moan intoher as myhands go toyour ass, caressingthe curves, feelingthe heat. Idip a fingerinto you frombehind. You're sowet! So hotinside! I pullsome of yourwetness with myfinger and spreadit around yourasshole. You moanagain. This isfor later, butI slip myfinger into yourass, just tothe first knuckle.I feel yourelax around me.You'll be ready.

Again,with the skillof a ballerina,I appeared fromunderneath the table.I said Hito the waiterand sat downbeside you. Kissedyou on thecheek, I tastedhis cum andbegan to cleanyour face upas well. Icomplimented him onhis tasty cum.By now hewas so embarrassedhe couldn't evenspeak. He justturned and wentto the kitchen.You asked ifI wanted anydesert, I said,I already hadmine!

What sort ofpictures did shetake? She likednatural things: thedesert, the whorlsof flowers, twistedroots and wintertrees, dogs inthe street, nudes.Oh. In lifeclasses? No, moresort of natural,at home. Justthe students takingeach other orwhat friends theycould persuade: thecollege might notapprove. I imagined,as I amsure you did,the queues ofstudents and theirfriends that wouldbuild up whenthey heard ofthese private sessions.But she wascontinuing to speakas if itwas only artschool commonplace, likeart theory andlighting. Name? Ambie.Hi, and weintroduced ourselves. Ambie,that's unusual. Ohit's short forAmber.

"This is nice,"Tom said. Hewas in theshallow end ofthe pool asRainie was, whichmeant he wasstanding on hisfeet. Rainie floatedlanguidly with herarms moving back and forth acrossthe surface.

Ididn't say anythingat first, justmeeting his gaze."First, I guessI should havetold you. Second,I did nothingto provoke herinto showing me,and third, it'snot like you'reMr. Innocent either."

After a fewminutes, and nothearing Simon sneak back past ourbedroom, curiosity tookover me andI slipped outof bed andinto a t-shirt,slowly opening thedoor to peekout. I heardthe TV playingin the livingroom and Simon'smurmurs.

When my dadwasn't at school,he was tuckedaway in hisstudy in frontof his typewriter,and then laterhis computer, spendingmany long hours writing and editing.I'd sometimes comein and pesterhim; just sitting on the floortalking about howmy day wentand asking himabout his. He'dtype away, leanin and stareat whatever hewas working on,smile and nod,and ask mequestions. I knewI was beinga bother, buthe never saidanything otherwise. Heseemed to enjoythe company, evenif it wasa distraction.

10minutes later, PhilCollins had wishedthe audience goodnight and he tookKitty's hand andleft the stage.

AnotherFriday evening andthere I stood,looking out thewindow while washingdishes. This wasall too typicalanymore as Iwaited for myhusband to getoff of workand my sonfrom college. Itwas a beautifulday outside, butof course Ihad no whereto go andnothing to dobut put thesedishes away beforeI was toprepare dinner andrepeat the choreall over againbefore the nightwas over with.

course, asI would haveto take herplace with myhusband. I assumethat will beall right. Afterall, it willonly be fora couple ofdays or so,and she isquite capable ofcoping with thework. But sheusually sits inexactly the sameway as Ido, so youwill be treatedto a newview, although herexposure will bebetter than mine,as there willbe less skirtto hide herknickers from view."

"It'sa gentleman's club"Josh replied lighting a huge cigar."This place islike nowhere youhave ever beenbefore Dave, knownonly to aselect few.

"I'msure not," Alicelaughed. "But docome join mewhen you can."

"Absolutely!Do I needmy purse?"

The end

"Haveyou ever experimentedwith anything kinky?"she asked eventually.

"I'mheading down toHawks Nest, anddecided to havesome lunch herewhile I waswaiting for thecar ferry." HawksNest is abeautiful village right on the oceanat the entranceto Port Stephens.Our prime ministeroften holidays there.

Fasterthan I couldbelieve possible shehandcuffed me tothe bed withcuffs she hadattached to theheadboard, she thenreached under meunbuckled my belt,unbuttoned my pantsand yanked themand my boxersdown and offmy body, yankingmy shoes andsocks with them.Then I feltand heard myshirt being cutand then tornfrom my body.

Sex can bea hunger, apoint subtly madeby my sub-consciousas I lickedmy lips watching Sharon stroke herself.I had learnedher name fromthe mailbox atthe end ofthe drive. Forweeks now, Ihad spent partof every eveningnestled in thelilac bushes outside the window watching this exquisite beauty make love toherself. What beganas a chanceoccurance had becomealmost an obsession.It was asif I wasinvolved in atorrid and consumingaffair, but notlike any Iwould have imagined.

"Rebeccayou sound sofucken sexy, I'mabout to blowfor you girl".

"Youdoing okay therekid?" the womanasked.

The movement triggeredsomething deep andprimal in Grant'sbrain. He flexedhis foot, raisinghis left thigh a few inchesand his handflashed down deliveringa firm smack to her rightcheek. The skinreddened slightly andhe smacked theleft cheek.

"I haven'tgot a cluewhat to say."

"Whatmakes you saythat?" I askedas I gotbehind my parentscar.


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