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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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She knew himwell, as hecame, flooding hercunt with cum.Jefferson kept banging her ass, slappinghis balls againstthem as hedrove his cockas deep ashe could intoher pussy. Heheld her hipsand pulled himselftight against herass. There shewas, a spentcock filling hermouth and anotherstuffed in herpussy. It wasquite a scene,as Al, Kellyand Peg watchedthem, Al andKelly still playingwith Peggy. Peggywas moaning, alittle, as shesaw her sonslowly draw hiscock from Marcy'scum filled mouth.'Bud looked "Isyour ass mine?"

OneSaturday morning, whenMax was readyingfor bed, hisclock virtually reversed from the world'sdue to traffic,construction and theneed to getthere on time,and when thecustomer needed, Katiehad gotten upearly. She wasjoining her friendsfor a campingtrip, an overnightto a nearbylake. She wasexcited too, forit promised togive her andher boyfriend, BillyWoods, a chanceto have somefun both inand out ofthe sack.

Istick the keyin the doorof the suite.I can pretendI'm so usedto this treatment,but the roomis amazing. She'splaying music andsmoking a cigar(poorly). Oh, fuck,she's wearing thatdress I love.Does this whoreknow what sheis doing tome?

"Look, we haveknown each otherfor most ofour lives. Wereally have feelingsfor you. Iknow it's notconventional, but hey,we thought you'dbe the mostunconventional of thethree of us"she explained, referringto my travellinghistory, and likingfor adventure sports,but also theperceived normality oftheir marriage. "Wejust want toget closer."

Dawn sat in her sister'sroom for afew more minutesfeeling satisfied andnaughty. Buffy laid on the bedexhausted and aroused,with one handbehind her headand the othertracing circles aroundher lower belly.Her smile taintedwith lust. Herpale, athletic body was flushed andradiant, covered inlittle goose bumps.Next to herslept her bestfriend Willow, onehad up herown shirt theother sandwiched betweenher freckled legs clutching a spentpenis.

"Stuffing socks intoyour pants tomock a womanis ... is... uh ...oh, Mr. Walker,I'm sorry."

"YesJack, you're technicallycorrect but it'sjust a theorythat we lowlyhumans came upwith trying toexplain away themysteries of life.We really haveno first handexperiences as tohow long evolutionreally takes. Infact, I thinkevolution is toostrong of aword for whatwere discussing. Adaptationfits better inthis case. Wehave simply stayedon Earth forso long thatwe adapted toour surrounding environment.Sam, what elsehave you foundout from yourearlier scans?" askedMitch.

Steve and Iquickly soaped oneanother up, butthen I toldhim.

Mary led meinto her bedroomat the farend of theL-shaped room. Sheswitched on alamp over herbed which wasunder a fully-drapedwindow on theright wall. Wewalked straight ahead,and Mary showedme the bathroom,with a showerin its tubon the rightwall. Across andto the leftwas another door,which led intoher study. Shelocked that door(I wondered why?),pulled some towelsout of acabinet, led meback to herbedroom, and said,"You can cleanup first. I'llcheck my answeringmachine and makesome phone calls.".

Bah. I'm notusing ANYTHING thatcomes to mefrom under thestall of apublic rest room.I slipped thetube and noteinto the femininehygiene receptacle andleft the restroom.

"Come on, comeon," exclaimed Kim!Slowly, deliberately, Lynnsat up, grindingher hips downon me onemore time. Withoutasking if Iwas ready ornot, she abruptlystood, my cockstretched as muchas possible, thenpulled out ofher cunt witha plop. Itflopped across myleg. She steppedout of theshower. I followed.

Afew weeks later,I finally gotup enough courageto go back.I was alsohorny as helland wanted toget sucked again.I sat inbooth after booth- I soonlearned that somewere more popularthan others forthat sort ofthing. At onepoint, I heardsomething in thebooth next tome. I realizedI could hearvoices besides thefilm loop playing.I leaned downand looked throughthe hole tosee a manon his kneesgiving a blowjobto another manstanding in themiddle of thebooth. I watchedthat and myloop for awhile, determined notto blow myload before Icould get suckedtoo. At somepoint, I ranout of quartersand had togo back outfront to getmore. When Igot back tomy booth, Iwas shocked outof my skinto hear avoice inside thebooth with mesay, "There youare! I wasafraid you hadleft."

Mmm I thought,and we allhave those.

"Relax then,"he instructed ashe slowly stuckhis thick fingerin her ass."See?" Molly nodded.He pushed hisfinger in farther,removed it, andrammed it backin.

Her face flushed as she criedout unconsciously myname, "oooooooooooooooh Mr.Steve take meeeeeeeeeeeeee"and cum veryhard, wetting theblanket on thebed.

Ash turnedto Zara "Sorry,I guess youget the poolhouse, but reallyit's..."

Jess orderedtwo more drinksfrom the bartenderand then littwo cigarettes handing one off toSandi. Sandi tooka drag andfelt a quickburning in herthroat. "God, Iforgot how goodthat was. LookI'm not readyto pick anyoneup tonight ortomorrow for thatmatter. This isall new tome; I neverhad these feelingsbefore. Does thismake me gayor bi?"

"This iswhat you wantedisn't it slut?To be fuckedsenseless from behindby that manon the train.You wanted tofeel his cockthrusting in andout you likethis didn't youmy little whore?"he bellowed menacinglyin her earloud enough foronly her tohear.

sogood', she thoughtto herself. AndMarcy was sosexy, bent overBud's crotch. Jeffersonslid his cockfrom his wife'scunt, and outfrom between thosenylon clad legs.

"...Followmy lead. Itis up tome to showthem your beauty."

** * **

No underwear. "Heh.Should have known."She reddened, andher breathing intensifiedas she droppedthe shorts toher ankles andstarted to stepout of them."No, no. Standstill."

I gotup and leftthe booth andwent to mynext class withthoughts filled ofacting like aslut. I couldn'twait to findout what wasin store forme in anhour. For theentire class time,I spent fantasizingabout him doingvery bad things to be. Idon't think Iheard a singleword Mrs. Karrysaid the entiretime. When itwas time, Imade my waydown to hischambers. I hadactually never beenin. My heartwas pattering andmy teeth werechattering. I walkedin and itwas a hugeroom. It wassquare about thesize of threeliving rooms long.It was wherea few ofthe holy mengathered to study.At the oppositeend of theroom, Mr. Johnsonwas sitting ata large desk,the only deskin the room,doing some paperwork. He didn'tnotice me. Overtowards where Iwas standing inthe very backof the roomwas a goodsized table wheretwo men werereading textbooks. Theywere all dressedin the sameget up, amonk like robethat looked allone piece ina nice lighttan. I mademy way downthe room toMr. Johnson.

He begana slow rhythm,gently rocking inand out ofme until Iwas writhing underhim. I feltthe pressure buildingagain, but thistime he letme go over.I guess Sadira was feeling leftout, because, whenshe heard mecoming, she cameover and undidmy corset, thenbent over tosuck on onenipple while caressingmy other breast.

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Becky is thebaby sitter forthe Wilson's. Theypay well, livein a largecomfortable house andhave an idyllicbaby. They treatBecky exceptionaly well,leaving refreshments forher to enjoyand often tipover the oddsif they stayout late. She'son to agood thing. Apartfrom Mr Wilson,the lecherous father,she had noreason to complain.Besides she knewhow to handlehis sort. Everythingseems perfect forher, but notquite. Like mostteenagers since startingcollege Becky foundmoney never wentanywhere so anyopportunity to earnsome pocket money was gratefully received.Of course, shedidn't have tospend money going out as shealways had agenerous date whopaid for mealsin lavish restaurants,admission to themost trendy clubsand as manydrink as shecould drink. Butlooking this goodwas expensive andthough she oftenpersuaded her morewealthy admirers totake her shoppingshe seemed tobe forever needingeveryday girly things like make-up, tightsand hair care products. Baby sittingwas that idealopportunity. It waseasy money, Sheloved the peaceand tranquillity shegot in theirhouse and iteven allowed herto catch upon her studying.Yet she stillstruggled at school.It wasn't thatBecky was stupidshe was farfrom that, shesimply didn't putin the time.Running a hecticsocial life didhave its disadvantageswhen you goout as muchas Becky. Sheneeds a gulliblestooge and you'reperfect. Intelligent, lovesick and blindto her intentions

"Ah,a woman aftermy own tastes."

"I want totouch your tits.I want tokiss them. Iwant to touchyou. I want..."Before I couldfinish she pushedher huge hard nipples into myface, they mashedagainst my teethand I suckedharder and harder.

"Determinedto weaken andundermine the newhybrid race, Jehovahsecretly cloned Adam and feminized theduplicate. He calledher 'Eve' andpresented her toAdam as agift. Trusting theGod, my dearbrother accepted thenew wife ashis 3rd. Tragically,that God haddecided to tamperwith her geneticmakeup so asto increase hernormal jealousy andpossessiveness to anobsessive, narcissistic, andparanoid extent. Shewanted Adam allto herself.

"Damn Sven,it's almost 1am already," Iyelled. "Bart willbe home soon,you are goingto have toleave."

She came hard and long, gaspingwith the pleasureof it asthe pain inher asshole mixedwith her ecstacy.


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