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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Exciting mom sex positions

"Stay aslong as youwant, whatever termsyou..."

I movedaround to myside of thecar, sat down,started it upand backed outof the drive.We turned ontothe street andhad just reached the first stopsign when Momasked, "Would youmind if Isat a littlecloser to you?"

Realizingwhat she justfelt, Jenn's lookof surprise Helpme! Buffy shriekedin her mind.

Keyarahraised an eyebrow."So how longdid you know?"She smiled cruellyat his lookof confusion. "Wasthat the reasonyou pursued merelentlessly? Because youknew I wasTristan's sister? Didyou want tobutter me upfirst before yougut punched melike you did?Or was itsome kind ofa test tosee how muchof your shitI would takebefore I gaveup? Because that'sexactly what happened.I gave up."

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I pushedthe hood back and looked intothe face ofa man. Hiseyes were glazedwith the hazeof death andhis skin wascold. When Ilet go ofhim, he fellback against thesteps and thecloak opened wide,exposing the emptyscabbard and thesword that belongedin it shoveddeeply between theman's ribs.

"Who areyou?" she asked,her soft voicequaking with fear."What did youhave to hitmy husband for?Can't you seethat he ismuch older andno threat toyou?" Her largebreasts heaved upand down---she wasclearly agitated. "Whatdo you want?"

"You'vebeen a verybad girl. Verybad. Maybe youneed to bepunished. What areyou willing todo to atone?"

"Probably."Brad swallowed asthe feeling ofher attentions started to run aroundhis body. "Itwas awesome, youholding me likethat. There wasnothing I coulddo to stopgetting hard. Ijust kept thinking about what youwould look likewithout that dress."

Dannythanked her graciously,then ran offto some unknowndestination. When hereturned, Jerry waswith him andthe pair hadboth donned matching leather jackets.

"I wasreally shocked, ofcourse, but Ihad burned myboats and whatwas I todo? I hadof course severalother interviews lined up, and Iwas confident thatmy current stateof 'availability' wasvery temporary. But'a friend' hadstrongly recommended Witherspoon Investments, and sohere I was.Cecil did notquestion any ofthis baloney. Hejust nodded. Itseemed like Iwas saying theright things.

"My Godyou're so wet."

Erichad always satisfiedher with hismassages, but thistime he hadgone beyond thetask. He hadwondered what thisevent might mean.Would he bepromoted from houseboyto chamber slave?What would happento Blayless, theLady's ebony lover?Had he performedbetter than Blayless?Eric felt hislap twitch ashe remembered whatit was likethe first timehe had enteredLady Shann's writhingbody. She wassoft and pliableon the outside,but a grinding,edgy inferno onthe inside. Herbody seemed togyrate around eachof his thrusts.His hands slippedunder her buttocksas he rammedinto her. Sheyelped and whimperedat each ofhis powerful jabs and it haddrove him insaneto move insideher.

"We werestill us." Daniellereached for anotherblueberry. "Taiyiha also,but still us."


His fingers sliding across my bodyas he undressesme. his mouthreplacing the fabricwith hot kisses,as it slipsfrom my body

"God, it's goodto see you,"she gasped. "Let'sget out ofhere, my car'sacross the street."

turned intoa smile, pleasantlysurprised at whatshe found. Shekissed Teri's cheek,hugged her andwhispered in herear, "don't worry.It's OK." Shethen blew alongthe ridges ofTeri's ear, makingher shake evenmore.

As he startedthe long strokesshe was beginningto enjoy thefeeling. Her cuntwas getting moistand let hiscock slide insmooth, rubbing herclit each timehe moved inor out. Shewrapped her armsand legs aroundhis big blackbody and triedto pull himdeeper into her.

"Sure.That's what Iread. You lickmy clit whileI suck Daddy dry, then I'llturn around andlick yours tillwe get off."

Ms.Gere approached thefront desk withme close behind.She asked thedesk clerk somethingin Chinese. Ihad no ideawhat they weresaying. Ms. Geresmiled approvingly andled me tothe elevator.


Thecentaur made somemore steps towardsthe man.

ToJack's surprise, Marygave him agentle double pat on the bottom.Mary passed onbetween Jack andJoan without lookingback at them,yet with adefinite smile onher face thatthey could notsee. Jack absent-mindedlyplaced his handon his rearwhere Mary hadpatted him andhe looked overto Joan. Joanreturned his wide-eyedlook, and simplyshrugged at himwith her littleside to sidewiggle. The onlyperson to openlylaugh was Karen,back in thehouse and ableto see allthree of themfrom the bedroomwindow.

Her pussy contracted around me. Herhands wandered overmy chest asshe rode meharder and harder.In spite ofmy promise Istarted to groanas I camenearer to coming.Her hand coveredmy mouth atthe final moment as I shoteverything I hadinside her warmpulsating grip.

The camerawasn't as closeor angled asit should've beento get agood shot. Itmade it seemsneaky and voyeuristic.Carlotta the officerwas shown playingwith and tastingmy sister's body.

Onceupon a time,in a tinykingdom far away,there lived aKing and Queen.Now King Brent was a handsomeman, a warriorstill in hisprime. Six feettall, tanned andfit from swordpractice, dirty-blonde hairhanging loose tohis shoulders andpiercing blue eyes looking out froma rugged face.Queen Gwen wasslightly shorter, astatuesque woman withraven black hair and sensual green eyes, who retainedher beauty andfigure even afterhaving three wonderfulchildren. But therewas a smallproblem in thisland of happiness.Lately the Queenhad been dissatisfiedwith the King'sinattention. They arguednow, and inone such argumenthe said hewas just tired of it alland wanted herto leave himalone. He thenmoved out oftheir suite intorooms of hisown, leaving herto an emptybed and lonelynights.


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